9 research outputs found

    Massively HIV-1-infected macrophages exhibit a severely hampered ability to differentiate into osteoclasts

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    IntroductionOsteoclasts play a crucial role in bone resorption, and impairment of their differentiation can have significant implications for bone density, especially in individuals with HIV who may be at risk of altered bone health. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of HIV infection on osteoclast differentiation using primary human monocyte-derived macrophages as precursors. The study focused on assessing the impact of HIV infection on cellular adhesion, cathepsin K expression, resorptive activity, cytokine production, expression of co-receptors, and transcriptional regulation of key factors involved in osteoclastogenesis.MethodsPrimary human monocyte-derived macrophages were utilized as precursors for osteoclast differentiation. These precursors were infected with HIV, and the effects of different inoculum sizes and kinetics of viral replication were analyzed. Subsequently, osteoclastogenesis was evaluated by measuring cellular adhesion, cathepsin K expression, and resorptive activity. Furthermore, cytokine production was assessed by monitoring the production of IL-1β, RANK-L, and osteoclasts. The expression levels of co-receptors CCR5, CD9, and CD81 were measured before and after infection with HIV. The transcriptional levels of key factors for osteoclastogenesis (RANK, NFATc1, and DC-STAMP) were examined following HIV infection.ResultsRapid, massive, and productive HIV infection severely impaired osteoclast differentiation, leading to compromised cellular adhesion, cathepsin K expression, and resorptive activity. HIV infection resulted in an earlier production of IL-1β concurrent with RANK-L, thereby suppressing osteoclast production. Infection with a high inoculum of HIV increased the expression of the co-receptor CCR5, as well as the tetraspanins CD9 and CD81, which correlated with deficient osteoclastogenesis. Massive HIV infection of osteoclast precursors affected the transcriptional levels of key factors involved in osteoclastogenesis, including RANK, NFATc1, and DC-STAMP.ConclusionsThe effects of HIV infection on osteoclast precursors were found to be dependent on the size of the inoculum and the kinetics of viral replication. These findings underscore the importance of understanding the underlying mechanisms to develop novel strategies for the prevention and treatment of bone disorders in individuals with HIV

    Effect of natural antioxidants on colour stability of cured meat products

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    W pracy podjęto próbę zwiększenia stabilności barwy chłodniczo przechowywanych, peklowanych przetworów mięsnych, wytwarzanych z zastosowaniem naturalnych przeciwutleniaczy w formie ekstraktów z rozmarynu, szałwii i goździka. Surowiec mięsny stanowiły mięśnie czterogłowe uda (m. quadriceps femoris) pozyskiwane z tusz wieprzowych 48 h post mortem. Mięso rozdrabniano w wilku laboratoryjnym, a następnie homogenizowano z solanką peklującą o składzie 2 % peklosoli (zawierającej 99,5 % NaCl i 0,5 % NaNO₂), 0,5 % fosforanów i 0,5 % karagenu oraz ekstraktami naturalnych przeciwutleniaczy (ekstrakt rozmarynu na poziomie 200, 400 ppm oraz ekstrakt szałwii w ilości 100 i 200 ppm). Zmienność barwy eksperymentalnych przetworów poddanych naświetlaniu (250 lx) przez: 0, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24 h oceniano bezpośrednio po obróbce cieplnej oraz po miesięcznym chłodniczym składowaniu próbek. Zmienność barwy oceniono na podstawie oznaczenia parametrów wyróżników barwy L*a*b*, stopnia konwersji barwników hemowych (CFR - Colour Forming Ratio) oraz analizy sensorycznej. Stwierdzono, że zastosowanie w procesie wytwarzania eksperymentalnych przetworów ekstraktu rozmarynu wpłynęło na przesunięciem tonu ich barwy w kierunku czerwonym. W próbach z zastosowaniem ekstraktu szałwii wykazano rozjaśnienie barwy. Maksymalnym stopniem konwersji barwników hemowych charakteryzowały się warianty zawierające 400 ppm ekstraktu rozmarynu i 200 ppm ekstraktu szałwii.The objective of this study was the attempt to increase the colour stability of cured meat products stored at chilling conditions, which were manufactured with the addition of natural antioxidants in the form of rosemary, sage, and clove extracts. The meat material studied comprised m. quadriceps femoris taken from 48 h post-mortem pig carcasses. The meat was minced in a laboratory grinder; next, it was homogenized using a curing brine of the following composition: 2 % of curing salts (99.5 % of NaCl and 0.5 % of NaNO₂), 0.5 % of phosphates, 0.5 % of carrageenan, and natural antioxidant extracts (the amounts of rosemary extracts were 200 and 400 ppm, the amounts sage extract were 100 and 200 ppm). The colour variations of experimental meat products exposed to light (250 lx) for 0, 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 h were assessed directly after their thermal treatment, and one month after their chilling storage. The colour variations were assessed based on the determined parameters of L*, a*, b* colour features, Colour Forming Ratio (CFR), and sensory analysis results. It was found that the rosemary extract added during the manufacturing process of experimental meat products impacted their colour tone that became redder. The addition of sage extract to the experimental meat samples during their production process caused their colour to become lighter. The variants containing 400 ppm of rosemary extract and 200 ppm of sage extracts were characterized by the highest (max) heme pigment conversion degree of the meat colour

    Aroma barrier properties of polysaccharides protective films exposed to cold plasma

