2 research outputs found

    Konzervirana morska riba na srpskome tržištu: razine cinka, bakra i željeza i njihov doprinos dnevnom unosu ovih esencijalnih metala

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    The aim of this study was to determine the levels of Zn, Cu, and Fe in three canned fish species marketed Serbia to see if they meet recommended daily intake requirements or exceed safety limits. We collected a total of 207 samples of canned tuna, sardine, and mackerel, in oil or tomato sauce and analysed them with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) after acid digestion. The highest levels were obtained for Zn (15.1 mg kg-1) and Cu (1.37 mg kg-1) in sardine in oil and tomato sauce, respectively, and for Fe (18.98 mg kg-1) in mackerel in tomato sauce. Our results keep within the ranges reported by several national food databases and available literature data, with a few exceptions. Our findings also single out canned sardines as the richest source of the three essential elements combined. The estimated daily intake (EDI) of the three essential elements, however, was subpar, and ranged between 0.14 % and 0.72 % of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for Zn, Cu, and Fe.Cilj ovoga rada bio je utvrditi razinu cinka, bakra i željeza u trima vrstama ribljih konzervi sa srpskoga tržišta kako bi se ustanovilo zadovoljavaju li zahtjeve za preporučenim dnevnim unosom, ili pak prekoračuju sigurnosne granice. Sadržaj esencijalnih elemenata utvrđen je u ukupno 207 uzoraka konzerve tune, sardine i skuše primjenom masene spektrometrije s induktivno spregnutom plazmom (ICP-MS) nakon kisele digestije uzoraka. Najveći sadržaj cinka (15,1 mg kg-1) utvrđen je u sardini u ulju, bakra (1,37 mg kg-1) u sardini u umaku od rajčice, a željeza (18,98 mg kg-1) u skuši u umaku od rajčice. Dobiveni rezultati su u opsegu vrijednosti za analizirane elemente koje je objavilo nekoliko nacionalnih baza podataka o hrani, kao i u opsegu dostupnih literaturnih podataka, s nekoliko iznimaka. Rezultati istraživanja izdvajaju sardinu u konzervi kao najbogatiji izvor proučavanih esencijalnih elementa. Procijenjeni dnevni unos (EDI) bio je između 0,14 % i 0,72 % preporučenih dnevnih unosa cinka, bakra i željeza. Iako sardina u konzervi, u odnosu na tunu i skušu, doprinosi oko 1,5 puta više preporučenom dnevnom unosu (RDI) esencijalnih elemenata, konzervirana morska riba ne može se smatrati značajnim izvorom cinka, bakra i željeza u prehrani srpskoga stanovništva

    Benzo[a]pyrene, benz[a]anthracene, benzo[b]fluoranthene and chrysene in smoked meat and smoked meat products: Validation of the method

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are products of the incomplete combustion or pyrolysis of organic material and they are among the most harmful compounds. During process of meat smoking, wood combustion is one of the most important sources of PAH compounds, which can be adsorbed by the surface of meat. The EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM Panel) recommended to the member states of European Union to use the sum of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), benz[a]anthracene (BaA), benzo[b]fluoranthene (BbF) and chrysene (CHR), (PAH4 compounds), as a marker for the occurrence and impact of carcinogenic PAHs in food, instead of benzo[a]pyrene. The maximum content of BaP and sum of all four compounds (PAH4) has been established by European Commission Regulation No. 835/2011. For smoked foods, from 1st September 2014, the maximum BaP content was lowered to 2 μg/kg, while the content of PAH4 is allowed to 12 μg/kg. The new maximum residue limits (MRL) both for BaP and sum of PAH4 compounds in smoked meat and meat products were defined by the legislation of Serbia, as well, and it is in accordance with EU regulation. The aim of this paper was the validation of the method for identification and determination of benzo[a]pyrene, chrysene, benz[a]anthracene and benzo[b]fluoranthene in smoked meat and smoked meat products. Accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) was used for extraction of lipids and lipophilic compounds. Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) was used in order to remove lipids from analysed samples. High-performance liquid chromatographic with fluorescence detection (HPLC-FL) was applied for identification and quantification of PAH4 compounds. Fluorescence detector operated at excitation/emission wavelength 275/385 nm for BaA and CHR, 256/446 nm for BbF and 260/410 nm for BaP, respectively. On the base of experimental results it is possible to conclude as follows: The in-house validation procedure of the method meets all criteria (applicability, specificity, repeatability, reproducibility, recovery, LOD and LOQ) set out by EU Regulation No. 836/2011. The method is suitable for operative control of PAH4 content in smoked meat products. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46009