8 research outputs found

    The use of otolith strontium isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) to identify nursery habitat for a threatened estuarine fish

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    Nursery habitats are larval or juvenile habitats that disproportionately contribute individuals to adult populations of a species. Identifying and protecting such habitats is important to species conservation, yet evaluating the relative contributions of different larval habitats to adult fish populations has proven difficult at best. Otolith geochemistry is one available tool for reconstructing previous habitat use of adult fishes during the early life history, thus facilitating the identification of nursery habitats. In this study, we compared traditional catch surveys of larval-stage longfin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) occurring in habitats of different salinities to corresponding larval-stage salinity distributions of sub-adult/adult longfin smelt estimated using otolith geochemical techniques. This allowed us to evaluate the relative contribution of larvae from waters of various salinities to sub-adult/adult populations of longfin smelt. We used laser ablation MC-ICP-MS on otoliths and an empirically-derived relationship between strontium isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) of waters across the estuarine salinity gradient to reconstruct the larval salinity history of longfin smelt. Salinity values from the larval region of sub-adult/adult otoliths (corresponding to standard lengths of ca.10-mm) were compared to corresponding catch distribution of larval longfin smelt (≤ 10-mm) from 4 year-classes (1999, 2000, 2003 and 2006) in the San Francisco Estuary spanning a period when the population underwent a dramatic decline. Though the catch distribution of larval-stage longfin smelt was centered around 4-ppt and did not vary significantly among years, salinity distributions of sub-adult/adult were lower and narrower (ca. 2-ppt), suggesting that low-salinity habitats disproportionally contributed more recruits relative to both freshwater and brackish water habitats and, therefore, may function as important nursery areas. Furthermore, the relative importance of the low salinity zone (ca. 2-ppt) to successful recruitment appeared greatest in years following the longfin smelt population decline. Our results indicate that otolith strontium isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) are a powerful tool for identifying nursery habitats for estuarine fishes

    Implications of geometric plasticity for maximizing photosynthesis in branching corals

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    Reef-building corals are an example of plastic photosynthetic organisms that occupy environments of high spatiotemporal variations in incident irradiance. Many phototrophs use a range of photoacclimatory mechanisms to optimize light levels reaching the photosynthetic units within the cells. In this study, we set out to determine whether phenotypic plasticity in branching corals across light habitats optimizes potential light utilization and photosynthesis. In order to do this, we mapped incident light levels across coral surfaces in branching corals and measured the photosynthetic capacity across various within-colony surfaces. Based on the field data and modelled frequency distribution of within-colony surface light levels, our results show that branching corals are substantially self-shaded at both 5 and 18 m, and the modal light level for the within-colony surface is 50 ÎĽmol photons m s. Light profiles across different locations showed that the lowest attenuation at both depths was found on the inner surface of the outermost branches, while the most self-shading surface was on the bottom side of these branches. In contrast, vertically extended branches in the central part of the colony showed no differences between the sides of branches. The photosynthetic activity at these coral surfaces confirmed that the outermost branches had the greatest change in sun- and shade-adapted surfaces; the inner surfaces had a 50 % greater relative maximum electron transport rate compared to the outer side of the outermost branches. This was further confirmed by sensitivity analysis, showing that branch position was the most influential parameter in estimating whole-colony relative electron transport rate (rETR). As a whole, shallow colonies have double the photosynthetic capacity compared to deep colonies. In terms of phenotypic plasticity potentially optimizing photosynthetic capacity, we found that at 18 m, the present coral colony morphology increased the whole-colony rETR, while at 5 m, the colony morphology decreased potential light utilization and photosynthetic output. This result of potential energy acquisition being underutilized in shallow, highly lit waters due to the shallow type morphology present may represent a trade-off between optimizing light capture and reducing light damage, as this type morphology can perhaps decrease long-term costs of and effect of photoinhibition. This may be an important strategy as opposed to adopting a type morphology, which results in an overall higher energetic acquisition. Conversely, it could also be that maximizing light utilization and potential photosynthetic output is more important in low-light habitats for Acropora humilis

    Geographic distribution and ecophysiological adaptations of desmids (Zygnematophyceae, Streptophyta) in relation to PAR, UV radiation and temperature: a review

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