10 research outputs found

    Coral Colonisation of an Artificial Reef in a Turbid Nearshore Environment, Dampier Harbour, Western Australia

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    A 0.6 hectare artificial reef of local rock and recycled concrete sleepers was constructed in December 2006 at Parker Point in the industrial port of Dampier, western Australia, with the aim of providing an environmental offset for a nearshore coral community lost to land reclamation. Corals successfully colonised the artificial reef, despite the relatively harsh environmental conditions at the site (annual water temperature range 18-32°C, intermittent high turbidity, frequent cyclones, frequent nearby ship movements). Coral settlement to the artificial reef was examined by terracotta tile deployments, and later stages of coral community development were examined by in-situ visual surveys within fixed 25 x 25 cm quadrats on the rock and concrete substrates. Mean coral density on the tiles varied from 113 ± 17 SE to 909 ± 85 SE per m2 over five deployments, whereas mean coral density in the quadrats was only 6.0 ± 1.0 SE per m2 at eight months post construction, increasing to 24.0 ± 2.1 SE per m2 at 62 months post construction. Coral taxa colonising the artificial reef were a subset of those on the surrounding natural reef, but occurred in different proportions-Pseudosiderastrea tayami, Mycedium elephantotus and Leptastrea purpurea being disproportionately abundant on the artificial reef. Coral cover increased rapidly in the later stages of the study, reaching 2.3 ± 0.7 SE % at 62 months post construction. This study indicates that simple materials of opportunity can provide a suitable substrate for coral recruitment in Dampier Harbour, and that natural colonisation at the study site remains sufficient to initiate a coral community on artificial substrate despite ongoing natural and anthropogenic perturbations. © 2013 Blakeway et al

    Thermal ecology and life history variation in low and high altitude populations of the Southern Water Skink, Eulamprus tympanum

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    Submitted in total fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the Department of Zoology, School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering, La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia.</p

    Percentage composition of corals settling on tiles at the artificial reef (AR) and natural reef (NR) in the five deployments undertaken from 2008 to 2011/12.

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    <p>Percentage composition of corals settling on tiles at the artificial reef (AR) and natural reef (NR) in the five deployments undertaken from 2008 to 2011/12.</p

    General location map of Dampier Harbour, Western Australia (A).

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    <p>Areas of coastal development are shaded in grey, including wharves, jetties, causeways, processing plants and stockpiles. Enlargement of the study area (B), showing the location and configuration of the artificial reef, the nine subsites on the reef, and a nearby natural reef site where water quality and coral community composition data were collected. Subsites on the artificial reef are named according to their aspect (S = seaward, L = landward), substrate (R = rock, C = concrete) and location (1, 2 and 3 = west, central, east). Quadrat surveys were undertaken at all nine subsites. Tile deployments were undertaken at the six rock substrate subsites, and six subsites at the natural reef site.</p

    Mean ± SE coral density on horizontal (H) and vertical (V) surfaces across the nine subsites on the artificial reef in February 2012.

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    <p>See <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0075281#pone-0075281-g001" target="_blank">Figure 1B</a> for subsite locations.</p

    Mean ± SE coral density over time on the landward rock (LR) and concrete substrates of the artificial reef.

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    <p>Seaward rock substrates were not included in this figure because there is no corresponding concrete substrate on the seaward side of the reef.</p

    Variation in coral settlement density on tiles at the artificial reef 2008-2012: SR – seaward sites, rock substrate LR – landward sites, rock substrate.

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    <p>Variation in coral settlement density on tiles at the artificial reef 2008-2012: SR – seaward sites, rock substrate LR – landward sites, rock substrate.</p

    Water temperature at the natural reef site, February 2008 to February 2010 (see Figure 1 for location).

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    <p>Water temperature at the natural reef site, February 2008 to February 2010 (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0075281#pone-0075281-g001" target="_blank">Figure 1</a> for location).</p

    Mean ± SE coral cover (all subsites combined) on the Artificial Reef between 2007 and 2012.

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    <p>Mean ± SE coral cover (all subsites combined) on the Artificial Reef between 2007 and 2012.</p