36 research outputs found

    Thickness of Masticatory Mucosa in the Human Hard Palate and Tuberosity Dependent on Gender and Body Mass Index

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    The aim of this study was to clinically determine the thickness of masticatory mucosa in the hard palate and tuberosity as potential donor sites for subepitelial grafts for ridge augmentation procedures of small and moderate alveolar ridge defects to improve aesthetics of a pontic area of fixed partial dentures. In 102 periodontally healthy fully dentate subjects the thickness of mucosa was assessed by bone sounding with a periodontal probe. Twenty measurement points were defined, 18 on hard palate located on 3 lines running at different distances parallel to gingival margin and 2 on tuberosity. Data were analysed to determine differences between gender and different body mass index using t-test. The mucosa on the hard palate was significantly thicker than on the tuberosity. The thickest mucosa was registered on the second and the third line behind canines and on all 3 lines behind the first premolar. These areas are recommended as potential donor sites. Males had significantly thicker mucosa than females (p0.05) where the mucosa was the thinnest in the both gender, which was attributed to the protuberance of the palatal root of the first molar. The same was with the body mass index. Therefore canine-premolar palatal region is recommended for harvesting free subepitelial grafts for moderate augmentation of alveolar ridges for achieving optimal aesthetics of the pontic area

    Analysis of Fixed Prosthetic Appliances in Patients living in the Metković Region, Croatia

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    EpidemioloÅ”ke studije o stanju postojećih fiksnoprotetskih radova ili o potrebi za novim, a sa svrhom da se planiraju potrebni protetski timovi te poboljÅ”aju materijali i postupci, prijeko su potrebni u suvremenoj protetici. Svrha rada bila je utvrditi koji je estetski materijal upotrijebljen za izradbu fiksnoprotetskih radova u pacijenata metkovićevske regije te utvrditi čestoću krunica i mostova ovisno o dobi, spolu, stručnoj spremi, zaposljenju, druÅ”tveno-ekonomskom statusu i čestoći posjeta stomatologu. Pregledano je 212 pacijenata nositelja fiksnoprotetskih radova. Pregledi su izvedeni u Domu zdravlja Metković tijekom 2001. godine. Deskriptivna statistika i Ļ‡ 2 testovi upotrijebljeni su prigodom statističke obradbe podataka. Izvedeni su sljedeći zaključci: Stariji pacijenti imali su znatno viÅ”e mostova nego krunica (p0,05), niti između pacijenata različita stupnja naobrazbe (p>0,05). Umirovljeni pacijenti imali su znatno viÅ”e mostova nego krunica u usporedbi sa zaposlenima ili nezaposlenima (p0,05). Pacijenti niske stručne spreme imali su viÅ”e fiksnoprotetskih nadomjestaka starijih od 10 godina u usporedbi s pacijentima srednje ili visoke stručne spreme (p<0,01). Zabilježena je razmjerno česta upotreba keramike (64%) u usporedbi s polimernim materijalima (36%). Nije bilo razlike između spolova ovisno o materijalu za fasetiranje fiksnoprotetskoga rada (p>0,05). Pacijenti stariji od 60 godina i pacijenti niže stručne spreme imali su viÅ”e polimernih fasetiranih radova od mlađih pacijenata (<39 godina) koji su imali uglavnom sve radove fasetirane keramičkim materijalima (p<0,01).Epidemiological studies on the condition of existing or the need for new fixed prosthodontic appliances, with the purpose of planning required prosthetic teams, improved materials and methods, are essential in modern prosthodontics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the aesthetic material used in patients with fixed prosthodontic appliances in the Metkovi} region and determine the frequency of crowns and bridges in relation to age, gender, level of education, employment, socio-economic status and frequency of regular visits to the dentist. examination The study included 212 patients, wearing fixed prosthodontic appliances, who were examined in the dental office (clinic) at the Metkovi} Medical Centre during 2001. Descriptive statistics and (2 tests were used during data analysis. The following conclusions were made: 1. The older group of patients had significantly more bridges than crowns (p0.05), or between patients of different levels of education (p>0.05). Retired patients had significantly more bridges than crowns compared to employed or unemployed patients (p0.,05). Less educated patients had more fixed prosthodontic appliances older than 10 years than better educated patients (p0.05). Patients older than 60 and less educated patients had more acrylic appliances than younger patients (<39 years) who had mainly only ceramic appliances (p<0.01)

    Prevalence of Malocclusion in Patients with Downā€™s Syndrome

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    U osoba s Downovim sindromom pronađene su znatne promjene koje zahvaćaju kranioorofacijalno područje. Ovim radom željela se utvrditi čestoća pojedinih vrsta ortodontskih anomalija u tih ispitanika. U tu svrhu pregledano je 112 ispitanika s citogenetski potvrđenom dijagnozom Downova sindroma. Svi ispitanici podvrgnuti su potpunom stomatoloÅ”kom pregledu. Za određivanje ortodontske anomalije uporabljena je sljedeća klasifikacija: kompresije, anomalija preranoga gubitka, progenija, otvoreni zagriz, pokrovni zagriz, jednostrani unakrsni zagriz, te obostrani unakrsni zagriz. U 92% ispitanika postojala je ortodontska anomalija. Najzastupljenija je bila progenija, i to u 43,8% ispitanika. Zbijenost i jednostrani križni zagriz pronađeni su svaki od njih u 17% ispitanika. Obostrani križni zagriz pronađen je u 5,4% ispitanika, anomalija preranoga gubitka samo u 1% ispitanika, a pokrovni zagriz nije pronađen ni u jednome slučaju.Significant alterations of the cranio-orofacial region have been observed in subjects with Downā€™s syndrome. The aim of this study was to assess the frequency of particular orthodontic malocclusion in these subjects. A group of 112 subjects with cytogenetically confirmed diagnosis of Downā€™s syndrome was examined. All the subjects underwent a complete dental examination. The following classification was used to determine malocclusion of crowding, premature tooth loss, class III malocclusion, open bite, class II division 2 malocclusion, unilateral cross bite and bilateral cross bite. Clipper language programs were designed for data processing. Malocclusion was found in 92% of the subjects. Class III malocclusion was most frequently observed (43.8%). Crowding and unilateral cross bite were found in 15% of the subjects respectively. Bilateral cross bite was present in 5.4% of the subjects. Premature tooth loss was observed in only 1% of the subjects whereas class II division 2 malocclusion was not recorded in any of the subjects examined

    Resorpcija alveolarnoga grebena utvrđena na ortopantomogramima

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    This study was conducted to determine the relationship o f the center o f the mental foramen to the inferior (IM - CM) and superior borders (CM - SM) o f the mandible, as reference points on panoramic radiographs in different groups according to sex, age and loss of teeth, to elucidate some o f the factors contributing to alveolar ridge resorption. Measurements o f 564 images (left and right sides) on 282 panoramic radiographs revealed the mental foramen to be nearer to the lower border o f the mandible (p <0.05). There was no significant difference for IM - CM distances between the groups with different number o f teeth and o f different age in either men and women (p > 0.05), indicating this part o f the mandible to remain relatively constant in size, despite increasing age, loss of teeth and occurrence of postmenopausal osteoporosis in women. In women the mandible was found to be significantly smaller for both measured distances (IM - CM, and CM - SM) than in men (p 0,05) i kod muÅ”kih i kod ženskih ispitanika. Za udaljenost od centra foramena mentale do donjeg ruba mandibula (IM - CM) nije bilo statistički značajne razlike (p > 0,05) između ispitanika različite dobi i različitog gubitka zubi, Å”to ukazuje da se ovaj dio mandibule ne resorbira, bez obzira na dob, gubitak zuba ili nastanak postmenopauzalne osteoporoze u žena. Mandibula je kod žena bitno manja nego kod muÅ”karaca za obje udaljenosti (IM - CM i CM - SM) (p < 0,01), Å”to je i očekivani rezultat, jer žene imaju općenito slabije razvijen skelet. Za udaljenost od centra foramena mentale do gornjeg ruba mandibule (CM - SM) postojala je statistički značajna razlika između ozubljenih i potpuno bezubih ispitanika i kod ženskog i kod muÅ”kog spola (p < 0,05), Å”to pokazuje da je potpuni gubitak zuba glavni etioloÅ”ki faktor prilikom resorpcije alveolarnog nastavka i da je važno sačuvati zube prilikom izrade protetskih nadomjestaka

    In Vitro Release of Metal Ions from a Gold-Platinum Alloy in Saliva-Simulated Conditions

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior of high-noble gold-platinum alloy samples (18+8 Rafinerija plemenitih kovina, Zagreb, Hrvatska), in a phosphate buffer pH 6.0. The aim of the study was to determine the type and amount of released metal ions from the alloy, and to evaluate how the time of exposure to the phosphate buffer pH 6.0 influences the release of metal ions from the alloy. Manufacturer samples 8.06.5 1.0 mm in size, with a surface area of 133mm2 were used. The release of metal ions from the tested alloy was measured in ten time periods (after 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 21 and 30 days). Six samples were used (n=6) for each time period that the alloy was in the solution, which means that a total of 60 samples was analyzed. Solutions, in which the samples were placed, were analyzed with the inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES, JY 50P, Jobin-Ywon, France). It was found that four metal ions were released: zinc ions (Zn), chromium ions (Cr), copper ions (Cu) and iron ions (Fe). The most released ions from the gold-platinum alloy were those of zinc (Zn), and the least released were those of iron (Fe) (p<0.01). The results of the study show that the time the tested alloy spent in the phosphate buffer pH 6.0 solution has an effect on the release of ions (p<0.01)

    Use of Digital Photographs for Artificial Tooth Selection

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    Digital photography has become available to everybody. The aim of this study was to examine possibility of calculating the width of a missing central incisor using digital photographs. Digital photographs were obtained from 51 dentate subjects using a 3.1 Megapixel digital camera from various distances: 35 cm, 70 cm, 1 m and 1.5 m. For the calculation of the width of maxillary left central incisor (MLI), the following equation was used: MLIcalculated = Photographic width of MLI x IPD / photographic IPD. Statistical analysis was made (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, dependent sample t-test, correlation and frequencies) using SPSS 10.0 forWindows. Results revealed no significant difference between the calculated MLI (70 cm, 1 m and 1.5 m distance) and actual MLI, however calculated MLI from 35 cm distance was significantly different from the actual MLI value (p<0.01). The highest correlation was between calculated MLI (70 cm distance) and actual MLI. However, the highest percentage of results from a distance of 70 cm also fitted within Ā±0.3 mm; Ā±0.5 mm and Ā±1 mm difference from the actual MLI values. However, the results obtained from 1 m distance were also satisfactory. The technique of use of digital photography is of proven value in calculating the width of a maxillary central incisor. The photographs using a simple digital camera should be taken from a distance from 70 cm to 1 m. Saving such photographs in a dental office may eventually be helpful for calculating dimensions of artificial teeth

    Influence of Head Position on the Interocclusal Freeway Space Measured During Pronunciation of ā€œsā€ and ā€œmiā€ and During Rest

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    Za određivanje okomite relacije u bezubih pacijenata upotrebljavaju se mnoge metode. Svrha ovoga rada bila je ispitati utjecaj promjene položaja glave na veličinu slobodnog interokluzijskog prostora u slučajevima kada se okomita relacija određije fonetskim metodama (ā€œsā€ i ā€œmiā€) ili prema fizionomiji pacijenta i relaksiranosti miÅ”ića otvarača i zatvarača. Sudjelovala su 62 eugnata ispitanika sa svim zubima Angle klase I. Izgovarali su ā€œsā€, i ā€œmiā€, ili su držali čeljust u relaksiranome položaju za vrijeme mjerenja slobodnog onterokluzijskog prostora. Postupak je ponovljen u 3 različita položaja glave: uspravnom, nagnutom prema natrag i nagnutom prema naprijed. Slobodni interokluzijski prostor mjeren je pomičnom mjerkom modificiranom za intraoralno mjerenje. Nije bilo statistički znatne razlike između muÅ”kog i ženskoga spola (p > 0.05). Rezultati pokazuju da položaj glave ima znatan utjecaj na veličinu slobodnog interokluzijskog prostora ako se okomita relacija određuje metodom fizionomije (p 0.05). Rezultati potvrđuju da bi se prigodom određivanja okomite relacije trebalo uključiti i fonetske metode, te da ne bi trebalo upotrebljavati metodu fizionomije i relaksiranosti miÅ”ića samu.Many techniques have been used for measurement of vertical relation in edentulous patients. The aim was to test the influence of changed head position on interocclusal space when the vertical dimension was determined by fonetic methods (ā€œsā€ and ā€œmiā€) or by the method of determining physiological rest position dependent on the patientā€™s physionomy and masticatory muscle relaxation. This study included 62 fully dentulous subjects of Angle Class I. They were instructed to say ā€œsā€, and ā€œmiā€, and to maintain mandibular postural rest position until the freeway space was measured. This was done in three different head positions: straight, head leaned back and head leaned forward. Freeway space was measured with a precise calliper, modified for intraoral measurement. There was no significant difference between gender (p > 0.05). The results showed that head position has an important impact on the size of freeway space in the postural rest position (p 0.05). The results confirm that determination of the vertical relation should include phonetic methods rather than physionomy method alone

