14 research outputs found

    Pearson correlations across 379 local authorities between median weekly gross income and the subscales of the self-report inventory as well as the performance scores from the listening tests.

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    <p><i>Footnote</i>. Pearson’s correlation coefficients and adjusted R<sup>2</sup> values from a linear regression model having only weekly income (in addition to an intercept) as predictor. *indicates a p-level of <.05 and ** a level of <.01.</p

    Structural equation model demonstrating the influence of self-reported general musical sophistication on the performance on the objective listening tasks.

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    <p>Structural equation model demonstrating the influence of self-reported general musical sophistication on the performance on the objective listening tasks.</p

    Correlations between subscales from MEQ and Gold-MSI.

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    <p>Footnote. Values of Pearson’s correlation coefficient are reported for correlations between the six dimensions (rows) of the Music Experience Questionnaire (MEQ) and the 5+1 dimensions of the Gold-MSI. * indicates a p-level of <.05 and ** a level of <.01.</p

    Variable importance according to random forest model.

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    <p><i>Footnote.</i> Numerical values represent % increase in mean squared error if variable is omitted from model and hence higher values mean greater importance. Note that the model predicting general musical sophistication did not use the subscale scores for music training and active engagement.</p

    Conditional inference regression tree modelling accuracy scores (percentage scale from 0 to 100 where 50 indicates chance level) in the melody memory task using self-reported musical training and variables of socio-economic status as predictors.

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    <p>Conditional inference regression tree modelling accuracy scores (percentage scale from 0 to 100 where 50 indicates chance level) in the melody memory task using self-reported musical training and variables of socio-economic status as predictors.</p

    Correlations between sub-scales of the self-report inventory and performance on the two listening tests.

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    <p>Footnote. Sample sizes differed slightly between bivariate correlations from the online sample and ranged from n = 136,924 to n = 139,062. Sample size for the test-retest sample was n = 34.</p

    Correlations between ‘Big Five’ personality traits as measured by the TIPI and Eysenck’s Extraversion scale and the subscales of the Gold-MSI self-report inventory.

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    <p>Footnote. For all correlations n = 224, except for those involving Singing Abilities, where n = 161 due to a technical error. Means and standard deviations of the summed personality scores (range TIPI: 2–14, range Eysenck: 0–12) are also given. * indicates a p-level of <.05 and ** a level of <.01.</p

    Summary statistics and indicators of reliability for Gold-MSI subscales and general musical sophistication factor (n = 147,633).

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    <p>Summary statistics and indicators of reliability for Gold-MSI subscales and general musical sophistication factor (n = 147,633).</p

    Conditional inference regression tree modelling accuracy scores (percentage scale from 0 to 100 where 50 indicates chance level) in the beat perception task using self-reported musical training, active engagement, and variables of socio-economic status as predictors.

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    <p>Conditional inference regression tree modelling accuracy scores (percentage scale from 0 to 100 where 50 indicates chance level) in the beat perception task using self-reported musical training, active engagement, and variables of socio-economic status as predictors.</p