12 research outputs found

    Karakteristike fermentacije kombuhe na ekstraktu cikorije

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    The aim of the paper was to establish the characteristics of kombucha fermentation on chicory extract. Total acidity was markedly lower in comparison to traditional kombucha product. Sensory mark and pH value showed that the beverage ready for consumption is produced after 7 days of fermentation, which indicated successfful chicory extract application in kombucha beverages production.Cilj rada je bilo ispitivanje karakteristika fermentacije kombuhe na ekstraktu cikorije. Ukupna kiselost je bila izrazito niža u odnosu na tradicionalni kombuha proizvod. Vrednost pH i senzorna ocena su pokazali da se nakon 7 dana fermentacije dobija napitak koji može da se konzumira što je pokazalo da se ekstrakt cikorije može uspešno primeniti u proizvodnji kombuha napitaka

    Modeliranje antioksidativnih svojstava kombuha fermentiranih mliječnih napitaka s mentom primjenom ANNs i RSM metode

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    Antioxidant activity to stable DPPH radical (AADPPH) and unstable hydroxyl radicals (AA.OH) and nutraceuticals (monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and ascorbic acid) content of kombucha fermented milks with peppermint (KFM-P) were modelled and optimised. Beverages were produced by the addition of 10 % of kombucha peppermint inoculum to the milk containing 0.8, 1.6 and 2.8 % milk fat at 37, 40 and 43 °C. Response surface methodology (RSM) indicated opposite response surfaces for AADPPH and AA.OH PUFAs and ascorbic acid, as most significant and influential factors, were included in graphical optimization and gave the working region for obtaining products of highest antioxidant quality: lower temperatures and milk fat up to 1.8 %; higher temperatures and milk fat of maximum 1.6 %. ANN modelling of antioxidant characteristics of kombucha fermented milk beverages with peppermint was, as expected, more accurate than RSM.U ovom radu modelirana je i optimizirana antioksidativna aktivnost prema stabilnom DPPH radikalu (AADPPH) i nestabilnim hidroksi radikalima (AA.OH), kao i sadržaj nutraceutika (mononezasićene masne kiseline, polinezasićene masne kiseline i askorbinska kiselina) kombuha fermentiranih mliječnih proizvoda s mentom. Napici su proizvedeni dodavanjem 10 % kombuha startera s mentom u mlijeko koje je sadržavalo 0,8, 1,6 i 2,8 % mliječne masti pri 37, 40 i 43 °C. Metodologija površine odgovora (RSM) naznačila je suprotne površine odgovora za AADPPH i AA.OH. Sadržaj polinezasićenih masnih kiselina i askorbinske kiseline, kao najznačajnijih utjecajnih čimbenika, uključeni su u grafičku optimizaciju i utvrđeno je radno područje za proizvodnju napitaka najveće antioksidativne kvalitete: niže temperature i mliječna mast do 1,8 %; više temperature i mliječna mast do maksimalno 1,6 %. Modeliranje antioksidativnih svojstava kombuha fermentiranih mliječnih napitaka s mentom primjenom umjetnih neuronskih mreža, kako je i očekivano, bilo je superiornije u poredbi s RSM

    Chemometric approach to quality characterization of milk-based kombucha beverages

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    Mliječni kombuča napici su dobiveni fermentacijom mlijeka kombučom. Hijerarhijska klaster analiza (HCA) i analiza glavnih komponenti (PCA) primijenjene su u cilju utvrđivanja razlika između analiziranih uzoraka, kao i identifikacije sličnosti ili različitosti između njih, u prostoru eksperimentalno određenih vrijednosti varijabli. Linearna diskriminantna analiza (LDA) provedena je na neobrađenim podacima u cilju pronalaženja pravila za dodjeljivanje novog uzorka nepoznatog porijekla odgovarajućoj grupi uzoraka. Hijerarhijska klaster analiza pokazala je da je dominantan faktor razlikovanja analiziranih uzoraka kombuča napitaka sadržaj mliječne masti, a zatim slijede sadržaji ukupnih nezasićenih, jednostruko nezasićenih (MUFA) i višestruko nezasićenih (PUFA) masnih kiselina. Uzorci s 0,8 i 1,6 % mliječne masti pripadaju istom klasteru u prostoru analiziranih varijabli zbog sličnosti u njihovoj antioksidativnoj aktivnosti prema DPPH radikalu. Linearnom diskriminantnom analizom utvrđeno je da je najveća razlika u kvaliteti kada se u obzir uzmu vrijednosti pH i antioksidativna aktivnost prema DPPH radikalu između grupa proizvoda sa čajem primorskog vriska i koprivom, dok je najveća sličnost između grupa proizvoda s majčinom dušicom i paprenom metvicom.Milk-based kombucha beverages were obtained conducting kombucha lead fermentation of milk. In order to discriminate the analysed samples and to detect similarities or dissimilarities among them in the space of experimentally determined variables, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA) were applied. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was conducted on the raw data set in order to find a rule for allocating a new sample of unknown origin to the correct group of samples. In the space of the variables analysed by HCA, the dominant discriminating factor for the studied samples of kombucha beverages is the milk fat (MF) content, followed by total unsaturated fatty acids content (TUFA), monounsaturated fatty acids content (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids content (PUFA). The samples with 0.8 and 1.6% milk fat belong to the same cluster in the space of the analysed variables due to similarities in their AADPPH. It was determined by LDA that there was the biggest difference in quality between the groups of products with winter savoury and stinging nettle, while the highest similarity is between groups of products with wild thyme and peppermint regarding their pH values and antioxidant activity expressed as AADPPH

