6 research outputs found

    Caractérisation moléculaire d'un extrait d'algues vertes, stimulateur des défenses des plantes contre les agents pathogÚnes

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    La capacitĂ© des plantes Ă  se dĂ©fendre contre les parasites dĂ©pend de la perception d'Ă©liciteurs qui induisent les dĂ©fenses des plantes. Afin de les utiliser comme mĂ©thode alternative pour contrĂŽler les maladies, il est nĂ©cessite d'identifier des sources abondantes et de caractĂ©riser leur activitĂ©. Au cours de ce travail, nous avons identifiĂ© un nouveau polysaccharide extrait d'algue verte, Ulva spp., et caractĂ©risĂ© son activitĂ© biologique. Les molĂ©cules prĂ©sentes dans l'extrait ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©parĂ©es par leur poids molĂ©culaire (PM). Seule la fraction de haut PM, qui contient essentiellement un polysaccharide sulfatĂ© appelĂ© ulvane, possĂšde une activitĂ©. Les effets des ulvanes sur le transcriptome de M. truncatula ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s Ă  ceux du mĂ©thyl jasmonate (MeJA) et de l'acibenzolar-S-methyl. La signature transcriptomique obtenue en rĂ©ponse aux ulvanes prĂ©sente de nombreuses similitudes Ă  celle obtenue en rĂ©ponse au MeJA. Ces deux traitements induisent des rĂ©ponses rĂ©gulĂ©es par la voie du JA telle que l'activation des inhibiteurs de protĂ©ases. L'expression de gĂšnes dĂ©pendants cette voie est aussi induite chez A. thaliana en rĂ©ponse aux ulvanes. Enfin, les ulvanes entraĂźnent une inhibition de la croissance in-vitro, qui est partiellement affectĂ©e chez le mutant PEPR2. L'efficacitĂ© protectrice de l'extrait brut a Ă©tĂ© testĂ©e contre divers parasites. Ainsi, il protĂšge contre les oomycetes et les champignons responsables, respectivement, d'oĂŻdium et de mildiou. Nos rĂ©sultats montrent que les ulvanes induisent les dĂ©fenses des plantes via la voie du JA et soulignent l'intĂ©rĂȘt des outils d'analyse transcriptomique pour identifier de nouveaux Ă©liciteurs capables de protĂ©ger les plantes.The ability of plants to defend themselves against pathogens depends on the perception of elicitors, which induce plant defence.They might be considered as alternative tools for disease control in agronomic crops. Their industrial use needs to identify abundant sources and characterize their activity. Here we report on the identification of a new polysaccharide purified from the green algae Ulva spp. and the characterization of it biological activity in plants. Molecules contained in the extract were sized-fractionated. Analyses of the fractions revealed that biological activity was present only in the fraction of high molecular weight which contained most exclusively a sulfated polysaccharide named ulvan. Response to ulvan were compared to those induced upon methyl jasmonate (MeJA) and acibenzolar-S-methyl on the legume M. truncatula using microarrays. Interestingly, ulvan gene expression signature showed significant similarity to MeJA and typical responses controlled by the JA pathway, such as induction of protease inhibitor activity. Expression of JA responsive genes, like PDF1.2, was also induced in A. thaliana after ulvan treatment. Ulvan provoked an inhibition of in-vitro growth, which was partially impaired in the mutant PEPR2. The efficient protection induced by the crude extract was tested against pathogens on various crops. So, it protect well against oomycetes and fungus that respectively cause downy and powdery mildews. Our results show that ulvan induces plant defences through the jasmonate signalling pathway and highlight the use of functional genomics to develop new bioactive compounds for plant protection

    Ulvan, a Sulfated Polysaccharide from Green Algae, Activates Plant Immunity through the Jasmonic Acid Signaling Pathway

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    The industrial use of elicitors as alternative tools for disease control needs the identification of abundant sources of them. We report on an elicitor obtained from the green algae Ulva spp. A fraction containing most exclusively the sulfated polysaccharide known as ulvan-induced expression of a GUS gene placed under the control of a lipoxygenase gene promoter. Gene expression profiling was performed upon ulvan treatments on Medicago truncatula and compared to phytohormone effects. Ulvan induced a gene expression signature similar to that observed upon methyl jasmonate treatment (MeJA). Involvement of jasmonic acid (JA) in ulvan response was confirmed by detecting induction of protease inhibitory activity and by hormonal profiling of JA, salicylic acid (SA) and abscisic acid (ABA). Ulvan activity on the hormonal pathway was further consolidated by using Arabidopsis hormonal mutants. Altogether, our results demonstrate that green algae are a potential reservoir of ulvan elicitor which acts through the JA pathway

    An Ulva armoricana extract protects plants against three powdery mildew pathogens

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    International audienceThe protective activity of a crude extract prepared from the green macroalga, Ulva armoricana, previously shown to induce plant defence responses, was evaluated on three plant species, common bean, grapevine and cucumber, cultivated in the greenhouse and inoculated with three powdery mildew pathogens Erysiphe polygoni, E. necator and Sphareotheca fuliginea respectively. Chemical analyses showed that the extract was enriched in ulvans, which are green algae polysaccharides essentially composed of uronic acid and sulphated rhamnose. Weekly applications were performed by spraying of the green algal extract at various dilutions on bean, grapevine and cucumber leaves. A significant effect (50% protection) was observed using a dilution corresponding to about 3 gl(-1) dry matter and up to 90% reduction of symptom severity was obtained for the highest concentration (1/9 dilution, 6 gl(-1) dry matter) for the three plant species. To study the natural variability of the protective activity, five extracts prepared from algae batches harvested at different year periods were evaluated. Although polysaccharide composition varied among batches, all extracts elicit a reporter gene regulated by a defence-gene promoter in a transgenic tobacco line, and protect cucumber plants against powdery mildew infection. Together, these data demonstrate that U. armoricana is a reproducible source of active compounds which can be used to efficiently protect crop plants against powdery mildew diseases


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