126 research outputs found

    Structural and functional characterization of the oxidoreductase a-DsbA1 from wolbachia pipientis

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    The &alpha;-proteobacterium Wolbachia pipientis is a highly successful intracellular endosymbiont of invertebrates that manipulates its host\u27s reproductive biology to facilitate its own maternal transmission. The fastidious nature of Wolbachia and the lack of genetic transformation have hampered analysis of the molecular basis of these manipulations. Structure determination of key Wolbachia proteins will enable the development of inhibitors for chemical genetics studies. Wolbachia encodes a homologue (&alpha;-DsbA1) of the Escherichia coli dithiol oxidase enzyme EcDsbA, essential for the oxidative folding of many exported proteins. We found that the active-site cysteine pair of Wolbachia &alpha;-DsbA1 has the most reducing redox potential of any characterized DsbA. In addition, Wolbachia &alpha;-DsbA1 possesses a second disulfide that is highly conserved in &alpha;-proteobacterial DsbAs but not in other DsbAs. The &alpha;-DsbA1 structure lacks the characteristic hydrophobic features of EcDsbA, and the protein neither complements EcDsbA deletion mutants in E. coli nor interacts with EcDsbB, the redox partner of EcDsbA. The surface characteristics and redox profile of &alpha;-DsbA1 indicate that it probably plays a specialized oxidative folding role with a narrow substrate specificity. This first report of a Wolbachia protein structure provides the basis for future chemical genetics studies.<br /

    Time-resolved measurements of fast electron recirculation for relativistically intense femtosecond scale laser-plasma interactions

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    A key issue in realising the development of a number of applications of high-intensity lasers is the dynamics of the fast electrons produced and how to diagnose them. We report on measurements of fast electron transport in aluminium targets in the ultra-intense, short-pulse (<50 fs) regime using a high resolution temporally and spatially resolved optical probe. The measurements show a rapidly (≈0.5c) expanding region of Ohmic heating at the rear of the target, driven by lateral transport of the fast electron population inside the target. Simulations demonstrate that a broad angular distribution of fast electrons on the order of 60° is required, in conjunction with extensive recirculation of the electron population, in order to drive such lateral transport. These results provide fundamental new insight into fast electron dynamics driven by ultra-short laser pulses, which is an important regime for the development of laser-based radiation and particle sources

    Factors influencing preoperative stress response in coronary artery bypass graft patients

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    BACKGROUND: In many studies investigating measures to attenuate the hemodynamic and humoral stress response during induction of anaesthesia, primary attention was paid to the period of endotracheal intubation since it has been shown that even short-lasting sympathetic cardiovascular stimulation may have detrimental effects on patients with coronary artery disease. The aim of this analysis was, however, to identify the influencing factors on high catecholamine levels before induction of anaesthesia. METHODS: Various potential risk factors that could impact the humoral stress response before induction of anaesthesia were recorded in 84 males undergoing coronary aortic bypass surgery, and were entered into a stepwise linear regression analysis. The plasma level of norepinephrine measured immediately after radial artery canulation was chosen as a surrogate marker for the humoral stress response, and it was used as the dependent variable in the regression model. Accordingly, the mean arterial blood pressure, heart rate and the calculated pressure-rate product were taken as parameters of the hemodynamic situation. RESULTS: Stepwise regression analysis revealed that the oral administration of low-dose clonidine (mean dose 1.75 μg·kg(-1)) on the morning of surgery was the only significant predictor (p = 0.004) of the high variation in preoperative norepinephrine plasma levels. This intervention decreased norepinephrine levels by more than 40% compared to no clonidine administration, from 1.26 to 0.75 nmol·l(-1). There was no evidence for dose-responsiveness of clonidine. All other potential predictors were removed from the model as insignificant (p > 0.05). The use of beta-blocker, ace-inhibitors, ejection fraction, and body mass index were significant determinants for the hemodynamic situation (heart rate, mean arterial pressure, pressure rate product) of the patient during the pre-induction period. CONCLUSION: The oral administration of clonidine is the only significant predictor for the observed variation of norepinephrine levels during the preoperative period. Lack of significant dose responsiveness suggests that even a low dose of the drug can attenuate the preoperative stress response and thus is recommended in cardiovascular high risk patients

