20 research outputs found

    Extending resonant inelastic X-ray scattering to the extreme ultraviolet

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    In resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS), core hole resonance modes are used to enhance coupling between photons and low energy electronic degrees of freedom. Resonating with shallow core holes accessed in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) can provide greatly improved energy resolution at standard resolving power, but has been found to often yield qualitatively different spectra than similar measurements performed with higher energy X-rays. This paper uses experimental data and multiplet-based numerical simulations for the M-edges of Co-, Ni-, and Cu-based Mott insulators to review the properties that distinguish EUV RIXS from more commonly performed higher energy measurements. Key factors such as the origin of the strong EUV elastic line and advantages of EUV spectral functions over soft X-ray RIXS for identifying intrinsic excitation line shapes are discussed

    Pressure-induced anomalous valence crossover in cubic YbCu5-based compounds

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    A pressure-induced anomalous valence crossover without structural phase transition is observed in archetypal cubic YbCu5 based heavy Fermion systems. The Yb valence is found to decrease with increasing pressure, indicating a pressure-induced crossover from a localized 4f (13) state to the valence fluctuation regime, which is not expected for Yb systems with conventional c-f hybridization. This result further highlights the remarkable singularity of the valence behavior in compressed YbCu5-based compounds. The intermetallics Yb2Pd2Sn, which shows two quantum critical points (QCP) under pressure and has been proposed as a potential candidate for a reentrant Yb(2+) state at high pressure, was also studied for comparison. In this compound, the Yb valence monotonically increases with pressure, disproving a scenario of a reentrant non-magnetic Yb(2+) state at the second QCP

    Microscopic Relaxation Channels in Materials for Superconducting Qubits

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    Despite mounting evidence that materials imperfections are a major obstacle to practical applications of superconducting qubits, connections between microscopic material properties and qubit coherence are poorly understood. Here, we perform measurements of transmon qubit relaxation times T1T_1 in parallel with spectroscopy and microscopy of the thin polycrystalline niobium films used in qubit fabrication. By comparing results for films deposited using three techniques, we reveal correlations between T1T_1 and grain size, enhanced oxygen diffusion along grain boundaries, and the concentration of suboxides near the surface. Physical mechanisms connect these microscopic properties to residual surface resistance and T1T_1 through losses arising from the grain boundaries and from defects in the suboxides. Further, experiments show that the residual resistance ratio can be used as a figure of merit for qubit lifetime. This comprehensive approach to understanding qubit decoherence charts a pathway for materials-driven improvements of superconducting qubit performance

    Low-energy electronic interactions in ferrimagnetic Sr2CrReO6 thin films

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    We reveal in this study the fundamental low-energy landscape in the ferrimagnetic Sr2CrReO6 double perovskite and describe the underlying mechanisms responsible for the three low-energy excitations below 1.4 eV. Based on resonant inelastic x-ray scattering and magnetic dynamics calculations, and experiments collected from both Sr2CrReO6 powders and epitaxially strained thin films, we reveal a strong competition between spin-orbit coupling, Hund's coupling, and the strain-induced tetragonal crystal field. We also demonstrate that a spin-flip process is at the origin of the lowest excitation at 200 meV, and we bring insights into the predicted presence of orbital ordering in this material. We study the nature of the magnons through a combination of ab initio and spin-wave theory calculations, and show that two nondegenerate magnon bands exist and are dominated either by rhenium or chromium spins. The rhenium band is found to be flat at about 200 meV (±\pm25 meV) through X-L-W-U high-symmetry points and is dispersive toward Γ\GammaComment: 6 figure

    High-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy study of Kondo metals : SmSn3 and Sm0.9La0.1Sn3

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    We performed a high-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy study on the Kondo metals SmSn3 and Sm0.9La0.1Sn3. The experimental results are compared with calculations of density of state performed within the local density approximation plus the dynamical mean-field theory. The theory is found to reproduce the experimental valence-band spectra well. In both SmSn3 and Sm0.9La0.1Sn3 the bulk Sm valence is nearly trivalent, with a small fraction of divalent component. Resonant photoelectron spectroscopy indicates a decrease in the Kondo effect in the diluted system Sm0.9La0.1Sn3