63 research outputs found

    Predictors Of Recycling Behaviour Among Residents Of The Klang Valley, Malaysia

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    Malaysia is facing a crisis in solid waste management due to rapid urbanization and high concentration of population. It was reported that public participation in recycling is still very low despite rigorous campaigns conducted by the government. Three to five percent of solid waste generated in Malaysia is recycled a number that is far below the rate of 15 to 40 percent in developed countries. This study examines the recycling behaviour among urban households within the Klang Valley area. Specifically, the purpose of the study is to identify reported recycling behaviour, to examine sociodemographic and psychological characteristics of recyclers and non-recyclers, to identify why individuals involve in recycling or otherwise and to determine predictors that increase the probability of recycling behaviour among households. A total of 500 respondents were targeted to involve in this study. However, only 342 respondents were successfully interviewed with a response rate of 68.4%. The sampling technique utilized in the data set was multistage sampling. Data analysis technique used consisted of bivariate analysis and logistic regression.Results of this study indicated that, of the 342 respondents, 62% were of non-recyclers and the remaining 38% are recyclers. No significant socio-demographic differences were found between recyclers and non-recyclers except for ethnicity [Pearson χ² (2, N=342) =11.716, p=.001], marital status [Pearson χ² (2, N=342) =23.204, p=.001] and education. There was significant difference in the mean age [M=-3.291, SD=.992; t(340)=3.317, p=.001], household size [M=0.797, SD=0.200, t(340)=3.994, p=.000], values towards the environment [M=4.305, SD=.246, t(340)=-7.063, p=.000] and attitudes towards recycling [M=7.002, SD=.862, t(340)=-8.119, p=.000] for recyclers and non-recyclers. Generally, results for intrinsic and extrinsic motives among recyclers are not clear as respondent tended to be clustered around the middle of the scale with both motives indicating high percentages. The same goes for hindrances to recycling among the nonrecyclers. The findings indicated that recycling efforts in Malaysia were mostly driven by intrinsic motivation which is a good indicator that might facilitate sustainable practices. Individuals appear to be well aware of the need to recycle and will generally do so if given the means. The hindrances to recycling among the non-recyclers were personal situations and inconvenience. However, the non-recyclers were willing to recycle if given the certain opportunities and special recycling services. Thus, the data show that recycling was well accepted by the public as an activity that is worth undertaking so long as the means exist. The results of logistics regression testing for socio-demographic, knowledge and psychological characteristics showed partial significance at a probability level of .050. The result of Hosmer and Lamershow Goodness-of-fit shows total significance at .050. The logistic model that utilizes study data drawn from the 342 samples and the results of the Binomial Logistic Regression indicate that recycling increased among respondents who were single, possess better values towards the environment and better attitudes towards recycling. However, gender, education attainment, different types of employment status, types of accommodation, house ownership, and knowledge of recycling were not found significant. The findings of the study could be used for designing recycling schemes although it is clear that a one-size-fits-all approach is not acceptable. The information from this study will benefit relevant agencies, business corporations, non-governmental organizations, local governments and others to find out more about social and economic instruments and, where appropriate, use them to deal with recycling-related issues (waste management) that fall within their scope of responsibility when considering the format of new recycling programmes

    Relationship between repetitive Negative thinking, life satisfaction and Mental health among Malaysian University Students

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    As stress, anxiety, and depression are on the rise among university students, it has become increasingly recognized as a public health crisis. This could hinder their achievement in university, relationships, and future career. Hence, this study investigates the relationship between repetitive negative thinking, life satisfaction and mental health among Malaysian university students. A web based cross-sectional study was conducted among 184 (female=129; male=55) Malaysian university students involved in the online cross-sectional study collected via Google Forms. Repetitive negative thing was measured using The Perseverative Thinking Questionnaire (PTQ). Mental health was ascertained using Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). Meanwhile, Satisfaction of Life Scale (SWLS) was used to measure participants’ life satisfaction. The questionnaires used in the study and distributed via Google Form. The results suggest there is a relationship between psychological wellbeing (depression and anxiety) and subjective life satisfaction towards repetitive negative thinking. Therefore, it is critical to implement prevention and treatment programmers tailored to university students experiencing mental health issues

    Peningkatan kualiti diri melalui intervensi interpersonal (Improving Self Qualities Through Interpersonal Intervention)

