41 research outputs found

    Investigating in-medium properties of the ω\omega meson via the ωπ0γ\omega\rightarrow\pi^0\gamma decay

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    We investigate the feasibility of studying in-medium properties of the ω\omega meson in photoproduction experiments via the decay ωπ0γ\omega\rightarrow\pi^0\gamma. We use the GiBUU transport model to compare different methods of obtaining in-medium information, such as the invariant mass spectrum, transparency ratio, excitation function and momentum spectrum. We show that the final-state interaction of the pion poses a major obstacle for the interpretation of the invariant mass spectrum. The other three observables turn out to be fairly independent of final-state interactions and thus can give access to the ω\omega's in-medium properties.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Vector Meson Spectral Functions in a Coarse-Graining Approach

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    Dilepton production in heavy-ion collisions at top SPS energy is investigated within a coarse-graining approach that combines an underlying microscopic evolution of the nuclear reaction with the application of medium-modified spectral functions. Extracting local energy and baryon density for a grid of small space-time cells and going to each cell's rest frame enables to determine local temperature and chemical potential by application of an equation of state. This allows for the calculation of thermal dilepton emission. We apply and compare two different spectral functions for the ρ\rho: A hadronic many-body calculation and an approach that uses empirical scattering amplitudes. Quantitatively good agreement of the model calculations with the data from the NA60 collaboration is achieved for both spectral functions, but in detail the hadronic many-body approach leads to a better description, especially of the broadening around the pole mass of the ρ\rho and for the low-mass excess. We further show that the presence of a pion chemical potential significantly influences the dilepton yield.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures; Contribution for proceedings of the Resonance Workshop in Catania 201

    The GiBUU transport model

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    Dilepton Production in Transport-based Approaches

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    We investigate dilepton production in transport-based approaches and show that the baryon couplings of the ρ\rho meson represent the most important ingredient for understanding the measured dilepton spectra. At low energies (of a few GeV), the baryon resonances naturally play a larger role and affect already the vacuum spectra via Dalitz-like contributions, which can be captured well in an on-shell-transport scheme. At higher energies, the baryons mostly affect the in-medium self energy of the ρ\rho, which is harder to tackle in transport models and requires advanced techniques.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, PANIC 2014 proceeding

    Particle production and equilibrium properties within a new hadron transport approach for heavy-ion collisions

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    The microscopic description of heavy-ion reactions at low beam energies is achieved within hadronic transport approaches. In this article a new approach called "Simulating Many Accelerated Strongly interacting Hadrons" (SMASH) is introduced and applied to study the production of nonstrange particles in heavy-ion reactions at Ekin=0.4A-2A GeV. First, the model is described including details about the collision criterion, the initial conditions and the resonance formation and decays. To validate the approach, equilibrium properties such as detailed balance are presented and the results are compared to experimental data for elementary cross sections. Finally results for pion and proton production in C+C and Au+Au collisions is confronted with data from the high-acceptance dielectron spectrometer (HADES) and FOPI. Predictions for particle production in π+A collisions are made