111 research outputs found

    An instability of unitary quantum dynamics

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    Instabilities of equilibrium quantum mechanics are common and well-understood. They are manifested for example in phase transitions, where a quantum system becomes so sensitive to perturbations that a symmetry can be spontaneously broken. Here, we consider the possibility that the time evolution governing quantum dynamics may be similarly subject to an instability, at which its unitarity spontaneously breaks down owing to an extreme sensitivity towards perturbations. We find that indeed such an instability exists, and we explore its immediate consequences. Interpretations of the results both in terms of extreme sensitivity to the influence of environmental degrees of freedom, and in terms of a possible fundamental violation of unitarity are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures; Conference proceedings DICE 201

    Quantum Dynamics in the Thermodynamic Limit

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    The description of spontaneous symmetry breaking that underlies the connection between classically ordered objects in the thermodynamic limit and their individual quantum mechanical building blocks is one of the cornerstones of modern condensed matter theory and has found applications in many different areas of physics. The theory of spontaneous symmetry breaking however, is inherently an equilibrium theory, which does not address the dynamics of quantum systems in the thermodynamic limit. Here, we will use the example of a particular antiferromagnetic model system to show that the presence of a so-called thin spectrum of collective excitations with vanishing energy -one of the well-known characteristic properties shared by all symmetry-breaking objects- can allow these objects to also spontaneously break time-translation symmetry in the thermodynamic limit. As a result, that limit is found to be able, not only to reduce quantum mechanical equilibrium averages to their classical counterparts, but also to turn individual-state quantum dynamics into classical physics. In the process, we find that the dynamical description of spontaneous symmetry breaking can also be used to shed some light on the possible origins of Born's rule. We conclude by describing an experiment on a condensate of exciton polaritons which could potentially be used to experimentally test the proposed mechanism.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures; typos corrected, references updated, minor changes in tex

    Comment on "Charge-parity symmetry observed through Friedel oscillations in chiral charge-density waves" by J. Ishioka et al

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    In their publication [Phys. Rev B, 84, 245125 (2011)], Ishioka et al. discuss the recently discovered chiral charge density wave state in 1T-TiSe2 in terms of a parameter H_CDW, whose sign is suggested to correspond to the handedness of the chiral order. Here we point out that H_CDW, as defined by Ishioka et al., cannot be used to characterize chirality in that way. An alternative measure of chirality for the specific case of 1T-TiSe2 is suggested

    Optical Gyrotropy and the Nonlocal Hall Effect in Chiral Charge Ordered TiSe2_2

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    It has been suggested that materials which break spatial inversion symmetry, but not time reversal symmetry, will be optically gyrotropic and display a nonlocal Hall effect. The associated optical rotary power and the suggested possibility of inducing a Kerr effect in such materials, in turn are central to recent discussions about the nature of the pseudogap phases of various cuprate high-temperature superconductors. In this letter, we show that optical gyrotropy and the nonlocal Hall effect provide a sensitive probe of broken inversion symmetry in 1T1T-TiSe2_2. This material was recently found to possess a chiral charge ordered phase at low temperatures, in which inversion symmetry is spontaneously broken, while time reversal symmetry remains unbroken throughout its phase diagram. We estimate the magnitude of the resulting gyrotropic constant and optical rotary power and suggest that 1T1T-TiSe2_2 may be employed as a model material in the interpretation of recent Kerr effect measurements in cuprate superconductors.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Charge Ordering Geometries in Uniaxially-Strained NbSe2_2

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    Recent STM experiments reveal niobium diselenide to support domains of striped (1Q) charge order side-by-side with its better-known triangular (3Q) phase, suggesting that small variations in local strain may induce a quantum phase transition between the two. We use a theoretical model of the charge order in NbSe2_2, based on a strong momentum- and orbital-dependent electron-phonon coupling, to study the effect of uniaxial strain. We find that as little as 0.1%0.1\% anisotropic shift in phonon energies breaks the threefold symmetry in favor of a 1Q state, in agreement with the experimental results. The altered symmetries change the transition into the ordered state from weakly-first-order in the 3Q case, to second order in the 1Q regime. Modeling the pseudogap phase of NbSe2_2 as the range of temperatures above the onset of long-range order in which phase coherence is destroyed by local phonon fluctuations, we find a shortening of the local ordering wavevector with increasing temperature, complementing recent X-ray diffraction observations within the low-temperature phase.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Conditions for superdecoherence

