98 research outputs found

    Anderson Data Set

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    Anderson Data Se

    Reconstruction of the skull of <i>Brachydectes newberryi</i>.

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    <p><b>A</b>, lateral view; <b>B</b>, dorsal view; <b>C</b>, palatal view. Image not to scale.</p

    External skull morphology of <i>Brachydectes newberryi</i> KUVP 49541, rendered from μCT.

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    <p><b>A</b>, dorsal view; <b>B</b>, anterior view; <b>C</b>, right lateral view; <b>D</b>, occipital view; <b>E</b>, palatal view, with lower jaws removed. Scale bar equals 5 mm. Abbreviations: <b>ang</b>, angular; <b>ap</b>, median ascending process of supraoccipital; <b>bo</b>, basioccipital; <b>cbic</b>, foramen serving the cerebral branch of the internal carotid artery; <b>ch</b>, choana; <b>d</b>, dentary; <b>en</b>, external naris; <b>eo</b>, exoccipital; <b>eoc</b>, exoccipital condyle; <b>fm</b>, foramen magnum; <b>lac</b>, lacrimal; <b>mf</b>, mandibular fenestra; <b>mx</b>, maxilla; <b>op</b>, opisthotic; <b>pal</b>, palatine; <b>pmx</b>, premaxilla; <b>porp</b>, postorbital process; <b>ppl</b>, postparietal lappet; <b>preart</b>, prearticular; <b>prf</b>, prefrontal; <b>psph</b>, parasphenoid; <b>pt</b>, pterygoid; <b>q</b>, quadrate; <b>qsp</b>, stapedial process of quadrate; <b>qtr</b>, trochlea of quadrate; <b>rap</b>, retroarticular process; <b>sa</b>, surangular; <b>so</b>, supraoccipital; <b>sq</b>, squamosal; <b>sqpf</b>, posterior flange of squamosal; <b>t</b>, tabular; <b>v</b>, vomer. Scale bar equals 1 cm.</p

    Braincase morphology of <i>Bracydectes newberryi</i> UNSM 32149, 3D renders segmented from μCT.

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    <p><b>A</b>, dorsal view; <b>B</b>, left anterolateral view; <b>C</b>, left lateral view; <b>D</b>, occipital view; <b>E</b>, right lateral view; <b>F</b>, left posterolateral view; <b>G</b>, ventral view. Scale bar equals 5 mm. Abbreviations: <b>ap</b>, median ascending process of the supraoccipital; <b>bo</b>, basioccipital; <b>crbo</b>, conical recess of the basioccipital; <b>eo</b>, exoccipital; <b>eoc</b>, exoccipital condyle; <b>fm</b>, foramen magnum; <b>fme</b>, foramen metoticum; <b>hf</b>, hypophyseal fossa; <b>lap</b>, lateral ascending process of the supraoccipital; <b>mcv</b>, foramen serving the middle cerebral vein; <b>n.I</b>, foramen serving the olfactory nerve; <b>n.V</b>, foramen serving the trigeminal nerve (undivided); <b>n.VII</b>, foramen serving facial nerve; <b>n.XIII</b>, foramen serving hypoglossal nerve; <b>op</b>, opisthotic; <b>os</b>, orbitosphenoid; <b>pa</b>, pila antotica; <b>po</b>, prootic; <b>pop</b>, paroccipital process; <b>psph</b>, parasphenoid; <b>psphe</b>, presphenoid; <b>so</b>, supraoccipital.</p

    Left otic endocast of <i>Brachydectes newberryi</i>, KUVP 49541, rendered from μCT.

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    <p><b>A</b>, left lateral view; <b>B</b>, medial view; <b>C</b>, dorsal view. Scale equals 5 mm. Abbreviations: <b>aasc</b>, ampulla of the anterior semicircular canal; <b>amhsc</b>, ampulla of horizontal semicircular canal; <b>asc</b>, anterior semicircular canal; <b>ds</b>, dorsal sulcus; <b>fo</b>, surface of fenestra vestibularis; <b>hsc</b>, horizontal semicircular canal; <b>lag</b>, fossa accommodating lagena; <b>mcv</b>, passage of middle cerebral vein; <b>psc</b>, posterior semicircular canal; <b>stym</b>, fossa possibly accommodating the scala tympani,</p

    Rendered μCT volumes of selected elements of the axial skeleton of <i>Brachydectes newberryi</i>.

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    <p><b>A-B</b>, dorsal vertebrae and ribs of a small specimen of <i>Brachydectes newberryi</i>, DMNH 51121, left lateral view; <b>A</b>, volume render; <b>B</b>, interpretive drawing; <b>C</b>, external and <b>D</b>, internal, view of four dorsal ribs of the largest specimen of <i>Brachydectes newberryi</i>, UNSM 32149. Abbreviations: <b>al</b>, rib alae; <b>na</b>, neural arch; <b>pl</b>, pleurocentra; <b>r</b>, rib. Scale bar equals 1 cm.</p

    Cranial endocast of <i>Brachydectes newberryi</i>, KUVP 49541, rendered from μCT.

