4,292 research outputs found

    An effective quantum mechanism for mass generation in diffeomorphism-invariant theories

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    We propose a scenario for particle-mass generation, assuming the existence of a physical regime where, firstly, physical particles can be considered as point-like objects moving in a background space-time and, secondly, their mere presence spoils the invariance under the local diffeomorphism group, resulting in an anomalous realization of the latter. Under these hypotheses, we describe mass generation starting from the massless free theory. The mechanism is not sensitive to the detailed description of the underlying theory at higher energies, leaning only on general structural features of it, specifically diffeomorphism invariance.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, no figures; version accepted for publication in MPL

    Bounds on area and charge for marginally trapped surfaces with cosmological constant

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    We sharpen the known inequalities AΛ≤4π(1−g)A \Lambda \le 4\pi (1-g) and A≥4πQ2A\ge 4\pi Q^2 between the area AA and the electric charge QQ of a stable marginally outer trapped surface (MOTS) of genus g in the presence of a cosmological constant Λ\Lambda. In particular, instead of requiring stability we include the principal eigenvalue λ\lambda of the stability operator. For Λ∗=Λ+λ>0\Lambda^{*} = \Lambda + \lambda > 0 we obtain a lower and an upper bound for Λ∗A \Lambda^{*} A in terms of Λ∗Q2 \Lambda^{*} Q^2 as well as the upper bound Q≤1/(2Λ∗) Q \le 1/(2\sqrt{\Lambda^{*}}) for the charge, which reduces to Q≤1/(2Λ) Q \le 1/(2\sqrt{\Lambda}) in the stable case λ≥0\lambda \ge 0. For Λ∗<0\Lambda^{*} < 0 there remains only a lower bound on AA. In the spherically symmetric, static, stable case one of the area inequalities is saturated iff the surface gravity vanishes. We also discuss implications of our inequalities for "jumps" and mergers of charged MOTS.Comment: minor corrections to previous version and to published versio

    Towards a cross-correlation approach to strong-field dynamics in Black Hole spacetimes

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    The qualitative and quantitative understanding of near-horizon gravitational dynamics in the strong-field regime represents a challenge both at a fundamental level and in astrophysical applications. Recent advances in numerical relativity and in the geometric characterization of black hole horizons open new conceptual and technical avenues into the problem. We discuss here a research methodology in which spacetime dynamics is probed through the cross-correlation of geometric quantities constructed on the black hole horizon and on null infinity. These two hypersurfaces respond to evolving gravitational fields in the bulk, providing canonical "test screens" in a "scattering"-like perspective onto spacetime dynamics. More specifically, we adopt a 3+1 Initial Value Problem approach to the construction of generic spacetimes and discuss the role and properties of dynamical trapping horizons as canonical inner "screens" in this context. We apply these ideas and techniques to the study of the recoil dynamics in post-merger binary black holes, an important issue in supermassive galactic black hole mergers.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, contribution to the proceedings volume of the Spanish Relativity Meeting ERE2011: "Towards new paradigms", Madrid, Spain, 29 Aug-2 Sep 201

    A class of Hamilton-Jacobi equations on Banach-Finsler manifolds

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    The concept of subdifferentiability is studied in the context of C1C^1 Finsler manifolds (modeled on a Banach space with a Lipschitz C1C^1 bump function). A class of Hamilton-Jacobi equations defined on C1C^1 Finsler manifolds is studied and several results related to the existence and uniqueness of viscosity solutions are obtained.Comment: 24 page

    An introduction to local Black Hole horizons in the 3+1 approach to General Relativity

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    We present an introduction to dynamical trapping horizons as quasi-local models for black hole horizons, from the perspective of an Initial Value Problem approach to the construction of generic black hole spacetimes. We focus on the geometric and structural properties of these horizons aiming, as a main application, at the numerical evolution and analysis of black hole spacetimes in astrophysical scenarios. In this setting, we discuss their dual role as an "a priori" ingredient in certain formulations of Einstein equations and as an "a posteriori" tool for the diagnosis of dynamical black hole spacetimes. Complementary to the first-principles discussion of quasi-local horizon physics, we place an emphasis on the "rigidity" properties of these hypersurfaces and their role as privileged geometric probes into near-horizon strong-field spacetime dynamics.Comment: 37 pages, 5 figures. Notes prepared for the course at the 2011 Shanghai Asia-Pacific School and Workshop on Gravitation (Shanghai Normal University, February 10-14, 2011

    Black-hole horizons as probes of black-hole dynamics II: geometrical insights

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    In a companion paper [1], we have presented a cross-correlation approach to near-horizon physics in which bulk dynamics is probed through the correlation of quantities defined at inner and outer spacetime hypersurfaces acting as test screens. More specifically, dynamical horizons provide appropriate inner screens in a 3+1 setting and, in this context, we have shown that an effective-curvature vector measured at the common horizon produced in a head-on collision merger can be correlated with the flux of linear Bondi-momentum at null infinity. In this paper we provide a more sound geometric basis to this picture. First, we show that a rigidity property of dynamical horizons, namely foliation uniqueness, leads to a preferred class of null tetrads and Weyl scalars on these hypersurfaces. Second, we identify a heuristic horizon news-like function, depending only on the geometry of spatial sections of the horizon. Fluxes constructed from this function offer refined geometric quantities to be correlated with Bondi fluxes at infinity, as well as a contact with the discussion of quasi-local 4-momentum on dynamical horizons. Third, we highlight the importance of tracking the internal horizon dual to the apparent horizon in spatial 3-slices when integrating fluxes along the horizon. Finally, we discuss the link between the dissipation of the non-stationary part of the horizon's geometry with the viscous-fluid analogy for black holes, introducing a geometric prescription for a "slowness parameter" in black-hole recoil dynamics.Comment: Final version published on PR

    Extended diffeomorphism algebras in (quantum) gravitational physics

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    We construct an explicit representation of the algebra of local diffeomorphisms of a manifold with realistic dimensions. This is achieved in the setting of a general approach to the (quantum) dynamics of a physical system which is characterized by the fundamental role assigned to a basic underlying symmetry. The developed mathematical formalism makes contact with the relevant gravitational notions by means of the addition of some extra structure. The specific manners in which this is accomplished, together with their corresponding physical interpretation, lead to different gravitational models. Distinct strategies are in fact briefly outlined, showing the versatility of the present conceptual framework.Comment: 20 pages, LATEX, no figure
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