    Decision aids for respite service choices by carers of people with dementia: development and pilot RCT

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Decision aids are often used to assist individuals confronted with a diagnosis of a serious illness to make decisions about treatment options. However, they are rarely utilised to help those with chronic or age related conditions to make decisions about care services. Decision aids should also be useful for carers of people with decreased decisional capacity. These carers' choices must balance health outcomes for themselves and for salient others with relational and value-based concerns, while relying on information from health professionals. This paper reports on a study that both developed and pilot tested a decision aid aimed at assisting carers to make evaluative judgements of community services, particularly respite care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A mixed method sequential study, involving qualitative development and a pilot randomised controlled trial, was conducted in Tasmania, Australia. We undertook 13 semi-structured interviews and three focus groups to inform the development of the decision aid. For the randomised control trial we randomly assigned 31 carers of people with dementia to either receive the service decision aid at the start or end of the study. The primary outcome was measured by comparing the difference in carer burden between the two groups three months after the intervention group received the decision aid. Pilot data was collected from carers using interviewer-administered questionnaires at the commencement of the project, two weeks and 12 weeks later.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The qualitative data strongly suggest that the intervention provides carers with needed decision support. Most carers felt that the decision aid was useful. The trial data demonstrated that, using the mean change between baseline and three month follow-up, the intervention group had less increase in burden, a decrease in decisional conflict and increased knowledge compared to control group participants.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>While these results must be interpreted with caution due to the small sample size, all intervention results trend in a direction that is beneficial for carers and their decisional ability. Mixed method data suggest the decision aid provides decisional support that carers do not otherwise receive. Decision aids may prove useful in a community health services context.</p> <p>Trial registration number</p> <p>ISRCTN: <a href="http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN32163031">ISRCTN32163031</a></p

    The role of ATP and adenosine in the brain under normoxic and ischemic conditions

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    By taking advantage of some recently synthesized compounds that are able to block ecto-ATPase activity, we demonstrated that adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the hippocampus exerts an inhibitory action independent of its degradation to adenosine. In addition, tonic activation of P2 receptors contributes to the normally recorded excitatory neurotransmission. The role of P2 receptors becomes critical during ischemia when extracellular ATP concentrations increase. Under such conditions, P2 antagonism is protective. Although ATP exerts a detrimental role under ischemia, it also exerts a trophic role in terms of cell division and differentiation. We recently reported that ATP is spontaneously released from human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) in culture. Moreover, it decreases hMSC proliferation rate at early stages of culture. Increased hMSC differentiation could account for an ATP-induced decrease in cell proliferation. ATP as a homeostatic regulator might exert a different effect on cell trophism according to the rate of its efflux and receptor expression during the cell life cycle. During ischemia, adenosine formed by intracellular ATP escapes from cells through the equilibrative transporter. The protective role of adenosine A1 receptors during ischemia is well accepted. However, the use of selective A1 agonists is hampered by unwanted peripheral effects, thus attention has been focused on A2A and A3 receptors. The protective effects of A2A antagonists in brain ischemia may be largely due to reduced glutamate outflow from neurones and glial cells. Reduced activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases that are involved in neuronal death through transcriptional mechanisms may also contribute to protection by A2A antagonism. Evidence that A3 receptor antagonism may be protective after ischemia is also reported

    Electron Generation and Transport using Second Harmonic Laser Pulses for Fast Ignition Laser Fusion Energy

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    A team of University of Alberta researchers, in collaboration with an international team of investigators, has spearheaded an experiment to study the generation and transport of MeV electrons produced by ultra-high intensity second harmonic Nd:Glass laser pulses. Intensities of up to 5 x I O’ 9 W cm2 have been used to irradiate a variety of targets to investigate the conversion efficiency into MeV energy electrons, as well as the energy spectrum and angular divergence of such electrons. Their transport through a cone tip simulating the generation of an energetic electron beam for the fast ignition of a laser-compressed fuel core was also measured. The experiments were carried out at the Titan high intensity 1aser facility located at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The experiment is the first step towards evaluating the potential effectiveness of using prepulse-free shorter wavelength second harmonic laser pulses as ignition sources for Fast Ignition Fusion Energy

    Lawson Criterion for Ignition Exceeded in an Inertial Fusion Experiment

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