24 research outputs found

    Comparison of DC and SRF Photoemission Guns For High Brightness High Average Current Beam Production

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    A comparison of the two most prominent electron sources of high average current high brightness electron beams, DC and superconducting RF photoemission guns, is carried out using a large-scale multivariate genetic optimizer interfaced with space charge simulation codes. The gun geometry for each case is varied concurrently with laser pulse shape and parameters of the downstream beamline elements of the photoinjector to obtain minimum emittance as a function of bunch charge. Realistic constraints are imposed on maximum field values for the two gun types. The SRF and DC gun emittances and beam envelopes are compared for various values of photocathode thermal emittance. The performance of the two systems is found to be largely comparable provided low intrinsic emittance photocathodes can be employed

    Thermal emittance measurements of a cesium potassium antimonide photocathode

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    Thermal emittance measurements of a CsK2Sb photocathode at several laser wavelengths are presented. The emittance is obtained with a solenoid scan technique using a high voltage dc photoemission gun. The thermal emittance is 0.56+/-0.03 mm-mrad/mm(rms) at 532 nm wavelength. The results are compared with a simple photoemission model and found to be in a good agreement.Comment: APL 201

    Ultracold electrons via Near-Threshold Photoemission from Single-Crystal Cu(100)

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    Achieving a low mean transverse energy or temperature of electrons emitted from the photocathode-based electron sources is critical to the development of next-generation and compact X-ray Free Electron Lasers and Ultrafast Electron Diffraction, Spectroscopy and Microscopy experiments. In this paper, we demonstrate a record low mean transverse energy of 5 meV from the cryo-cooled (100) surface of copper using near-threshold photoemission. Further, we also show that the electron energy spread obtained from such a surface is less than 11.5 meV, making it the smallest energy spread electron source known to date: more than an order of magnitude smaller than any existing photoemission, field emission or thermionic emission based electron source. Our measurements also shed light on the physics of electron emission and show how the energy spread at few meV scale energies is limited by both the temperature and the vacuum density of states

    Demonstration of Low Emittance in the Cornell Energy Recovery Linac Injector Prototype

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    We present a detailed study of the six-dimensional phase space of the electron beam produced by the Cornell Energy Recovery Linac Photoinjector, a high-brightness, high repetition rate (1.3 GHz) DC photoemission source designed to drive a hard x-ray energy recovery linac (ERL). A complete simulation model of the injector has been constructed, verified by measurement, and optimized. Both the horizontal and vertical 2D transverse phase spaces, as well as the time-resolved (sliced) horizontal phase space, were simulated and directly measured at the end of the injector for 19 pC and 77 pC bunches at roughly 8 MeV. These bunch charges were chosen because they correspond to 25 mA and 100 mA average current if operating at the full 1.3 GHz repetition rate. The resulting 90% normalized transverse emittances for 19 (77) pC/bunch were 0.23 +/- 0.02 (0.51 +/- 0.04) microns in the horizontal plane, and 0.14 +/- 0.01 (0.29 +/- 0.02) microns in the vertical plane, respectively. These emittances were measured with a corresponding bunch length of 2.1 +/- 0.1 (3.0 +/- 0.2) ps, respectively. In each case the rms momentum spread was determined to be on the order of 1e-3. Excellent overall agreement between measurement and simulation has been demonstrated. Using the emittances and bunch length measured at 19 pC/bunch, we estimate the electron beam quality in a 1.3 GHz, 5 GeV hard x-ray ERL to be at least a factor of 20 times better than that of existing storage rings when the rms energy spread of each device is considered. These results represent a milestone for the field of high-brightness, high-current photoinjectors.Comment: Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams 16, 073401 (2013

    Experimental characterization of photoemission from plasmonic nanogroove arrays

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    Metal photocathodes are an important source of high-brightness electron beams, ubiquitous in the operation of both large-scale accelerators and table-top microscopes. When the surface of a metal is nano-engineered with patterns on the order of the optical wavelength, it can lead to the excitation and confinement of surface plasmon polariton waves which drive nonlinear photoemission. In this work, we aim to evaluate gold plasmonic nanogrooves as a concept for producing bright electron beams for accelerators via nonlinear photoemission. We do this by first comparing their optical properties to numerical calculations from first principles to confirm our ability to fabricate these nanoscale structures. Their nonlinear photoemission yield is found by measuring emitted photocurrent as the intensity of their driving laser is varied. Finally, the mean transverse energy of this electron source is found using the solenoid scan technique. Our data demonstrate the ability of these cathodes to provide a tenfold enhancement in the efficiency of photoemission over flat metals driven with a linear process. We find that these cathodes are robust and capable of reaching sustained average currents over 100 nA at optical intensities larger than 2 GW/cm2^2 with no degradation of performance. The emittance of the generated beam is found to be highly asymmetric, a fact we can explain with calculations involving the also asymmetric roughness of the patterned surface. These results demonstrate the use of nano-engineered surfaces as enhanced photocathodes, providing a robust, air-stable source of high average current electron beams with great potential for industrial and scientific applications.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Photocathode Behavior During High Current Running in the Cornell ERL Photoinjector

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    The Cornell University Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) photoinjector has recently demonstrated operation at 20 mA for approximately 8 hours, utilizing a multialkali photocathode deposited on a Si substrate. We describe the recipe for photocathode deposition, and will detail the parameters of the run. Post-run analysis of the photocathode indicates the presence of significant damage to the substrate, perhaps due to ion back-bombardment from the residual beamline gas. While the exact cause of the substrate damage remains unknown, we describe multiple surface characterization techniques (X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, atomic force and scanning electron microscopy) used to study the interesting morphological and crystallographic features of the photocathode surface after its use for high current beam production. Finally, we present a simple model of crystal damage due to ion back-bombardment, which agrees qualitatively with the distribution of damage on the substrate surface.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figure