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    <p><b>A-B</b>, position of cranial endocast within complete skull, <b>A</b>, dorsal view; <b>B</b>, lateral view; <b>C</b>, endocast in dorsal view; <b>D</b>, endocast in right lateral view; <b>E</b>, endocast in left lateral view; <b>F</b>, endocast in ventral view; <b>G</b>, endocast in endocast in left posteroventral oblique view; <b>H</b>, left anteroventral oblique view. Scale equals 5 mm. Abbreviations: <b>cbic</b>, passage of the cerebral branch of the internal carotid artery; <b>fme</b>, passage of the foramen metopticum; <b>hsc</b>, horizontal semicircular canal; <b>hyp</b>, hypophyseal fossa; <b>lag</b>, fossa enclosing lagena; <b>mcv</b>, passage serving middle cerebral vein; <b>n.I</b>, passage of the olfactory nerve; <b>n.II</b>, passage of the optic nerve; <b>n.V</b>, passage of the trigeminal nerve; <b>n.VI</b>, passage of the facial nerve; <b>n.XII</b>, passage of the hypoglossal nerve; <b>psc</b>, posterior semicircular canal;; <b>stym</b>, fossa possibly accommodating scala tympani; <b>ut</b>, utricular fossa.</p

    Braincase morphology of <i>Brachydectes newberryi</i>, DMNH 521121, 3D renders segmented from μCT.

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    <p><b>A</b>, left lateral view; <b>B</b>, right medial view; <b>C</b>, ventral view; <b>D</b>, dorsal view; <b>E</b>, posterior view. Scale bar equals 5 mm. Abbreviations: <b>bo</b>, basioccipital; <b>eo</b>, exoccipital; <b>eoc</b>, exoccipital condyle; <b>fme</b>, foramen metoticum; <b>n.V</b>, foramen serving the trigeminal nerve (undivided); <b>n.XII</b>, foramen serving the hypoglossal nerve; <b>op</b>, opisthotic; <b>os</b>, orbitosphenoid; <b>pa</b>, pila antotica; <b>po</b>, prootic; <b>psph</b>, parasphenoid; <b>so</b>, supraoccipital.</p

    Selected otic elements of the left otic capsule of <i>Brachydectes newberryi</i>, UNSM 32149, in medial view.

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    <p>Scale bar equals 1 mm. Abbreviations: <b>amascc</b>, fossa enclosing ampulla of the anterior semicircular canal; <b>ascc</b>, sulcus for anterior semicircular canal; <b>crint</b>, crista interfenestralis; <b>fme</b>, foramen metoticum; <b>hscc</b>, sulcus for horizontal semicircular canal; <b>lr</b>, lagenar recess; <b>op</b>, opisthotic; <b>po</b>, prootic.</p

    Braincase of <i>Brachydectes newberryi</i>, KUVP 49541, 3D renders segmented from μCT.

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    <p><b>A</b>, dorsal view; <b>B</b>, anterior view; <b>C</b>, left lateral view; <b>D</b>, left anterolateral view; <b>E</b>, ventral view; <b>F</b>, occipital view. Scale bar equals 5 mm. Abbreviations: <b>ap</b>, median ascending process of the supraoccipital; <b>bo</b>, basioccipital; <b>boc</b>, basioccipital cotyle; <b>bptp</b>, basipterygoid process of parasphenoid; <b>cbic</b>, path of the cerebral branch of the internal carotid artery; <b>cp</b>, cultriform process of the parasphenoid; <b>crbo</b>, conical recess of the basioccipital; <b>eo</b>, exoccipital; <b>eoc</b>, exoccipital condyle; <b>fenv</b>, fenestra vestibularis; <b>fm</b>, foramen magnum; <b>fme</b>, foramen metoticum; <b>hf</b>, hypophyseal fossa; <b>mcv</b>, foramen serving middle cerebral vein; <b>n.I</b>, foramen serving olfactory nerve; <b>n.II</b>, foramen serving optic nerve; <b>n.V</b>, foramen serving trigeminal nerve (undivided); <b>n.VII</b>, foramen serving facial nerve; <b>n.XII</b>, foramen serving hypoglossal nerve; <b>op</b>, opisthotic; <b>os</b>, orbitosphenoid; <b>pa</b>, pila antotica; <b>pbic</b>, sulci serving the palatal branch of the internal carotid artery; <b>po</b>, prootic; <b>psph</b>, parasphenoid; <b>psphe</b>, presphenoid; <b>so</b>, supraoccipital; <b>vs</b>, vidian sulcus.</p
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