23 research outputs found

    Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome complicated with pyocolpos: an unusual cause of postabortal sepsis

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    Obstructive mullerian anomalies give rise to a spectrum of clinical presentations and are uncommon in routine gynecologic practice. The patient usually becomes symptomatic in early reproductive years. Recurrent pelvic pain, dysmenorrhoea, enlarging abdominopelvic mass and abnormal vaginal discharge are the common presenting symptoms. We describe a rare case of a mullerian anomaly getting diagnosed 13 years after attaining menarche during evaluation of postabortal sepsis. Patient presented two weeks following evacuation done for missed abortion, with acute abdominal pain, fever and foul smelling discharge per vaginum. The anomaly was identified as uterus didelphys with obstructed left hemivagina and ipsilateral renal agenesis (Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome) complicated by pyocolpos. She was successfully managed by single stage transvaginal septum resection under laparoscopic control

    Fetomaternal outcomes in pregnancy complicated by epilepsy: a retrospective study

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    Background: This study is conducted to find out possible course and complications of epilepsy and its treatment in mother and fetus as many women will be anxious regarding this high-risk condition.Methods: This is a retrospective study conducted in department of obstetrics and gynaecology, AIMS Kochi from 2012-2019. Out of a total of 7045 deliveries during that period, we identified 64 patients with epilepsy complicating pregnancy. Antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum details of 57 patients whose data was available in electronic medical records was collected and analysed using SPSS 17 software.Results: In this study we noted that the incidence of epilepsy was 0.009%. the 50% of patients were in 25-30 years age group. More than 98% were on long term antiepileptic drugs. Majority were on monotherapy, most commonly on leviteracetam and were well controlled with monotherapy. The 38.5% had recurrence of seizures during pregnancy, mostly in latter half of pregnancy. Patients with seizure free interval of 9 months prior to pregnancy did not have any further epilepsy episodes. The incidence of other medical and obstetric complications was found to be similar to general population. There was 10% incidence of IUGR and fetal anomaly.Conclusions: The seizures were well controlled with monotherapy and we found that generally pregnancy and delivery is well tolerated and overall neonatal outcomes were good

    Borna disease virus (BDV) circulating immunocomplex positivity in addicted patients in the Czech Republic: a prospective cohort analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Borna disease virus (BDV) is an RNA virus belonging to the family Bornaviridae. Borna disease virus is a neurotropic virus that causes changes in mood, behaviour and cognition. BDV causes persistent infection of the central nervous system. Immune changes lead to activation of infection. Alcohol and drug dependence are associated with immune impairment.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We examined the seropositivity of BDV circulating immunocomplexes (CIC) in patients with alcohol and drug dependence and healthy individuals (blood donors). We examined 41 addicted patients for the presence of BDV CIC in the serum by ELISA at the beginning of detoxification, and after eight weeks of abstinence. This is the first such study performed in patients with alcohol and drug dependence.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>BDV CIC positivity was detected in 36.59% of addicted patients on day 0 and in 42.86% on day 56. The control group was 37.3% positive. However, we did not detect higher BDV CIC positivity in addicted patients in comparison with blood donors (p = 0.179). The significantly higher level of BDV CIC was associated with lower levels of GGT (gamma glutamyl transferase) (p = 0.027) and approached statistical significance with the lower age of addicted patients (p = 0.064). We did not find any association between BDV CIC positivity and other anamnestic and demographic characteristics.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In our study addicted patients did not have significantly higher levels of BDV CIC than the control group. The highest levels of BDV CIC were detected in patients with lower levels of GGT and a lower age.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>This study was approved by the ethical committee of the University Hospital Medical Faculty of Charles University in Pilsen, Czech Republic (registration number 303/2001).</p

    Silica-Coated Iron Microflakes (Fe/SiO 2

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    Paramagnetické nanočástice jako platforma pro FRET-Based pikomolární detekci sarkosinu

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    Herein, we describe an ultrasensitive specific biosensing system for detection of sarcosine as a potential biomarker of prostate carcinoma based on Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET). The FRET biosensor employs anti-sarcosine antibodies immobilized on paramagnetic nanoparticles surface for specific antigen binding. Successful binding of sarcosine leads to assembly of a sandwich construct composed of anti-sarcosine antibodies keeping the Forster distance (Ro) of FRET pair in required proximity. The detection is based on spectral overlap between gold-functionalized green fluorescent protein and antibodies@quantum dots bioconjugate (lex 400 nm). The saturation curve of sarcosine based on FRET efficiency (F604/F510 ratio) was tested within linear dynamic range from 5 to 50 nM with detection limit down to 50 pM. Assembled biosensor was then successfully employed for sarcosine quantification in prostatic cell lines (PC3, 22Rv1, PNT1A), and urinary samples of prostate adenocarcinoma patients.V tomto dokumentu, popíšeme ultrasensitivní specifický biosnímací systém pro detekci sarkosinu jako potenciálního biomarker karcinomu prostaty na základě Forster přenosu rezonanční energie (FRET). Pražec biosensoru zaměstnává anti-protilátku sarkosinu, která je imobilizovaná na povrchu paramagnetických nanočástic pro specifickou antigenní vazbu. Úspěšná vazba sarkosinu vede k sestavení sendvičové konstrukce složené z anti-protilátky sarkosinu, udržení Forster vzdálenost (RO) a FRET páru v požadované blízkosti. Detekce je založena na spektrálním překryvu mezi zlatem s funkčním zeleným fluorescenčním proteinem, protilátkou a kvantovými tečkami Bioconjugate (400 nm). Saturace křivky sarkosinu na základě FRET účinnosti (F604 / F510 poměr) byl testován v lineárním dynamickém rozsahu od 5 do 50 nM s detekčním limitem až do 50 pM. Montované biosenzor byl pak úspěšně použity pro sarkosinu kvantifikac