8 research outputs found

    Operational performance of an Air Handling Unit: insights from a data analysis

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    Space heating and cooling is one of the most relevant causes of energy consumption in both residential and tertiary sector buildings. In particular, service buildings and offices are mostly served by all-air HVAC systems in which control logics are fundamental to guarantee reliability and performance. Building automation systems are therefore becoming more and more relevant as a support tool for reducing the energy consumption in these contexts. For this reason, the detailed analysis of operational data from real units can help in understanding the main variables that affect the performance and functioning of all-air systems. This paper presents some results from operation data analysis of an Air Handling Unit (AHU) serving a large university classroom. The main drivers of the energy consumption are highlighted, and the classroom occupancy is found to have a significant importance in the energy balance of the system. The availability of historical operation data allows performing a comparison between the actual operation of the AHU and the expected performance from nominal parameters. An example of fault detection is proposed, considering the operation analysis of the heat recovery unit over different years

    Radiant Floor Behavior in Removing Cooling Loads from Large Glassed Buildings

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    When radiant systems are installed in highly glazed rooms large amounts of solar radiation directly hit the cooled surface; this specific behavior of radiant systems in this situation should be studied in order to modify the procedure that is traditionally applied to design radiant cooling systems. Furthermore, radiant systems behave in different ways depending on their thermal mass. Based on previous researches, a model is proposed in this work to determine the conversion of heat gains into cooling loads; the model is specifically adapted to highly glazed buildings, and is differentiated for low and high thermal masses radiant systems. A numerical model is developed to provide a calculation example that confirms the proposed procedur

    Sperimentazione di nuove fonti informative. Censimento e coordinamento dei servizi di trattamento/riabilitazione attivi

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    not availableIn questo studio si analizzano i dati relativi alla diffusione del gioco d\u27azzardo nella popolazione generale e nella popolazione studentesca attraverso le indagini campionarie nazionali IPSAD?2007-2008 ed ESPAD-Italia?2008

    Il fenomeno del Gioco d\u27Azzardo Patologico in Italia.

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    not availableIl fenomeno del Gioco d\u27Azzardo Patologico. La mappatura dei servizi che si occupano di Gioco d\u27Azzardo Patologico

    L\u27Italia che gioca: uno studio su chi gioca per gioco e chi viene "giocato" dal gioco

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    not availableObiettivo di questo studio ? stato quello di analizzare dal punto di vista epidemiologico la diffusione del gioco d\u27azzardo nella popolazione Italiana di et? compresa tra i 15 e i 64 anni, stimando la prevalenza del gioco d\u27azzardo, patologico e non, e valutando se i diversi pattern di gioco si differenziano per genere, classi di et?, caratteristiche sociodemografiche e concomitanza con l\u27uso di alcol tabacco e altre sostanze. I diversi pattern di gioco d\u27azzardo sono stati determinati, nella popolazione generale, mediante la scala Canadian Problem Gambling Index (CPGI), e in quella scolarizzata, attraverso la scala South Oaks Gambling Screen Revised for Adolescents (SOGS-RA), strumenti inseriti nelle rispettive indagini nazionali, (IPSAD-Italia?2007-2008 e ESPAD-Italia?2009), studi di prevalenza con lo scopo di monitorare i comportamenti di addiction nella popolazione, secondo gli standard metodologici definiti dall\u27European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)