39 research outputs found

    Design and implementation of microwave imaging systems for medical applications

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    Breast feeding and co-morbidities on mothers and infants in two main hospitals of Diyala Province, Baquba, Iraq

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    Background: Breast milk was the full required physiological food of human infants. Optimally  initiation of immediate breastfeeding exclusively after birth until 6 months of infant age, and keeping infant on breastfeeding with age dependent and appropriately  introducing complementary foods to the age of to  two or longer. Objective: To investigate the feeding cost and relationship between the feeding types in the first year of infant life, and infant morbidity. Patients and Methods: It was a descriptive cross sectional study done in Al-Batool teaching hospital and Al-Zahra hospital of Diyala province during the period from October 2014 to March 2015, 100 cases of infant at one year of age have be included in the study regardless of medical reason of hospital admission, divided into three groups of infants breast feeding exclusively, bottle feeding exclusively and mixed type of both bottle and breast feeding. This study is considered as to investigate the relationship between feeding type in the first year of infant life, and infant and maternal co-morbidities. Results: One hundred cases were included in the study, 51 males infant and 49 females included in the sample, according to feeding type the study revealed that31 breast feeding, 34 bottle feeding, 35 mixed feeding. The current study demonstrate that 69 delivered by section among them 14 breast feeding, 32 bottle feeding and 22 mixed feeding while 31 delivered by normal vaginal delivery including 15 breast feeding, 9 bottle feeding and 7 mixed feeding only. Regarding post partum maternal weight loss we found 81 had significant weight loss among them 30 breast feeding, 15 bottle feeding and 16 mixed feeding. According to the study of fetal diseases demonstrated that 68 infant developed diarrhea among them 14 breast feeding,29 bottle feeding and 25 mixed feeding , 47 had urinary tract infection  9 of them breast feeding 20 had bottle feeding, 32  infant had constipation five of them breast feeding , 14 bottle feeding and 13 mixed feeding. Conclusion: The duration of breastfeeding showed a decline with decreasing maternal age, multiparous with low level of education living in rural communities with low socio-economic class were more likely to breastfeed, indicating that economic and experience status highly influencing feeding choice to review our studies on breastfeedin

    The Correlation Between Interleukin -6 and Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate in Patients with Severe COVID-19

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    Background: Numerous studies have demonstrated that interleukin-6 (IL-6) and serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate levels are negatively correlated. Low DHEA-S levels may be associated with severe disease and clinically ailing patients in the context of infectious diseases. Individuals infected with Coronavirus disease who exhibit elevated levels of IL-6 may undergo a cytokine storm, which can result in severe manifestations and a dismal prognosis. Objectives: To examine the relationship between DHEA-S and Il-6 in patients exhibiting severe manifestations of COVID-19. Subjects and Methods: A case-control investigation with 79 patients, ranging in age from 36 to 74 years, who were admitted to the hospital due to severe COVID-19 disease. A control group of 72 ostensibly healthy individuals was also included in the study. Using the ELISA method, the concentrations of IL-6 and DHEA-S in the serum of both groups were determined. The statistical analyses involved the application of the Pearson correlation coefficient and the T-test. None of the authors present any conflicts of interest. Results: With a Pearson correlation coefficient (r) of -0.8349, the study revealed a highly significant negative correlation (P < 0.0001) between the mean IL-6 level (64.369 pg/ml ± 2.6237) and the mean DHEA-S level (1.2728 ng/ml ± 1.7005) in the study group. An exceptionally significant statistical disparity was also identified when IL-6 and DHEA-S levels were compared between the study and control groups. Conclusions: In severely infected COVID-19 patients inverse correlation between the levels of IL-6 and DHEA-S indicates that DHEA-S deficiency may play a role in cytokine storm formation for these patients