    ANN and RSM modelling of antioxidant characteristics of kombucha fermented milk beverages with peppermint

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    Antioxidant activity to stable DPPH radical (AADPPH) and unstable hydroxyl radicals (AA.OH) and nutraceuticals (monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and ascorbic acid) content of kombucha fermented milks with peppermint (KFM-P) were modelled and optimised. Beverages were produced by the addition of 10 % of kombucha peppermint inoculum to the milk containing 0.8, 1.6 and 2.8 % milk fat at 37, 40 and 43 °C. Response surface methodology (RSM) indicated opposite response surfaces for AADPPH and AA.OH PUFAs and ascorbic acid, as most significant and influential factors, were included in graphical optimization and gave the working region for obtaining products of highest antioxidant quality: lower temperatures and milk fat up to 1.8 %; higher temperatures and milk fat of maximum 1.6 %. ANN modelling of antioxidant characteristics of kombucha fermented milk beverages with peppermint was, as expected, more accurate than RSM

    Physical and textural characteristics of fermented milk products obtained by kombucha inoculums with herbal teas

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    In this investigation, kombucha fermented milk products were produced from milk with 1.6% milk fat using 10% (v/v) kombucha inoculums cultivated on the extracts of peppermint and stinging nettle. The fermentation process was conducted at temperatures of 37, 40 and 43°C. Fermentation was stopped when the pH value of 4.5 was reached. The fermentation process was shortened with an increase of temperature. Physical characteristics of the fermented products were determined by using standard methods of analysis. Textural characteristics were determined by texture profile analysis. The obtained products showed good physical and textural characteristics, typical for the yoghurt-like products. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III-46009

    Chromatographic lipophilicity and pharmacokinetic behavior of some newly synthesized styryl lactone stereoisomers

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    The RP-HPLC retention constants of several newly synthesized cytotoxic styryl lactone stereoisomers were determined as parameters of their lipophilicity. Stereochemistry of the compounds has an effect on the retention behavior of only tricyclic isomers. For them, the difference in retention and chromatographic lipophilic parameters are significant. The chromatographic lipophilic parameters of all compounds were correlated with a fourteen computer calculated lipophilic parameters, log P, and pharmacokinetic parameters. Significant linear correlations (R2 adj>0.90) were obtained between MLog P and affinity for plasma proteins binding. The correrelations for the other pharmacokinetic parameters were improved by introducing some more molecular descriptors. Multiple linear regression analysis suggested that the volume of distribution depended on the lipopholicity and Ka HSA (HSA-human serum albumin) and the absorption through membrane and permeability in the jejunum depend on the lipophilicity and hydrogen bond donors. The tested compounds showed a potent to moderate cytotoxic activity toward several human cancer cells and poor permeation through the blood brain barrier. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. OI 1612036

    Antiproliferative and antioxidative effects of novel hydrazone derivatives bearing coumarin and chromene moiety

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    A series of new hybrid molecules with a hydrazone fragment were synthesized and characterized by Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, mass spectrometry, and elemental analysis. The nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of the hydrazones 4a-c showed exchange of syn and antiperiplanar conformers around the amide bond, the more stable being the antiperiplanar one. The nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) spectra confirm E configuration around C=N bond. The tested compounds exhibited concentration-dependent cytotoxic effects against human tumor cell lines in a micromolar range (MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) tetrazolium reduction assay). Hydrazone 4a proved to be the most potent antiproliferative agent of the series. Within the antioxidant screening 8b exhibited the highest radical scavenging activity (% RSA max) and the largest rate constant for the reaction with 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl