Influence of aging and the loos of teeth on some variations of TMJ


Mnogi smatraju da se oblik i dimenzija TMZ-a mijenjaju i nakon završenog perioda rasta i razvoja, uslijed promjena funkcionalnog pritiska zbog starenja, abrazije i djelomičnog gubitka zuba. Zato je cilj ovog istraživanja bio da se ispita da li dob i postotak preostalih zuba utječu na nastanak promjena u TMZ-u. Na uzorku od 80 lubanja sa pripadajućim mandibulama izmjereni su slijedeći parametri: 1A (AB) udaljenost od lateralnog završetka fissurae petrotympanicae i petrosquamosae do najizbočenijeg dijela eminencije artikularis, 1C (AC) udaljenost od lateralnog završetka fissure petrotympanicae do najizbočenijeg dijela eminencije artikularis, 2 (h) dubina fossae articularis. Dobivene vrijednosti analizirane su s obzirom na spol, dob, stupanj ozubljenosti te lijevu i desnu stranu. Rezultati ne pokazuju statistički značajnu razliku između lijeve i desne strane, a niti između muškog i ženskog spola, različitih dobnih skupina i stupnja ozubljenosti (p >0,05). Još uvijek nije razjašnjeno da li nastaju promjene u TMZ-u nakon završenog rasta i razvoja i kakve su prirode. Smatramo da je ovaj problem potrebno proučiti na većem broju ispitanika pomoću suvremenih tehnika kao što su CT i artroskopija.Many authors consider that the contours and dimensions of TMJ continue to be reshaped and remodeled even after the period of growth and development is complete, in response to changing mechanical stresses under influence of aging, abrasion and the loss of the teeth. Therefore, the aim of this study was to find out if aging and the loss of teeth make any influence on TMJ. The sample consisted of 30 dry skulls and their mandibles. The following parametars were measured: 1A (AB) the distance from the lateral ending of petrotympanic fissure to the intersection of petrotympanic and petrosquamosus fissure, 1B (BC) the distances from the intersection of petrotympanic and petrosquamosus fissure to the most prominent part of the articular eminence, 1C (AC) the distance from the lateral ending of petrotympanic fissure to the most prominent part of articular eminence and 2 (h) the depth of the mandibular fossa. Measured values were analysed in conection with sex, age, the different percentage of the remaining teeth and the left or the right side There was no significant difference at the probability level of 95\u27%, nor for the left and the right side, neither for the different age groups, sex and the different percantage of the remaining teeth (p>0,05). Still, it is obscure the existance and the changes in TMJ when the growth is completed. It is neccessary to study this problem on the bigger sample and the new methods as CT and artroscopy could be helpful

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