24 research outputs found

    A Contribution to the Bats Inhabiting Arid Steppe Habitats in Central Mongolia

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    Bats of the steppe habitat require particular attention in Mongolia because of increasingly frequent droughts and the looming specter of global warming which could have a devastating impact on their population. Especially the bats in arid steppe region lack of water resources. All bat species we trapped in Erdenesant, Tov aimag, were using hand dug wells as water source indicating the significance of water availability. Many wells have been dried out or polluted in Mongolia in recent years due to warming effect of climate change and artisanal mining activities, but the extent of their impacts on bat populations have to be determined

    A Contribution to the Bats Inhabiting Arid Steppe Habitats in Central Mongolia

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    Bats of the steppe habitat require particular attention in Mongolia because of increasingly frequent droughts and the looming specter of global warming which could have a devastating impact on their population. Especially the bats in arid steppe region lack of water resources. All bat species we trapped in Erdenesant, Tov aimag, were using hand dug wells as water source indicating the significance of water availability. Many wells have been dried out or polluted in Mongolia in recent years due to warming effect of climate change and artisanal mining activities, but the extent of their impacts on bat populations have to be determined

    Ectoparasites of Bats in Mongolia (Ischnopsyllidae, Nycteribiidae, Cimicidae and Spinturnicidae)

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    For large parts of the world, the knowledge of bat ectoparasites is still scanty. Regarding Mongolia, only few studies exist to date. This paper analyzes results from extensive captures between 2005 -2008, carried out in different sites of Mongolia. Discussed ectoparasites include bat fleas, (Ischnopsyllidae), bat flies (Nycteribiidae), and bat bugs (Cimicidae) and spinturnicid mites (Spinturnicidae). A number of species found in this study were new records for Mongolia, and for many species additional sites were reported. For some bat species, the spectrum and frequency of larger ectoparasites could be determined for the first time

    Ectoparasites of Bats in Mongolia (Ischnopsyllidae, Nycteribiidae, Cimicidae and Spinturnicidae)

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    For large parts of the world, the knowledge of bat ectoparasites is still scanty. Regarding Mongolia, only few studies exist to date. This paper analyzes results from extensive captures between 2005-2008, carried out in different sites of Mongolia. Discussed ectoparasites include bat fleas, (Ischnopsyllidae), bat flies (Nycteribiidae), and bat bugs (Cimicidae) and spinturnicid mites (Spinturnicidae). A number of species found in this study were new records for Mongolia, and for many species additional sites were reported. For some bat species, the spectrum and frequency of larger ectoparasites could be determined for the first time

    Investigation on physical activation of some Mongolian coals

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    Activation characteristics of four different Mongolian coals were investigated. The coals were carbonized at temperatures of 550 °C and the obtained samples were activated by preheated steam. The pore size, pore volume and surface areas of all activated carbons (AC) have been determined by adsorption of nitrogen (N2) gas. The BET surface areas of Aduunchuluun (ACAC), Shivee Ovoo (SCAC), Baganuur (BCAC) coal and Ulaan Ovoo coals (UCAC) are 283, 205, 251 and 460 m2/g respectively. Langmuir surface area is 283 m2/g of ACAC, 230 m2/g of SCAC, 537 m2/g in UCAC and 254 m2/g in BCAC

    Selten in der Mongolei nachgewiesene Fledermausarten

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    In der Mongolei sind gegenwĂ€rtig 20 verschiedene Fledermausarten aus sieben Gattungen nachgewiesen worden. Hierbei handelt es sich um sieben Arten Myotis, vier Arten Plecotus, drei Arten Eptesicus, zwei Arten Vespertilio, zwei Arten Hypsugo und je eine Art der Gattungen Nyctalus und Murina. Von den bisher bekannten Species konnten 11 nur selten und zwei von ihnen nur einmal gefunden worden. Bis auf die Arten der Gattung Plecotus und Hypsugo, die in getrennten Publikationen in diesem Heft behandelt werden (DOLCH et al. 2021a, 2021b), sind nachfolgend diese seltenen Funde zusammengestellt. Die Grundlage fĂŒr die HĂ€ufigkeitseinschĂ€tzung bilden ĂŒber 2000 FledermausfĂ€nge an ĂŒber 100 FangplĂ€tzen der Feldexpeditionen „Chiroptera Mongolia“ (seit 1999) und der Mongolisch-Deutschen Biologischen Expeditionen, die seit 1962 unter der Leitung von Michael Stubbe in unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung durchgefĂŒhrt wurden

