10 research outputs found

    The role of other orientation on the relationship between institutional distance and expatriate adjustment

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    Drawing upon institutional and self-categorization theories, this manuscript argues that the institutional distance between home country and host country groups exerts influence over expatriate adjustment. In addition, the individual difference of other orientation plays both a direct role on the adjustment process as well as a moderating role on the relationship between institutional distance and adjustment. Propositions regarding these relationships are formed for future empirical test, and implications and directions for future research are provided.Expatriate adjustment Institutional distance Cultural distance Other orientation

    International value creation: an alternative model for Latin American multinationals

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    Recently, there has been considerable research on the great rise of Emerging Market Multinationals (EMNEs). Yet very few EMNEs are generating a significant portion of their profits abroad, and there is a growing list of failures associated with these firms internationalization efforts. This paper summarizes traditional thought on international strategy, explains the historical trajectory of EMNCs, and highlights how EMNCs have adapted to mainstream IB strategy theories. The paper develops a new model of international value creation based on primary and secondary data from the largest firms in Latin America. Specific examples of how to operationalize the model are offeredRecentemente, houve considerável investigação sobre a grande ascensão das Empresas Multinacionais Emergentes (EMNEs). No entanto, poucas EMNEs estão a gerar uma parte significativa dos seus lucros no estrangeiro e há uma lista crescente de fracassos associados aos esforços de internacionalização destas firmas. A presente comunicação sintetiza o pensamento tradicional sobre estratégia internacional, explica a trajectória histórica das EMNCs e ilustra o modo como as EMNCs se adaptaram às principais teorias de estratégia de transacções internacionais. O artigo desenvolve um novo modelo de criação de valor internacional com base nos dados primários e secundários das maiores firmas da América Latina. São apresentados exemplos específicos sobre o modo de operacionalizar o modeloMuchos han sido los estudios recientes centrados en el auge de las multinacionales de mercados emergentes (Emerging Market Multinationals - EMNEs). Aun así, muy pocas EMNEs están generando una parte significativa de sus beneficios más allá de sus fronteras y la lista de fallos asociados a los esfuerzos de internacionalización de estas firmas no deja de crecer. Este artículo resume conceptos tradicionales sobre la estrategia internacional, explica la trayectoria histórica de las EMNCs y destaca cómo las EMNCs se han adaptado a las teorías de transacciones internacionales más convencionales. El artículo desarrolla un nuevo modelo de creación de valor internacional basado en datos principales y secundarios de las firmas más importantes de Latinoamérica. Se incluyen ejemplos específicos sobre cómo aportar operabilidad al model