54 research outputs found

    Effect of chemotherapeutic drugs on caspase-3 activity, as a key biomarker for apoptosis in ovarian tumor cell cultured as monolayer : a pilot study

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    We aimed to develop a cost-effective and robust method to predict drug resistance in individual patients. Representative tissue fragments were obtained from tumors removed from female patients, aged 24-74 years old. The tumor tissue was taken by a histopathology’s or a surgeon under sterile conditions. Cells obtained by enzymatic dissociation from tumor after surgery, were cultured as a monolayer for 6 days. Paclitaxel, doxorubicin, carboplatin and endoxan alone or in combination were added at the beginning of culture and after 6 days, Alamar blue test was used for showing action on cell proliferation why caspase- 3 activity assays for verifying action on apoptosis. Inhibitory action on cell proliferation was noted in 2 of 12 patients tumor treated with both single and combined drugs. Using caspase-3 assay we showed that 50% of tumor cells was resistant to single chemotherapeutic drugs and 40% for combined. In 2 of 12 tumors, which did not reacted on single drugs, positive synergistic action on cell proliferation was observed in combination of D + E and C + E. This pilot study suggests: 1) monolayer culture of tumor cells, derived from individual patients, before chemotherapy could provide a suitable model for studying resistance for drugs; 2) caspase-3 activity is cheap and useful methods; 3) Alamar blue test should be taken into consideration for measuring cell proliferation

    Selected abbreviations and new terms in breast pathology — a guide for clinicians

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    The aim of this article is to present briefly new pathological entities which are recently increasingly commonly used in pathology reports, as well as to discuss their clinical consequences. The new WHO classification of breast diseases includes, inter alia, invasive carcinoma of no special type: this is not a specific entity, but rather a group of malignancies without specific features. The lobular hyperplasia group includes a classical variant and a pleomorphic variant of lobular carcinoma in situ, as well as atypical lobular hyperplasia. The ductal hyperplasia group, according to the current revision of the WHO classification of breast diseases, encompasses: typical (i.e. non-atypical) ductal hyperplasia, columnar cell change, columnar cell hyperplasia, atypical ductal hyperplasia. The mesenchymal breast hyperplasia group includes pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia. We briefly discuss the above mentioned entities together with their respective clinical and therapeutic consequences

    Comparison of mutation profile between primary phyllodes tumors of the breast and their paired local recurrences

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    Phyllodes tumor of the breast (PTB) is a rare neoplasm and accounts for 0.2-2.0% of breast cancer in women. Histopathological diagnosis of the tumor is difficult, and histological features do not always predict the course of the disease and the risk of progression. Pathogenesis and molecular biological characteristics as well as PTB prognostic factors are unknown. In search for genetic factors affecting PTB progression, 10 patients were analyzed for whom material from the primary tumor and local recurrence was available. DNA isolated from paraffin blocks was sequenced using the next-generation sequencing method (NGS). In 4 pairs, consisting of primary tumor and local recurrence, probably pathogenic/pathogenic variants were detected, and in three pairs they were observed in the CDKN2A gene, while other variants were found in PTEN and TP53 genes. NGS results indicate that the above-mentioned variants are hereditary, which suggests that the CDKN2A gene might be involved in cancerogenesis of PTB. Additionally, the selected pathogenic variant of EGFR gene was exclusively detected in one recuurent tumor, which might suggest the involvement of this gene in the mechanism of progression. In order to determine if this variant is associated with progression, the frequency of this mutation should be examined in larger group of malignant and borderline tumors

    Irradiation-induced bone sarcoma in a patient treated for cervix cancer 28 years earlier

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    AIM OF THE STUDY: To present a case of a patient with cervical carcinoma in stage IIA who was diagnosed with pelvic bone sarcoma 28 years after radiotherapy. CASE PRESENTATION: A 37-year-old woman with IIA cervix cancer was treated with external beam irradiation and brachytherapy. The patient had undergone conventionally fractionated external beam irradiation using the “box” technique, with the total dose of 50 Gy and brachytherapy with radium applicators (intrauterine tube and fornix applicator) with the dose of 60 Gy calculated at point A. After treatment she was followed up for 2 years. Twenty-six years later, inoperable pelvic bone sarcoma was diagnosed within the irradiated field. The clinical course was aggressive and rapid progression during chemotherapy was observed. CONCLUSIONS: For patients receiving radiotherapy, long-term careful follow-up is mandatory due to second cancer risk. In the case of any suspicious symptoms, such patients need proper diagnosis to detect any disease as early as possible

    Wybrane skrótowce i nowe pojęcia we współczesnej patologii piersi — przewodnik dla klinicystów

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    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie nowych jednostek chorobowych i pojęć, które ostatnio pojawiły się w raportach patologicznych, a także prezentacja ich konsekwencji terapeutycznych. Nowa klasyfikacja WHO wyróżnia m.in. raka naciekającego bez specjalnego typu, który nie definiuje konkretnej jednostki morfologicznej, a raczej grupę nowotworów bez wystarczających wspólnych cech charakterystycznych. W grupie rozrostów zrazikowych nowa klasyfikacja uwzględnia następujące jednostki morfologiczne: rak zrazikowy in situ klasyczny i pleomorficzny oraz atypowy rozrost zrazikowy. W grupie rozrostów przewodowych klasyfikacja WHO wyróżnia m.in. zwykły (nieatypowy) rozrost nabłonka przewodowego, zmiany walcowatokomórkowe oraz atypowy rozrost nabłonka przewodowego. Ponadto w grupie rozrostów mezenchymalnych podścieliska gruczołu piersiowego należy wymienić rzekomonaczy­niowy rozrost podścieliska (PASH). Autorzy omawiają wymienione jednostki i charakteryzują ich znaczenie kliniczne