2 research outputs found


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    Drug abuse among the youth in Zimbabwe has reached crisis levels, and the number of youths engaging in drug abuse is increasing yearly. The purpose of this study was analysing the response, and efforts made by the Government of Zimbabwe, and its stakeholders, civic organizations, and the Zimbabwean community to addressing the problem of drug abuse by the youth in the country. The study used a qualitative research method, in the form of desk research by analyzing secondary data in the form of books, peer-reviewed articles, and relevant websites. Findings from the study showed that the Zimbabwean Government, and its stakeholders, civic organizations, and the community have in place strategies for drug abuse rehabilitation, and prevention in Zimbabwe; however, the problem of drug abuse is recurring and increasing among the youth population. The study also found out that, though the church plays a significant role in addressing social issues, and a voice, listened to in the community; there is no Psycho- Christian based rehabilitation module for youth drug abusers in Zimbabwe. The study concluded that there is a need to widen intervention programs for youth drug abusers in Zimbabwe. The study recommends for future studies to look into the idea of establishing a Christian based rehabilitation module for youth drug abusers in Zimbabwe, to support the youth drug abusers in recovery and quitting

    Three Major Interrelated Factors Contributing to Homelessness Issue among Former Prisoners in Malaysia

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    Homelessness issue among former prisoners in Malaysia upon their release is of great concern. Hence, this study aimed to identify the predominant factors influencing homelessness issue among former prisoners in Malaysia. Imprisonment is usually assumed to be a negative life event and can act as a hindrance for the former prisoner to successfully integrate after being freed from prison. Imprisonment and past criminal records are the biggest contributors to becoming homeless. This is a fact because imprisonment causes the former prisoners to lose his source of income, personal belongings, ability to seek shelter and personal relationships due to family rejection, addiction and unemployment. This study was based on the Ecological Model of Homeless by Nooe and Patterson. The selection of this model was considered appropriate and aligned with the objectives of the study which aimed to identify the factors that lead to the life of the homeless among former prisoners. In this study, nineteen former prisoners, regardless of the type of offence committed, were selected using the snowball sampling method and were interviewed. The findings revealed that family denial, unemployment, and drug addiction were the three major interrelated factors that contribute to the homelessness issue among the former prisoners during their reintegration process. Housing security is a risk factor of homelessness