    Influence of aging and the loos of teeth on some variations of TMJ

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    Mnogi smatraju da se oblik i dimenzija TMZ-a mijenjaju i nakon zavrÅ”enog perioda rasta i razvoja, uslijed promjena funkcionalnog pritiska zbog starenja, abrazije i djelomičnog gubitka zuba. Zato je cilj ovog istraživanja bio da se ispita da li dob i postotak preostalih zuba utječu na nastanak promjena u TMZ-u. Na uzorku od 80 lubanja sa pripadajućim mandibulama izmjereni su slijedeći parametri: 1A (AB) udaljenost od lateralnog zavrÅ”etka fissurae petrotympanicae i petrosquamosae do najizbočenijeg dijela eminencije artikularis, 1C (AC) udaljenost od lateralnog zavrÅ”etka fissure petrotympanicae do najizbočenijeg dijela eminencije artikularis, 2 (h) dubina fossae articularis. Dobivene vrijednosti analizirane su s obzirom na spol, dob, stupanj ozubljenosti te lijevu i desnu stranu. Rezultati ne pokazuju statistički značajnu razliku između lijeve i desne strane, a niti između muÅ”kog i ženskog spola, različitih dobnih skupina i stupnja ozubljenosti (p >0,05). JoÅ” uvijek nije razjaÅ”njeno da li nastaju promjene u TMZ-u nakon zavrÅ”enog rasta i razvoja i kakve su prirode. Smatramo da je ovaj problem potrebno proučiti na većem broju ispitanika pomoću suvremenih tehnika kao Å”to su CT i artroskopija.Many authors consider that the contours and dimensions of TMJ continue to be reshaped and remodeled even after the period of growth and development is complete, in response to changing mechanical stresses under influence of aging, abrasion and the loss of the teeth. Therefore, the aim of this study was to find out if aging and the loss of teeth make any influence on TMJ. The sample consisted of 30 dry skulls and their mandibles. The following parametars were measured: 1A (AB) the distance from the lateral ending of petrotympanic fissure to the intersection of petrotympanic and petrosquamosus fissure, 1B (BC) the distances from the intersection of petrotympanic and petrosquamosus fissure to the most prominent part of the articular eminence, 1C (AC) the distance from the lateral ending of petrotympanic fissure to the most prominent part of articular eminence and 2 (h) the depth of the mandibular fossa. Measured values were analysed in conection with sex, age, the different percentage of the remaining teeth and the left or the right side There was no significant difference at the probability level of 95\u27%, nor for the left and the right side, neither for the different age groups, sex and the different percantage of the remaining teeth (p>0,05). Still, it is obscure the existance and the changes in TMJ when the growth is completed. It is neccessary to study this problem on the bigger sample and the new methods as CT and artroscopy could be helpful

    Microleakage of Postendodontic Systems

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    Svrha rada bila je upozoriti na nužnost poÅ”tivanja pravila pri izradbi poslijeendodontskih nadogradnji zuba. Poslijeendodontski sustav mora osigurati retenciju i rezistenciju nadogradnje, rezistenciju preostaloga zubnog tkiva, te dobro brtvljenje korijenskoga kanala. Mikropropusnost se ipak može javiti i u definitivno ispunjenom kanalu, i u kanalu poslijeendodontski restaurativno opskrbljena zuba. Treba imati na umu da nakon izradbe intraradikularnoga ležiÅ”ta u kanalu ostaje skraćeno apeksno punjenje, 3-5 mm dugačko, koje ne može spriječiti prolaz mikroorganizama i njihovih toksina u periradikularno tkivo. Zato pri izradbi poslijeendodontske nadogradnje treba poĻ€tivati pravila izabranoga postupka i aseptičke uvjete rada.The aim of this paper is to emphasize the importance of following the proper rules for performing a procedure, such as making a postendodontic post and core system. A postendodontic system should provide retention and resistance of the restoration, resistance of the remaining tooth structure and good sealing of the root canal. Microleakage can occur in the root canal filling as well as in the post and core system. After preparation of the intraradicular post space remains apical root canal filling which is 3-5 mm in length, and is a questionable barrier to prevent microorganisms and their toxins from penetrating into the periradicular tissue. Therefore, one should use the proper techniques in aseptic conditions during post and core treatments

    Influence of Body Mass Index and the Time of Edentulousness on the Residual Alveolar Ridge Resorption in Complete Denture Wearers

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    Alveolar bone loss (RRR) is a continous process following tooth extraction, more pronounced during the first few months after the tooth extraction than later. The RRR in the mandible is twice that of the maxilla during a 1-year period and the mandibular: maxillary resorption ratio increases further to 4:1. So far, the etiology of RRR has not been elucidated. It has been speculated that both systemic and local factors contribute. The aim of this study was to analyse the rate of RRR in five different regions of both jaws on lateral cephalograms of 100 complete denture wearers during a one-year period and to compare the rate of RRR between patients being edentulous over a different period of time and between patients with different body mass index. The height of residual ridges was measured on 5 different sites at the delivery of the dentures and a year later using a calibrated grid. The results revealed significant RRR in a one year period. Body mass index had no significant influence on the rate of RRR on any of the five examined sites of the maxilla or the mandible (p>0.05), while the period of edentulousness had a significantly higher rate of resorption in first 3 sites of measurement (anteriorly) in patients being edentulous less than 1 year than in patients being edentulous for 1ā€“10 years or for over 10 years (ANOVA, p<0.05)