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    The study aimed to identify whether social emotional intelligence training can increase the level of interpersonal. This quasi-experimental study used self evaluation report that was given during the pre and post tests after 14 weeks of training. Each training was 2 hours each week. Second year students of Psychology at Universiti Malaysia Sabah participated in this study. 19 students were selected into the expeimental group and received an intervention, while 22 students were selected for the control group. The selection of participants was based on students who had low scores for social emotional intelligence using the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i) that consists of 133 items, divided into 5 components and 15 subscales. Pre test was given at the starting of the semester to get the basic scores and comparisons for the outcome after the participants received training using the ‘Modul Latihan Kecerdasan Emosi Sosial’ which was developed by the researchers. Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney analyses were used to examine the difference between pre and post social emotional intelligence training within and between groups. The results showed that social emotional intelligence interpersonal skills increased after training in the treatment group. The comparison between the control group and the treatment group showed that there was a significant difference. In conclusion, social emotional intelligence training (interpersonal) has a positive effect on participants in the treatment group

    Analisis faktor, kesahan dan keboleh percayaan instrumen inventori Stereotaip Multietnik Malaysia (ISMEM)

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    This study aimed to test the validity and reliability of the Inventory of Malaysian Multi Ethnic Stereotypes (ISMEM) instrument developed by the researchers. The qualitative phase was using in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. The employment of qualitative method was to explore the concept of stereotypes among the ethnic groups. Quantitative phase involves the formation of items by themed and categorised the items that were built from the qualitative phase. A total of 1,000 university students from various ethnic groups in Malaysia were involved in the quantitative phase. Exploratory factor analysis on ISMEM has formed two main components labelled as Antecedents Stereotypes and Phenomenon Stereotypes. The psychometric assessment of ISMEM involves i) testing the construct validity between the Antecedents Stereotypes and the Phenomenon Stereotypes; (ii) determining the convergent validity between the Antecedents Stereotypes and the Phenomenon Stereotypes; (iii) testing the reliability coefficient of the Antecedents Stereotypes and the Phenomenon Stereotypes, and (iv) examining the item quality of the Antecedents Stereotypes and the Phenomenon Stereotypes. An assessment of the suitability of data for factor analysis was conducted before the psychometric assessment was carried out. The correlation (r≥.30) between the scores of the Antecedents Stereotypes and the Phenomenon Stereotypes suggested a reasonable factoring. Construct validity test such as the Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin, the Bartlettt's Test of Sphereity, the communality, the load factor, the Eigen value and the percentage of variance factor in both components of the Antecedents Stereotypes and the Phenomenon Stereotypes are reasonable. The reliability value of Cronbach Alpha for the Antecedents Stereotypes (α = .897-.933) and the Phenomenon Stereotypes are well accepted (α = .706 -.821). Therefore, ISMEM is a reliable and valid measure. However, further studies need to be conducted in other groups of sample to further validate the instrument

    Development of Cognitive Training Game to Enhance Cognitive Process of Children with Learning Difficulty

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    This paper discusses the development of cognitive training games based on meta-cognitive technique and to aid in enhancing cognitive processes among children with a learning difficulty (especially having problems paying attention and responding to stimuli accurately). The study was conducted on four (4) primary school students in the Bio-neurofeedback laboratory at the Faculty of Psychology and Education, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. The instruments used in this study include a cognitive training game, which consists of Neuro Game: Number and Neuro Game: Location to measure cognitive process and response accuracy to stimuli. The Mind Wave EEG Headsets measure the attention level of participants and computer to display the game and monitor participants’ cognitive processes. The effectiveness of the cognitive training game is tested by comparing the mean score of attention and mean score of accuracy response to stimuli of participants at the initial five training sessions and a subsequent five training sessions. The pretest result shows no significant increment in participants’ attention score and accurate response to stimuli score from the first five cognitive training sessions to the end of the session. These results are not as expected. However, the cognitive training game is believed to measure and improve children's cognitive process with further improvement with learning difficulty. One of the encouraging findings in the current study is the neuro game designed by the researchers can be used as an inventory to measure individual attention level and accuracy response to stimuli

    SPSS: prinsip dan analisis dalam sains tingkah laku

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    Persepsi kumpulan multi etnik di Sabah terhadap etnik diri dan etnik lain

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    Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara berplurariti tinggi yang terkenal dengan keunikan budaya dan kepelbagaian etnik khususnya di Sabah dan Sarawak. Kemajmukan negara ini telah lama wujud dan kini sifat pluralitinya semakin berkembang setelah negara ini memasuki era pasca-moden. Disebabkan wujudnya kepelbagaian identiti bangsa dalam masyarakat Malaysia, maka semangat muhibah, hormat-menghormati, bekerjasama, bertoleransi dan pemahaman identiti bangsa sesuatu kelompok masyarakat terutamanya antara kelompok majoriti dan minoriti amat penting. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk bertujuan mengupas pemahaman konsep stereotaip, prejudis dan diskriminasi dalam kalangan etnik utama (Kadazandusun, Bajau, Cina dan Murut) di Sabah dengan mengkaji bagaimanakah kumpulan etnik tertentu mempersepsikan etnik mereka sendiri dan persepsi etnik ini terhadap kumpulan etnik lain. Responden kajian ini terdiri daripada 36 ahli persatuan etnik yang mewakili empat kumpulan etnik yang berbeza (Kadazandusun, Bajau, Murut dan China) di Sabah. Data dikumpul melalui kaedah perbincangan kumpulan berfokus dan temu bual in-depth. Keputusan dan perbincangan dibentangkan dalam kertas kerja in