    The efforts of Al - Alawi in the Quranic Miracles Through his Book Style

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    هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على الجهود التفسيرية المبذولة من الالم الجليل الفقيه الأصولي الإمام يحيى بن حمزة العلويّ (ت 789 هـ), فبعد الاستقراء لكتاب الطراز نلمحُ أنَّه نوّع بالإستشهاد بالنصوص القرآنيّة المباركة, فتاره نجدهُ يفصّل ويحلّل نصوص قرآنية تتعلق بالجانب العَقَدّي, وتارة نجده يستشهد بنصوص قرآنية متصلة بالجانب التشريعيّ, وأيضًا نبصُر أنه استثمر النصوص القرآنيّة في جانب الأعجاز القرآنيّ وكذلك الكثير من الشواهد القرآنيّة المتصلة بمباحث علوم القرآن. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ونلحظُ أن العلويّ في كتابه الطراز اعتمد فيه على أربعة كتب لعلماء بلاغيّين ومفسّرين وهم: (كتاب المثل السائر في أدب الكاتب والشاعر لأبن الأثير, وكتاب النهاية لأبن الخطيب&nbsp; الرازيّ ’وكتاب المصباح لإبن سراج المالكي, وكتاب التبيان للشيخ عبد الكريم ). &nbsp;واستنتج البحث أن صاحب الطراز يتمتع بالروح النقدية, إذ كان كثيرًا ما يجمع آراء العلماء الذين سبقوه حول قضية ما, ثُم يفندها ويدلي برأيه فيها بأسلوب مقنع وحجج دامغة, وتبين لنا في ضوء البحث وبمعاينة كلمات العلوي أن للمجاز حقيقةٌ واقعةٌ في كتاب الله عزّ وجلّ فهو بحسب رأيه يُعدُّ وجهًا إعجازيًا بلاغيًا, مبينًا مراتبه في كتاب الله عزّ وجلّ. واتضح لنا من خلال البحث في الجانب الإعجازيّ أن العلويّ أولى للجانب الإعجازي والتحديّ القرآنيّ&nbsp; عناية كبيرة, فنلحظُ أنه اتبع فيه طريقة المناظرة العلمية بمعنى (عرض التساؤلات والإجابة عليها).This study aims to identify the explanatory efforts exerted by the pain of the fundamentalist jurisprudent Imam Yahya Bin Hamza Al-Alawi (d. 789 AH). After Hk~iextrapolating the book of the style, it is referred to as a type by quoting the blessed Qur'anic texts. With Qur'anic texts connected to the legislative aspect. We also see that he has invested in the Koranic texts in the Quranic aspect, as well as many Qur'anic evidence related to the sciences of the Qur'an. The book of the proverb in the literature of the writer and poet of the son of the ether, the book of the end of the son of Khatib al-Razi 'and the book lamp for the son of Siraj al-Maliki, and the book of the statement of Sheikh Abdul Karim). The research concluded that the author of the style has the spirit of cash, as he often gathered the views of the scientists who preceded him on an issue, then refutes it and gives his opinion in a convincing manner and compelling arguments, and found in the light of the research and the examination of the words of Al-Alawi that the metaphor reality in the book of the Almighty is According to his opinion is a face miraculous rhetorical, indicating his orders in the Book of God Almighty.It became clear to us through the research on the miraculous side that Al-Alawi is the first to avoid the miraculous and the Quranic challenge is the first to take great care, so we follow the method of scientific debate in the sense of (ask questions and answer them)

    The role of public health information in assistance to populations living in opposition and contested areas of Syria, 2012-2014.

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    BACKGROUND: The Syrian armed conflict is the worst humanitarian tragedy this century. With approximately 470,000 deaths and more than 13 million people displaced, the conflict continues to have a devastating impact on the health system and health outcomes within the country. Hundreds of international and national non-governmental organisations, as well as United Nations agencies have responded to the humanitarian crisis in Syria. While there has been significant attention on the challenges of meeting health needs of Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries such as Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, very little has been documented about the humanitarian challenges within Syria, between 2013 and 2014 when non-governmental organisations operated in Syria with very little United Nations support or leadership, particularly around obtaining information to guide health responses in Syria. METHODS: In this study, we draw on our operational experience in Syria and analyse data collected for the humanitarian health response in contested and opposition-held areas of Syria in 2013-4 from Turkey, where the largest humanitarian operation for Syria was based. This is combined with academic literature and material from open-access reports. RESULTS: Humanitarian needs have consistently been most acute in contested and opposition-held areas of Syria due to break-down of Government of Syria services and intense warfare. Humanitarian organisations had to establish de novo data collection systems independent of the Government of Syria to provide essential services in opposition-held and contested areas of Syria. The use of technology such as social media was vital to facilitating remote data collection in Syria as many humanitarian agencies operated with a limited operational visibility given chronic levels of insecurity. Mortality data have been highly politicized and extremely difficult to verify, particularly in areas highly affected by the conflict, with shifting frontlines, populations, and allegiances. CONCLUSIONS: More investment in data collection and use, technological investment in the use of M- and E-health, capacity building and strong technical and independent leadership should be a key priority for the humanitarian health response in Syria and other emergencies. Much more attention should be also given for the treatment gap for non-communicable diseases including mental disorders

