194 research outputs found

    Pseudo-Dipole Signal Removal from WMAP Data

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    It is discovered in our previous work that different observational systematics, e.g., errors of antenna pointing directions, asynchronous between the attitude and science data, can generate pseudo-dipole signal in full-sky maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy published by The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) team. Now the antenna sidelobe response to the Doppler signal is found to be able to produce similar effect as well. In this work, independent to the sources, we uniformly model the pseudo-dipole signal and remove it from published WMAP7 CMB maps by model fitting. The result demonstrates that most of the released WMAP CMB quadrupole is artificial.Comment: V3: using WMAP7 dat

    Detection of new point-sources in WMAP Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) maps at high Galactic latitude. A new technique to extract point sources from CMB maps

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    In experimental microwave maps, point-sources can strongly affect the estimation of the power-spectrum and/or the test of Gaussianity of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) component. As a consequence, their removal from the sky maps represents a critical step in the analysis of the CMB data. Before removing a source, however, it is necessary to detect it and source extraction consists of a delicate preliminary operation. In the literature, various techniques have been presented to detect point-sources in the sky maps. The most sophisticated ones exploit the multi-frequency nature of the observations that is typical of the CMB experiments. These techniques have "optimal" theoretical properties and, at least in principle, are capable of remarkable performances. Actually, they are rather difficult to use and this deteriorates the quality of the obtainable results. In this paper, we present a new technique, the "weighted matched filter" (WMF), that is quite simple to use and hence more robust in practical applications. Such technique shows particular efficiency in the detection of sources whose spectra have a slope different from zero. We apply this method to three Southern Hemisphere sky regions - each with an area of 400 square degrees - of the seven years Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) maps and compare the resulting sources with those of the two seven-year WMAP point-sources catalogues. In these selected regions we find seven additional sources not previously listed in WMAP catalogues and discuss their most likely identification and spectral properties.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2011, in pres

    Sky maps without anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background are a better fit to WMAP's uncalibrated time ordered data than the official sky maps

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    The purpose of this reanalysis of the WMAP uncalibrated time ordered data (TOD) was two fold. The first was to reassess the reliability of the detection of the anisotropies in the official WMAP sky maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The second was to assess the performance of a proposed criterion in avoiding systematic error in detecting a signal of interest. The criterion was implemented by testing the null hypothesis that the uncalibrated TOD was consistent with no anisotropies when WMAP's hourly calibration parameters were allowed to vary. It was shown independently for all 20 WMAP channels that sky maps with no anisotropies were a better fit to the TOD than those from the official analysis. The recently launched Planck satellite should help sort out this perplexing result.Comment: 11 pages with 1 figure and 2 tables. Extensively rewritten to explain the research bette

    Formation of the planet around the millisecond pulsar J1719-1438

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    Context. Recently the discovery of PSR J1719-1438, a 5.8 ms pulsar with a companion in a 2.2 hr orbit, was reported. The combination of this orbital period and the very low mass function is unique. The discoverers, Bailes et al., proposed an ultracompact X-ray binary (UCXB) as the progenitor system. However, the standard UCXB scenario would not produce this system as the time required to reach this orbital period exceeds the current estimate of the age of the Universe. The detached state of the system aggravates the problem. Aims. We want to understand the evolutionary history of PSR J1719-1438, and determine under which circumstances it could have evolved from an UCXB. Methods. We model UCXB evolution varying the donor size and investigate the effect of a wind mass loss from the donor, and compare the results with the observed characteristics of PSR J1719-1438. Results. An UCXB can reach a 2.2 hr orbit within the age of the Universe, provided that 1) the millisecond pulsar can significantly heat and expand the donor by pulsar irradiation, or 2) the system loses extra orbital angular momentum, e.g. via a fast wind from the donor. Conclusions. The most likely scenario for the formation of PSR J1719-1438 is UCXB evolution driven by angular momentum loss via the usual gravitational wave emission, which is enhanced by angular momentum loss via a donor wind of ~3x10^-13 Msun/yr. Depending on the size of the donor during the evolution, the companion presently probably has a mass of ~1-3 Jupiter masses, making it a very low mass white dwarf as proposed by Bailes et al. Its composition can be either helium or carbon-oxygen. A helium white dwarf companion makes the long (for an UCXB) orbital period easier to explain, but the required inclination makes it a priori less likely than a carbon-oxygen white dwarf.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. v2: Updated a referenc