    The effects of trust characteristics on managerial trust

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    This study gauged the effects of trustworthiness characteristics (i.e., competency, benevolence, integrity, relationship and job position) on managerial trust. There were 818 participants (343 females, 449 males; 26 unknown) from both public and private organization sectors in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia who participated in this study. Their ages ranged between 19 to 67 years old (mean = 34.55, SD = 9.17). We predicted that each characteristic would show a significant effect on managerial trust. A set of questionnaires which was comprised of three sections; Section A: Demographic scale; Section B: Employer Trust Scale4 which consisted of 49 items measured five characteristics of trustworthiness (i.e., competency (11 items), benevolence (8 items), integrity (13 items), job position (11 items) and relationship (6 items) Section C: measured Managerial Trust which was adapted from Mishra5 and Mayer and Gavin (2005) scales. Hierarchical Multiple Regression was used to analyze the survey data. Our study revealed that only four trust characteristics (i.e., competency, benevolence, integrity and relationship) showed positive and significant effects on managerial Trust. Conversely, job position did not reveal any significant effects on Managerial Trust. This might be due to contexts such as the type of job or the way jobs connect between the leader and followers. Our study also revealed that when benevolence and integrity analyzed together, it showed positive significant effect on managerial trust

    Development and validation of employee trust scale: factor structure, reliability and validity

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    The aim of this study was to determine the factor structure and psychometric properties (i.e., reliability and convergent validity) of the Employee Trust Scale, a newly created instrument by the researchers. The Employee Trust Scale initially contained 82 items to measure employees’ trust toward their supervisors. A sample of 818 (343 females, 449 males) employees were selected randomly from public and private organization sectors in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Their ages ranged from 19 to 67 years old with a mean of 34.55 years old. Their average tenure with their current employer was 11.2 years (s.d. = 7.5 years). The respondents were asked to complete the Employee Trust Scale, as well as a managerial trust questionnaire from Mishra. The exploratory factor analysis on employees’ trust toward their supervisor’s extracted three factors, labeled ‘trustworthiness’ (32 items), ‘position status’ (11 items) and ‘relationship’ (6 items) which accounted for 62.49% of the total variance. Trustworthiness factors were re-categorized into three sub factors: competency (11 items), benevolence (8 items) and integrity (13 items). All factors and sub factors of the scales demonstrated clear reliability with internal consistency of Cronbach’s Alpha above .85. The convergent validity of the Scale was supported by an expected pattern of correlations (positive and significant correlation) between the score of all factors and sub factors of the scale and the score on the managerial trust questionnaire, which measured the same construct. The convergent validity of Employee Trust Scale was further supported by the significant and positive inter-correlation between the factors and sub factors of the scale. The results suggest that the Employee Trust Scale is a reliable and valid measure. However, further studies need to be carried out in other groups of sample as to further validate the Scale

    Psychometric Properties of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Form Y) among Malaysian University Students

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    Health Ministry statistics showed mental health problems among Malaysian students increased from one in ten individuals in year 2011 to one in five in 2016. Anxiety and depression were cited as the main causes of mental health problems among students in Malaysia. However, an anxiety measure that has been validated for use with Malaysian students is still lacking. Thus, the main objective of the current study is to examine the psychometric proprieties of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Form Y) (STAI), and to assess the suitability of the factorial model in the context of Malaysia. The STAI contains separate scales for measuring state and trait anxiety. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was conducted to test and to compare the two-factor model (State Anxiety and Trait Anxiety) and the four-factor model (State Anxiety Present, State Anxiety Absent, Trait Anxiety Present, and Trait Anxiety Absent) of STAI. In addition, the reliability and validity of the model were also tested. The sample consisted of 341 university students from one of the universities in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The results supported a better fit to the data for the four-factor model of STAI. To improve composite reliability and the average variance extracted (AVE) of the constructs, one item was removed from each of the State Anxiety Present factor, Trait Anxiety present factor, and Trait Anxiety Absent factor. Convergent validity for the four-factor model was also improved by the removal of the three items. The findings also suggested that the STAI may have some discriminant validity issues. In the framework of psychology of sustainability and sustainable development, research and intervention regarding this topic should also be enhanced from a primary prevention perspective to improve the quality of life of every human being, fostering wellbeing at all different levels, from individuals to organizations