77 research outputs found

    Polynomial two-parameter eigenvalue problems and matrix pencil methods for stability of delay-differential equations

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    Several recent methods used to analyze asymptotic stability of delay-differential equations (DDEs) involve determining the eigenvalues of a matrix, a matrix pencil or a matrix polynomial constructed by Kronecker products. Despite some similarities between the different types of these so-called matrix pencil methods, the general ideas used as well as the proofs differ considerably. Moreover, the available theory hardly reveals the relations between the different methods. In this work, a different derivation of various matrix pencil methods is presented using a unifying framework of a new type of eigenvalue problem: the polynomial two-parameter eigenvalue problem, of which the quadratic two-parameter eigenvalue problem is a special case. This framework makes it possible to establish relations between various seemingly different methods and provides further insight in the theory of matrix pencil methods. We also recognize a few new matrix pencil variants to determine DDE stability. Finally, the recognition of the new types of eigenvalue problem opens a door to efficient computation of DDE stability

    Computing a partial Schur factorization of nonlinear eigenvalue problems using the infinite Arnoldi method

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    The partial Schur factorization can be used to represent several eigenpairs of a matrix in a numerically robust way. Different adaptions of the Arnoldi method are often used to compute partial Schur factorizations. We propose here a technique to compute a partial Schur factorization of a nonlinear eigenvalue problem (NEP). The technique is inspired by the algorithm in [8], now called the infinite Arnoldi method. The infinite Arnoldi method is a method designed for NEPs, and can be interpreted as Arnoldi's method applied to a linear infinite-dimensional operator, whose reciprocal eigenvalues are the solutions to the NEP. As a first result we show that the invariant pairs of the operator are equivalent to invariant pairs of the NEP. We characterize the structure of the invariant pairs of the operator and show how one can carry out a modification of the infinite Arnoldi method by respecting the structure. This also allows us to naturally add the feature known as locking. We nest this algorithm with an outer iteration, where the infinite Arnoldi method for a particular type of structured functions is appropriately restarted. The restarting exploits the structure and is inspired by the well-known implicitly restarted Arnoldi method for standard eigenvalue problems. The final algorithm is applied to examples from a benchmark collection, showing that both processing time and memory consumption can be considerably reduced with the restarting technique
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