5 research outputs found

    Spatial comparison of heterogeneous point processes.

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    <p>Each column displays data corresponding to a given sample pair (). Spatial dimensions corresponding to 3D representations and maps are , and units on the , and axes, respectively. A–F: typical patterns of Sample 1 (green) and of Sample 2 (purple), with an average of points per pattern. Point coordinates are drawn from Gaussian distributions (same standard deviations as in Fig. 3). Gaussian distribution centers of the two processes are either identical (AD) or shifted by a vector equal to (BE) or to (CF). Meshes: limits of the regions of interest. Patterns are observed either along the axis (A–C) or the axis (D–F). G–I: mid-section ( plane) in maps of true intensity differences between first and second point processes. J–L: same section as in G–I in -maps computed from Sample 1 and Sample 2, using . M–R: isosurfaces computed from the -maps for thresholds equal to (purple) and (green) (). M–O: same viewpoint as in (D–F). P–R: same viewpoint as in (A–C).</p

    Comparison mapping method.

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    <p>Top: two samples of sizes (left, red sample) and (right, green sample). Bottom: comparison map built from the samples. Values of ratio (see Formula 4) and corresponding -values are evaluated at each node of a grid superimposed over the data, based on distances to the -th nearest neighbors in Sample 1 (red segments) and in Sample 2 (green segments) ().</p

    Local intensity comparison: heterogeneous Poisson processes.

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    <p>Simulated empirical functions of ratio computed from pairs of simulated point pattern samples ( repetitions). A: typical patterns of Sample 1 (green) and Sample 2 (purple) drawn from identical centered Gaussian distributions of standard deviations , and units. Sample sizes , points per pattern in average. Black dots: positions at , , and . B–D: corresponding empirical functions computed at positions , , with and (B), (C) and (D). Thick gray line: cumulative distribution function of . E–H: same as A–D, but centers of Gaussian processes generating Sample 1 and Sample 2 are and , respectively.</p

    Comparison of locus coeruleus (LC) distributions in control and mutant mice.

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    <p>LC populations at post-natal day 30 (P30) and 90 (P90) for control mice (first column) and quaking mice (second column), and at P90 for control and quaking mice (third column). A–L: the central gray mesh represents the contour of a portion of the fourth ventricle. A–C: superimposed neuron positions (three mice in each group) for control mice at P30 (brown dots) and P90 (orange dots), and for quaking mice at P30 (dark blue dots) and P90 (light blue dots); black meshes: contours of the regions of interest (ROIs). D–L: comparison surfaces including positions where cell intensities were statistically greater in one group (), shown from the caudal (D–F), dorsal (G–I) and lateral (J–L) points of view; colors indicate the intensity-dominant group within the surface (same color code as for cells). M–O: coronal mid-sections through -maps, with ROI outlines in yellow. MN: lighter and darker gray levels correspond to positions with either an excess in P30 or in P90 cells, in control (M) or in mutant (N) mice, respectively. O: lighter or darker gray levels correspond to positions with either an excess in control or quaking cells, respectively. Scale bars: 400.</p

    Comparison of functional populations in the rat sacral parasympathetic nucleus (SPN).

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    <p>A: positions of neurons in the SPN innervating either the bladder (BLD, green dots) or the corpus cavernosum (CCV, red dots). Large gray mesh: lumbo-sacral spinal cord envelope. Black mesh: region of interest (ROI) encompassing a majority of neurons. B: mid-section in the -map (lateral plane), with ROI outline in yellow. Scale bar: m. C: surfaces encompassing regions where cell intensities are significantly different between the two sub-populations (, same viewpoint as in A). Surfaces are colored according to the intensity-dominant population.</p