    Investigation of Bats in the Darkhad Wetlands

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    The Darkhadyn Khotgor wetlands are located in the northern part of Mongolia and are transected by both small and large rivers such as the Shishged and the Tengis. Many small lakes are present and the large lake ‘Tsagaan nuur’ (English: White lake) is upstream of the Yenisei river. It is a land rich in biodiversity with pristine waters and an extreme continental climate. The Darkhadyn Khotgor wetlands are composed of three ecological zones, Siberian Taiga, forested steppe, and meadow valley. The area is surrounded by Ulaan Taiga strictly protected area (SPA) in the western part, Khoridol Saridag Mountains SPA in the eastern part, the Khuvsgul National Park (NP), and the watershed of Tengis and Shishged rivers in the northern part. The bat survey was conducted at Dood Tsagaan lake, Usariin Am, Tengis river, and in the Khuit cave at 21.06. - 07.07.2010, 16.09. - 30.09.2010 and 15.10.2012. In our study areas, we recorded five species of Vespertilionidae Gray, 1821, including Myotis brandtii (Eversmann, 1845), Myotis petax Hollister, 1912, Myotis ikonnikovi Ognev, 1912, Plecotus ognevi Kishida, 1927, and Eptesicus nilssonii Keyserling et Blasius, 1839. Ikonnikov’s bat (Myotis ikonnikovi) is recorded for the first time in this region. In the Darkhadyn Khotgor wetlands, in addition, our study shows that bats go into hibernation very early in the fall due to the short summer-season in the wetlands. Our study of the Huit cave of Mongolia showed that Ognev’s long eared bat, Brandt’s bat and the Northern bat were all hibernating in this cave. We provide the first evidence that these bat species hibernate in a cave in Mongolia. In addition, bones of the Northern bat, Ognev’s long eared bat, Ikonnikov’s bat, eastern Daubenton’s bat and Brandt’s bat were found in this cave, indicating that all these bats occupy this cave either simultaneously or have occurred there in the very recent past. The Darkhad Khotgor has more extreme cold and wet climate compared to the northern forest areas of Mongolia. The species structure of bat community near Darkhad wetland is similar to that of Yakutia

    Bat study in the Kharaa region, Mongolia

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    Our study objectives were to determine bat species composition and to study the genetic variations and sound characteristics in bats of the Kharaa, Shatan, and Ulgii areas of Mongolia. This study is the first bat survey in this area. Nineteen species were from Mongolia. Six bat species belonged to three genera. We performed mitochondrial DNA sequencing of Myotis bombinus, Myotis gracilis, and Myotis petax to confirm the morphological identification of these species. We also determined the sound frequencies of the six bat species, based on their echolocation calls. The conservation status was determined using World Conservation Union red list categories and criteria. Sixteen bats from three species were ringed during this study and three artificial boxes were placed on trees in the Kharaa River Valley. Other than the northern bat, all species were eastern Palearctic. The northern bat (Eptesicus nilssonii) species is widespread in the northern Palearctic region

    Ectoparasites of Bats in Mongolia, Part 2 (Ischnopsyllidae, Nycteribiidae, Cimicidae and Acari)

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    This study analyses ectoparasites found on Mongolian bats between 2008 and 2011. We examined 12 different bat species, with a total of 23 ectoparasite species present. Apart from reporting distributions, we also discuss specific host-parasite relationships. Owing to recent taxonomic changes splitting the Myotis mystacinus-group into several new taxa, their corresponding ectoparasite fauna could also be addressed in detail. Introducing ectoparasitic insects at length elsewhere (Scheffler et al. 2010), this paper focuses on the analysis of parasitic Acari. Additional findings for Spinturnicidae (wing mites) and Macronyssidae broadened the spectrum of known parasites. Altogether, the knowledge of bat ectoparasites from Mongolia remains very sketchy. Based on different examples, we discuss current taxonomic problems regarding the species status of parasites, and suggest avenues for future research

    Bat Ectoparasites of Mongolia, Part 3

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    The fauna of Mongolian bats and their ectoparasites is not yet fully documented. This study analyzes ectoparasite samples of 15 bat species from diverse taiga, steppe, and desert locations. We recorded 27 parasite species in total and report their abundance, host preference, and occurrence herein. In describing a new bat fly species (Basilia dolchii n. spec.), reporting six parasite species never before recorded in Mongolia, and examining rare host species such as Myotis frater and Murina hilgendorfi, this work expands present knowledge in this research area. To assess respective individual and species-specific parasite loads comprised of different insects or mites, we introduce a parasite body size dependent model