1 research outputs found

    Mouse retina extracellular receptor-ligand biochemical screen

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    Biochemical screen for extracellular receptor-ligand interactions in the developing mouse retina. The extracellular domain (ECD) region of 126 cell surface or secreted proteins were tested for pairwise binding in a matrix. ECDs along the x-axis were C-terminally fused to the Fc region of human IgG1. ECDs along the y-axis were C-terminally fused to alkaline phosphatase (AP). Proteins were tested for binding using a high-throughput, ELISA-based binding assay. In this assay, ECD-AP receptor protein is captured on an ELISA plate using an anti-AP antibody. Binding of ECD-Fc ligand protein to the ECD-AP receptor protein is detected by inclusion of an anti-Fc antibody conjugated to HRP. HRP activity is measured using O.D. 650 nm one hour following addition of substrate. Raw data values are reported