    Degree of randomness: numerical experiments for astrophysical signals

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    Astrophysical and cosmological signals such as the cosmic microwave background radiation, as observed, typically contain contributions of different components, and their statistical properties can be used to distinguish one from the other. A method developed originally by Kolmogorov is involved for the study of astrophysical signals of randomness of various degrees. Numerical performed experiments based on the universality of Kolmogorov distribution and using a single scaling of the ratio of stochastic to regular components, reveal basic features in the behavior of generated signals also in terms of a critical value for that ratio, thus enable the application of this technique for various observational datasetsComment: 6 pages, 9 figures; Europhys.Letters; to match the published versio

    Kolmogorov analysis detecting radio and Fermi gamma-ray sources in cosmic microwave background maps

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    The Kolmogorov stochasticity parameter is shown to act as a tool to detect point sources in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation temperature maps. Kolmogorov CMB map constructed for the WMAP's 7-year datasets reveals tiny structures which in part coincide with point radio and Fermi/LAT gamma-ray sources. In the first application of this method, we identified several sources not present in the then available 0FGL Fermi catalog. Subsequently they were confirmed in the more recent and more complete 1FGL catalog, thus strengthening the evidence for the power of this methodology.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figs, 1 Table; to match the published versio

    An Absolute Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Temperature at 10.7 GHz

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    A balloon-borne experiment has measured the absolute temperature of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) at 10.7 GHz to be Tcmbr = 2.730 +- .014 K. The error is the quadratic sum of several systematic errors, with statistical error of less than 0.1 mK. The instrument comprises a cooled corrugated horn antenna coupled to a total-power radiometer. A cryogenic mechanical waveguide switch alternately connects the radiometer to the horn and to an internal reference load. The small measured temperature difference (<= 20 mK) between the sky signal and the reference load in conjunction with the use of a cold front end keeps systematic instrumental corrections small. Atmospheric and window emission are minimized by flying the instrument at 24 km altitude. A large outer ground screen and smaller inner screen shield the instrument from stray radiation from the ground and the balloon. In-flight tests constrain the magnitude of ground radiation contamination, and low level interference is monitored through observations in several narrow frequency bands.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, submitted to ApJ

    Light Sneutrino Dark Matter at the LHC

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    In supersymmetric (SUSY) models with Dirac neutrino masses, a weak-scale trilinear A-term that is not proportional to the small neutrino Yukawa couplings can induce a sizable mixing between left and right-handed sneutrinos. The lighter sneutrino mass eigenstate can hence become the lightest SUSY particle (LSP) and a viable dark matter candidate. In particular, it can be an excellent candidate for light dark matter with mass below ~10 GeV. Such a light mixed sneutrino LSP has a dramatic effect on SUSY signatures at the LHC, as charginos decay dominantly into the light sneutrino plus a charged lepton, and neutralinos decay invisibly to a neutrino plus a sneutrino. We perform a detailed study of the LHC potential to resolve the light sneutrino dark matter scenario by means of three representative benchmark points with different gluino and squark mass hierarchies. We study in particular the determination of the LSP (sneutrino) mass from cascade decays involving charginos, using the mT2 variable. Moreover, we address measurements of additional invisible sparticles, in our case the lightest neutralino, and the question of discrimination against the MSSM.Comment: 25 pages, 16 figure

    Linearization of homogeneous, nearly-isotropic cosmological models

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    Homogeneous, nearly-isotropic Bianchi cosmological models are considered. Their time evolution is expressed as a complete set of non-interacting linear modes on top of a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker background model. This connects the extensive literature on Bianchi models with the more commonly-adopted perturbation approach to general relativistic cosmological evolution. Expressions for the relevant metric perturbations in familiar coordinate systems can be extracted straightforwardly. Amongst other possibilities, this allows for future analysis of anisotropic matter sources in a more general geometry than usually attempted. We discuss the geometric mechanisms by which maximal symmetry is broken in the context of these models, shedding light on the origin of different Bianchi types. When all relevant length-scales are super-horizon, the simplest Bianchi I models emerge (in which anisotropic quantities appear parallel transported). Finally we highlight the existence of arbitrarily long near-isotropic epochs in models of general Bianchi type (including those without an exact isotropic limit).Comment: 31 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to CQ