122 research outputs found
Impacte de l'ús de videojocs als alumnes de cicles formatius de la família d'informàtica
Aquest Treball Fi de Màster és un estudi sobre els efectes que tenen l'ús dels videojocs en alumnes del Cicle Formatiu de Grau Mitjà de Sistemes Microinformàtics i Xarxes d'un centre de Formació Professional concret. Inicialment es realitza una petita descripció, recull històric i es donen dades sobre la indústria dels videojocs. Posteriorment es realitza un resum de l'article The multiple dimensions of video game effects, del Douglas A. Gentile, que servirà de base teòrica per realitzar un anàlisis dels efectes dels videojocs. A través de la realització d'una enquesta sobre els hàbits d'ús de videojocs i sobre altres hàbits dels estudiants, s'obtindran uns resultats que posteriorment serviran per a realitzar una sèrie de propostes d'activitats a aplicar al centre de formació professional
Super-stretchable paper-based materials for 3D forming
Paper is renewable, recyclable, sustainable and biodegradable material and, as a result, paper-based materials are widely used in the world packaging market. However, paper-based materials cannot compete with plastics in terms of processability into various 3D shapes. This is due to poor formability of paper, which is closely associated with its toughness. To improve paper formability, we report on a facile and green method that combines fiber and paper mechanical modifications at different structural levels as well as biopolymer treatment via spraying. As a result, a remarkable elongation of ∼30% was achieved after proposed combined approach on the laboratory scale. At the same time, a significant increase in tensile strength and stiffness (by ∼306% and ∼690%, respectively) was observed. Overall, an inexpensive, green, and scalable approach is introduced to improve formability of fiber networks that in turn allows preparation of 3D shapes in the processes with fixed paper blanks such as vacuum forming, hydroforming, hot pressing, etc
Influence of heating on tensile and relaxation behavior of wet paper
The influence of increasing temperature on the strength and relaxation of wet never-dried paper was studied using C-IMPACT, a tensile tester equipped with a special heating chamber. The heating device formed a small climate chamber around the paper sample and raised the temperature of the paper to the target temperature of 30-70 degree Celsius within a couple of seconds. The heating chamber made fast heating possible without detectable moisture loss. The tests were performed only in the machine direction of the paper samples.The results showed that temperature had a significant influence on the straining, relaxation and re-straining behavior of wet paper. Increasing temperature decreased the tensile strength and stiffness of wet paper, but did not affect strain at break. However, due to mechanical conditioning, tensile stiffness in the re-straining of wet paper depended only marginally on temperature.Increasing temperature strongly increased the apparent relaxation rate. In this study, the apparent tension relaxation rate was obtained by fitting a log-linear function to the relaxation data. The initial 2 seconds of tension relaxation were omitted from the curve fitting because in the other case (pre-straining) heating started after 1 second of relaxation. The data between 2 and 4 seconds was used for the analysis. Depending on the temperature, 30-70% of initial tension was lost during the first 4 s. The observed short time scale phenomena in wet paper have practical significance for fiber webs dried under tension in paper machines. Most of the observed changes due to increased temperature seem to originate from the properties of wet fibers and, especially, from the softening of fiber wall material.Temperature has strong influence on wet paper tensile behavior at temperatures used in industrial processes. The results clearly show that effects of temperature on wet paper occur relatively fast. Temperature should therefore be taken into account in studies related to processes involving variable temperature conditions, in the same manner as dryness in the case of variable moisture content of wet paper
Centelhas do interstício: Poesia, fragmento e infância em Manoel de Barros
Este ensaio apresenta representações da infância no discurso lírico de Manoel de Barros, além de falar da estética do fragmento, alguns paratextos e ludismo. Como corpus de análise para essa leitura, utilizaremos o livro infantojuvenil O Fazedor de amanhecer (2001), além de outros textos do conjunto da obra do poeta pantaneiro
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