    Some properties of bismuth glass solubility visual containing 15% of zinc oxide Mall with concentrated phosphoric acid

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    Conducted the study of the experimental conditions of the interaction of glass the visual Alpmuth containing 15% Mall of zinc with phosphoric acid ????? various degrees of thermal and clip areas prone to interact different way turntabl

    New Cyclic Voltammetry of 3-(4-N-Pyridine-2-yl Benzene Sulfonamide Azo)-1-Nitroso Naphthol and the Use of it for Enhancement of Cobalt Oxide Nano Particles

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    The electrochemical behavior of the 3-(4-N-pyridine-2-yl benzene sulfonamide azo)-1-nitroso naphthol reagent and its complex with Co (Ⅱ) has been studied at glassy carbon disk electrode in different supporting electrolyte at concentration 1 mol and scan rate (100 mV/s). 3-(4-N-pyridine-2-yl benzene sulfonamide azo)-1-nitroso naphthol was used for enhance the properties of nano cobalt oxide by ligand exchange reaction on nanoparticles

    Standard printed musical note recognition based on neural network

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    Artificial neural network is widely used for many computer applications and assure it success in all of these fields, like recognition applications. In this paper the a supervised NN is used to recognize printed musical notes. First music staff image is read, this staff is segmented in to no. of single music note, then feature extraction is performed on results using combination of mathematic and statistic operations. BP now will trained on all extracted feature to recognize the standard printed music notes. This algorithm is applied on many examples and achieve good results and low error rate

    Pilot Plant Study on Biological Treatment of Domestic Sewage Using Biopipe System

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    The Biopipe system is the first biological wastewater treatment system designed to remove carbonaceous and nitrogenous substances entirely within a pipe. The transformation mechanisms in the Biopipe system can be modelled using a physical model, and several experiments have been carried out to this study. The experimental work was carried out at the Al-Barakia wastewater treatment plant (BWWTP) in Iraq’s Najaf governorate that will be done to obtain continuous source of sanitary sewage flow and thus, maintain the pilot plant operation. Two tanks, two pumps, a Flow Control and Measuring Device, PVC Pipes, and an Aeration System make up the physical model. Seeding using activated sludge from a similar plant, The Biopipe system requires 28 days to get steady results and maximal COD, TN and TSS removal efficiency. The tests were carried out on a Biopipe system with recirculation with different value of influent flow rate and different recirculation ratio. The most important findings of the Biopipe system application indicated that system is better for removing COD than TN. When the recirculation ratio was equal to 9, the removal efficiency of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total nitrogen (TN) achieved 66.50% respectively. The dissolved oxygen concentration rises to 5.75 mg/l when the recirculation flow rate is increased to 216 m3/day. In addition, it was found that the removal efficiency of biodegradable organics can be enhanced in case of low influent flow rate and high recirculation flow rate

    High Ionic Strength Enhances the Anti-Pepsin Activity of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles

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    Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a state that evolves when there is a return of acid and pepsin enzyme into the esophagus. Inhibition of pepsin enzyme is one of the strategies used successfully for the treatment of GERD. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs) are among the safest nanoparticles (NPs) that can be used inside the human body. The aim of the present study is to use TiO2 NPs as an inhibitor for the pepsin enzyme as a new treatment for GERD. The activity of pepsin before and after the addition of certain amounts of the NPs to the reaction mixture was measured spectrophotometrically. These experiments were repeated at different temperatures and different ionic strengths. The Michaelis constant (Km) and maximum velocity (Vmax) of the pepsin catalyzed reactions were calculated from the Lineweaver-Burke plots. The results revealed a significant reduction in the pepsin activity by TiO2 NPs. Both Km and Vmax are changed after inhibition indicating a mixed inhibition of pepsin activity. The result also showed that the combination of high ionic strength and TiO2 NPs causes a complete inhibition of pepsin activity. It can be concluded that the best condition for inhibition of pepsin activity is by using a combination of TiO2 NPs and high concentration NaCl at 37℃