21 research outputs found

    The Cytoplasmic Location of Chicken Mx Is Not the Determining Factor for Its Lack of Antiviral Activity

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    Chicken Mx belongs to the Mx family of interferon-induced dynamin-like GTPases, which in some species possess potent antiviral properties. Conflicting data exist for the antiviral capability of chicken Mx. Reports of anti-influenza activity of alleles encoding an Asn631 polymorphism have not been supported by subsequent studies. The normal cytoplasmic localisation of chicken Mx may influence its antiviral capacity. Here we report further studies to determine the antiviral potential of chicken Mx against Newcastle disease virus (NDV), an economically important cytoplasmic RNA virus of chickens, and Thogoto virus, an orthomyxovirus known to be exquisitely sensitive to the cytoplasmic MxA protein from humans. We also report the consequences of re-locating chicken Mx to the nucleus.Chicken Mx was tested in virus infection assays using NDV. Neither the Asn631 nor Ser631 Mx alleles (when transfected into 293T cells) showed inhibition of virus-directed gene expression when the cells were subsequently infected with NDV. Human MxA however did show significant inhibition of NDV-directed gene expression. Chicken Mx failed to inhibit a Thogoto virus (THOV) minireplicon system in which the cytoplasmic human MxA protein showed potent and specific inhibition. Relocalisation of chicken Mx to the nucleus was achieved by inserting the Simian Virus 40 large T antigen nuclear localisation sequence (SV40 NLS) at the N-terminus of chicken Mx. Nuclear re-localised chicken Mx did not inhibit influenza (A/PR/8/34) gene expression during virus infection in cell culture or influenza polymerase activity in A/PR/8/34 or A/Turkey/50-92/91 minireplicon systems.The chicken Mx protein (Asn631) lacks inhibitory effects against THOV and NDV, and is unable to suppress influenza replication when artificially re-localised to the cell nucleus. Thus, the natural cytoplasmic localisation of the chicken Mx protein does not account for its lack of antiviral activity

    Drosophila SOCS36E negatively regulates JAK/STAT pathway signaling via two separable mechanisms

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    Conserved from humans to Drosophila, the Janus kinase/signal transducer and activators of transcription (JAK/STAT) signaling cascade is essential for multiple developmental and homeostatic processes, with regulatory molecules controlling pathway activity also highly conserved. We characterize the Drosophila JAK/STAT pathway regulator SOCS36E and show that it functions via two independent mechanisms. First, we show that Drosophila Elongin B/C and Cullin-5 act via the SOCS-box of SOCS36E to reduce pathway activity specifically in response to ligand stimulation—a process that involves endocytic trafficking and lysosomal degradation of the Domeless (Dome) receptor. Second, SOCS36E also suppresses both stimulated and basal pathway activity via an Elongin/Cullin-independent mechanism that is mediated by the N-terminus of SOCS36E, which is required for the physical interaction of SOCS36E with Dome. Although some human SOCS proteins contain N-terminal kinase-inhibitory domains, we do not identify such a region in SOCS36E and propose a model wherein the N-terminal of SOCS36E blocks access to tyrosine residues in Dome. Our biochemical analysis of a SOCS-family regulator from a lower organism highlights the fundamental conserved roles played by regulatory mechanisms in signal transduction