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    Skuteczna ochrona produktów żywnościowych ma zasadnicze znaczenie dla zapewnienia jakości i bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego żywności. Właściwości barierowe osłonek i powłok jadalnych wobec składników dymu wędzarniczego stanowią ważny aspekt oceny ich przydatności w przemyśle mięsnym. Materiał badawczy stanowiły jadalne filmy ochronne wytwarzane na bazie mieszanki - chitozan/hydroksymetylopropyloceluloza z dodatkiem lizozymu - i eksponowane na działanie niskociśnieniowej plazmy helowej (20 kPa). Ekstrakcję lotnych składników dymu wędzarniczego wykonano metodą mikroekstrakcji do fazy stałej SPME. Analizę lotnych związków zapachowych przeprowadzono metodą chromatografii gazowej. W preparacie dymu wędzarniczego zidentyfikowano 25 związków chemicznych, z czego ponad 60% stanowił kwas octowy wraz z pochodnymi. Grupa tych substancji przenikała przez wszystkie analizowane filmy. Wykazano także, że dodatek lizozymu i oddziaływanie zimnej plazmy istotnie wpływają na zmniejszenie barierowości ocenianych filmów. Przy uwzględnieniu wszystkich założonych w doświadczeniu czynników zmienności zaobserwowano, że w temperaturze pokojowej, tj. ok. 21°C, przenika przez eksperymentalnie wytwarzane jadalne filmy ochronne 12 związków chemicznych dymu wędzarniczego, w tym kwas octowy z pochodnymi, estry kwasów organicznych i ketony.Effective protection of food products is of essential importance for maintaining food quality and safety. Barrier properties of casings and edible coatings are an important aspect of the assessment of their usefulness in the meat industry. The edible films have been prepared basing on low molecular weight chitosan and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose by casting from lactic acid solution with water solution of lysozyme in three various concentrations (0.0, 0.5, 1.0%). Dried films were then modified by exposition on cold helium plasma treatment for 0, 5, 10 minutes at low pressure (20 kPa). Solid phase microextraction (SPME) method was used to extraction of volatile components of smoke. Volatile components of smoke were analyzed using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Twenty five compounds were identified, from which acetic acid and its derivatives were over 60%. Those substances were transferred through all tested films. The addition of lysozyme and cold plasma treatment resulted in decrease of permeability of films. The efficiency of edible films incorporated 1% of lysozyme and treated helium plasma for 10 min to retain or limit transfers of aroma compounds was the lowest. Twelve compounds were identified as follows: acetic acid and its derivatives, carboxylic acid esters and ketones

    Influence of cold plasma treatment on variation of myoglobin forms in meat

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    Zastosowanie zimnej plazmy jako metody dekontaminacji żywności stanowi w ostatnich latach przedmiot badań wielu naukowców. Oprócz efektywności przeciwdrobnoustrojowej tego procesu istotne jest określenie wpływu obróbki plazmowej na wyróżniki jakościowe mięsa. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących ekspozycji plazmowej mięsa na zmienność zawartych w nim form barwników hemowych. Stwierdzono, że plazma argonowa nie indukuje zmienności ogólnej liczby barwników hemowych jak i stężeń znanych form mioglobiny izolowanych z próbek mięsa świńskiego eksponowanego na jej działanie. Zaobserwowano zmiany stężenia omawianych form mioglobiny podczas przechowywania.Meat quality is determined by few factors, but colour of meat plays the most important role in the acceptability of meat. The objective of the current study was to determine effect of argon plasma treatment on concentration of total haem pigments and myoglobin forms. It was found that cold plasma treatment has not an influence on concentration of total haem pigments and concentration of myoglobin forms in control sample and sample treated with argon plasma. Storage induced a significant increase of MetMb and DeoMb and decrease of OxyMb

    Conscientious object in nursing: Regulations and practice in two European countries

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    Background: The concept of conscientious objection is well described; however, because of its nature, little is known about real experiences of nursing professionals who apply objections in their practice. Extended roles in nursing indicate that clinical and value-based dilemmas are becoming increasingly common. In addition, the migration trends of the nursing workforce have increased the need for the mutual understanding of culturally based assumptions on aspects of health care delivery. Aim: To present (a) the arguments for and against conscientious objection in nursing practice, (b) a description of current regulations and practice regarding conscientious objection in nursing in Poland and the United Kingdom, and (c) to offer a balanced view regarding the application of conscientious objection in clinical nursing practice. Design: Discussion paper. Ethical considerations: Ethical guidelines has been followed at each stage of this study. Findings: Strong arguments exist both for and against conscientious objection in nursing which are underpinned by empirical research from across Europe. Arguments against conscientious objection relate less to it as a concept, but rather in regard to organisational aspects of its application and different mechanisms which could be introduced in order to reach the balance between professional and patient’s rights. Discussion and conclusion: Debate regarding conscientious objection is vivid, and there is consensus that the right to objection among nurses is an important, acknowledged part of nursing practice. Regulation in the United Kingdom is limited to reproductive health, while in Poland, there are no specific procedures to which nurses can apply an objection. The same obligations of those who express conscientious objection apply in both countries, including the requirement to share information with a line manager, the patient, documentation of the objection and necessity to indicate the possibility of receiving care from other nurses. Using Poland and the United Kingdom as case study countries, this article offers a balanced view regarding the application of conscientious objection in clinical nursing practice