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    Decoherence is the main obstacle to quantum computation. The decoherence rate per qubit is typically assumed to be constant. It is known, however, that quantum registers coupling to a single reservoir can show a decoherence rate per qubit that increases linearly with the number of qubits. This effect has been referred to as superdecoherence, and has been suggested to pose a threat to the scalability of quantum computation. Here, we show that superdecoherence is absent when the spectrum of the single reservoir is continuous, rather than discrete. The reason of this absence, is that, as the number of qubits is increased, a quantum register inevitably becomes susceptible to an ever narrower bandwidth of frequencies in the reservoir. Furthermore, we show that for superdecoherence to occur in a reservoir with a discrete spectrum, one of the frequencies in the reservoir has to coincide exactly with the frequency the quantum register is most susceptible to. We thus fully resolve the conditions that determine the presence or absence of superdecoherence. We conclude that superdecoherence is easily avoidable in practical realizations of quantum computers.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, quantum journal accepted versio

    Dynamical fidelity susceptibility of decoherence-free subspaces

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    In idealized models of a quantum register and its environment, quantum information can be stored indefinitely by encoding it into a decoherence-free subspace (DFS). Nevertheless, perturbations to the idealized register-environment coupling will cause decoherence in any realistic setting. Expanding a measure for state preservation, the dynamical fidelity, in powers of the strength of the perturbations, we prove stability to linear order is a generic property of quantum state evolution. The effect of noise perturbation is quantified by a concise expression for the strength of the quadratic, leading order, which we define as the dynamical fidelity susceptibility of DFSs. Under the physical restriction that noise acts on the register kk-locally, this susceptibility is bounded from above by a polynomial in the system size. These general results are illustrated by two physically relevant examples. Knowledge of the susceptibility can be used to increase coherence times of future quantum computers.Comment: 10 pages, 0 figures, corrected typos, section added, changed notatio

    Observing the Spontaneous Breakdown of Unitarity

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    During the past decade, the experimental development of being able to create ever larger and heavier quantum superpositions has brought the discussion of the connection between microscopic quantum mechanics and macroscopic classical physics back to the forefront of physical research. Under equilibrium conditions this connection is in fact well understood in terms of the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking, while the emergence of classical dynamics can be described within an ensemble averaged description in terms of decoherence. The remaining realm of individual-state quantum dynamics in the thermodynamic limit was addressed in a recent paper proposing that the unitarity of quantum mechanical time evolution in macroscopic objects may be susceptible to a spontaneous breakdown. Here we will discuss the implications of this theory of spontaneous unitarity breaking for the modern experiments involving truly macroscopic Schrodinger cat states.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    Charge Order in NbSe2_2

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    We develop in detail a model of the charge order in NbSe2_2 deriving from a strong electron-phonon coupling dependent on the ingoing and outgoing electron momenta as well as the electronic orbitals scattered between. Including both dependencies allows us to reproduce the full range of available experimental observations on this material. The stability of both experimentally-observed charge-ordered geometries (1Q and 3Q) is studied within this model as a function of temperature and uniaxial strain. It is found that a small amount of bulk strain suffices to stabilize the unidirectional order, and that in both ordering geometries, lattice fluctuations arising from the strong electron-phonon coupling act to suppress the onset temperature of charge order, giving a pseudogap regime characterized by local order and strong phase fluctuations.Comment: 18 pages, 22 figure

    Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Decoherence in Superconductors

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    We show that superconductors have a thin spectrum associated with spontaneous symmetry breaking similar to that of antiferromagnets, while still being in full agreement with Elitzur's theorem, which forbids the spontaneous breaking of local (gauge) symmetries. This thin spectrum in the superconductors consists of in-gap states that are associated with the spontaneous breaking of a global phase symmetry. In qubits based on mesoscopic superconducting devices, the presence of the thin spectrum implies a maximum coherence time which is proportional to the number of Cooper pairs in the device. Here we present the detailed calculations leading up to these results and discuss the relation between spontaneous symmetry breaking in superconductors and the Meissner effect, the Anderson-Higgs mechanism and the Josephson effect. Whereas for the Meissner effect a symmetry breaking of the phase of the superconductor is not required, it is essential for the Josephson effect.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; corrected typo
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