7 research outputs found


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    Supplementary Methods and Results4.pdf. Supplementary Methods: Survey Administration: Additional details about how the surveys were administered. Supplementary Results: Clinician Feedback: The results of the clinician survey in Additional file 3 show that clinicians perceive higher patient comfort when using a live interpreter. (PDF 61 kb

    Dicamba air concentrations in eastern Arkansas and impact on soybean

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    Damage to non–dicamba resistant (non-DR) soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] has been frequent in geographies where dicamba-resistant (DR) soybean and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) have been grown and sprayed with the herbicide in recent years. Off-target movement field trials were conducted in northwest Arkansas to determine the relationship between dicamba concentration in the air and the extent of symptomology on non-DR soybean. Additionally, the frequency and concentration of dicamba in air samples at two locations in eastern Arkansas and environmental conditions that impacted the detection of the herbicide in air samples were evaluated. Treatment applications included dicamba at 560 g ae ha−1 (1X rate), glyphosate at 860 g ae ha−1, and particle drift retardant at 1% v/v applied to 0.37-ha fields with varying degrees of vegetation. The relationship between dicamba concentration in air samples and non-DR soybean response to the herbicide was more predictive with visible injury (generalized R 2 = 0.82) than height reduction (generalized R 2 = 0.43). The predicted dicamba air concentration resulting in 10% injury to soybean was 1.60 ng m−3 d−1 for a single exposure. The predicted concentration from a single exposure to dicamba resulting in a 10% height reduction was 3.78 ng m−3 d−1. Dicamba was frequently detected in eastern Arkansas, and daily detections above 1.60 ng m−3 occurred 17 times in the period sampled. The maximum concentration of dicamba recorded was 7.96 ng m−3 d−1, while dicamba concentrations at Marianna and Keiser, AR, were ≄1 ng m−3 d−1 in six samples collected in 2020 and 22 samples in 2021. Dicamba was detected consistently in air samples collected, indicating high usage in the region and the potential for soybean damage over an extended period. More research is needed to quantify the plant absorption rate of volatile dicamba and to evaluate the impact of multiple exposures of gaseous dicamba on non-targeted plant species

    Size- and Ligand-Dependent Transport of Nanoparticles in Matricaria chamomilla as Demonstrated by Mass Spectroscopy and X-ray Fluorescence Imaging

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    Matricaria chamomilla flowers were incubated with gold nanoparticles of different sizes ranging from 1.4 to 94 nm. After different incubation times of 6, 12, 24, and 48 h, the gold distribution in the flowers was destructively measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and non-destructively measured by X-ray fluorescence imaging (XFI) with high lateral resolution. As a control, the biodistribution of iodine ions or iodine-containing organic molecules (iohexol) was determined, in order to demonstrate the feasibility of mapping the distribution of several elements in parallel. The results show a clear size-dependent transport of the nanoparticles. In addition, the surface chemistry also plays a decisive role in disposition. Only the 1.6 nm nanoparticles coated with acetylcysteine could be efficiently transported through the stem of the flowers into the petals. In this case, almost 80% of the nanoparticles which were found within each flower were located in the petals. The study also highlights the potential of XFI for in situ recording of in vivo analyte biodistribution