408 research outputs found

    Lung fractional moving blood volume in normally grown and growth restricted foetuses.

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    Objective: To examine foetal lung blood perfusion using power Doppler ultrasound (PDU) and to compare fractional moving blood volume (FMBV) and mean pixel intensity (MPI) estimations in the lungs of normally grown (NG) foetuses and foetuses with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and also to correlate foetal lung FMBV and MPI with respiratory complications after birth. Methods: Lungs of 47 NG and 25 IUGR foetuses after 32 weeks of gestation were examined with PDU. FMBV and MPI were estimated in a defined region in the posterior part of the foetal lung closest to maternal abdominal wall. FMBV and MPI were correlated to foetal weight deviation and gestational age. Perinatal outcome and respiratory complications after birth were recorded in both groups. Results: There were significantly lower FMBV and MPI values in IUGR than in NG foetuses. The overall variation was lower for FMBV than for MPI. There was a slightly higher correlation between FMBV and foetal weight deviation [r = 0·33, 95% confidence intervals (CI) 0·11-0·52] than between MPI and foetal weight deviation (r = 0·26, 95% CI 0·03-0·46). There was no significant correlation between FMBV or MPI and gestational age. No differences between the groups were found in the rate of respiratory complications, and they were not correlated either to the FMBV or MPI. Conclusion: FMBV and MPI, estimated from the PDU signals of foetal lung circulation, showed lower values in third-trimester pregnancies complicated by IUGR. The frequency of neonatal respiratory complications was not increased in cases with low pulmonary FMBV and MPI values

    Health-related quality of life, utility, and productivity outcomes instruments: ease of completion by subjects with COPD

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    An important outcome of any clinical intervention is the change in the subject's own perceived state of health. This can be categorized as health-related quality of life (HRQL), utility (preference-based health state), and daily life performance. 174 Swedish subjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (mean age 64.3 ± 12 years) completed five self-administered questionnaires: Short Form 36 (SF-36), St George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), EuroQol-5D (EQ-5D), Health States-COPD (HS-COPD), and Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire for COPD (WPAI-COPD). The subjects scored these outcomes instruments for ease of completion using a 5-point scale. The time taken to complete them was noted and the administrators' opinion of the subjects' comprehension of the questionnaires recorded using a 4-point scale. A score of 1–3 ("very easy" to "acceptable") was recorded by 92% of subjects for the SF-36, 90% for SGRQ, 80% for EQ-5D, 83% for WPAI-COPD, and 53% for HS-COPD. The HS-COPD was graded "very difficult" to complete by 21% of subjects compared with 3–5% of subjects for the other questionnaires. The mean time taken to complete all questionnaires was 39 minutes, and the large majority of subjects scored "good" for understanding by the administrator. Age correlated significantly with the degree of the subject's opinion of the ease of completion of five outcomes instruments, while the influence of gender, socio-economic status and disease severity was not statistically significant

    Systemic galectin-3 in smokers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic bronchitis: The impact of exacerbations

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    Purpose: The carbohydrate-binding protein Galectin-3 is increased in several inflammatory diseases and has recently been forwarded as a systemic biomarker in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In this longitudinal study, we characterized the level of systemic Galectin-3 using blood from smokers with a history of COPD and chronic bronchitis (COPD-CB), during stable clinical conditions and exacerbations. Patients and Methods: The study population comprised 56 long-term smokers with COPD-CB, 10 long-term smokers without lung disease (LTS) and 10 clinically healthy never-smokers (HNS). Blood samples were analyzed for levels of Galectin-3, leukocyte populations and C-reactive protein (CRP). In addition, sputum samples from the COPD-CB group were analyzed for bacterial growth. Results: When comparing stable clinical conditions and exacerbations in the COPD-CB group, we found that the level of Galectin-3, just like that of CRP, leukocytes and neutrophils, respectively, was increased during exacerbations. However, this exacerbation-associated increase of Galectin-3 was modest. During stable clinical conditions of COPD-CB, the level of Galectin-3 was not elevated in comparison with HNS or LTS. Nor did this level of Galectin-3 distinguish patients that remained in a clinically stable condition throughout the study to those that developed an exacerbation. In addition, neither during stable clinical conditions nor during exacerbations, did the presence of bacterial growth in sputum alter Galectin-3 levels. In contrast to Galectin-3, the level of CRP, leukocytes and neutrophils, respectively, were increased during clinical stable conditions in the COPD-CB group compared with the other groups and were further enhanced during exacerbations. Conclusion: Systemic Galectin-3 is increased in a reproducible but modest manner during exacerbations in smokers with COPD-CB. During stable clinical conditions, the level of systemic Galectin-3 does not distinguish patients that remain clinically stable from those that develop exacerbations. This makes it less likely that systemic Galectin-3 may become a clinically useful biomarker in the current setting

    Bone Conduction Stimulated VEMP Using the B250 Transducer

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    Objective: Bone conduction (BC) stimulation is rarely used for clinical testing of vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs) due to the limitations of conventional stimulation alternatives. The aim of this study is to compare VEMP using the new B250 transducer with the Minishaker and air conduction (AC) stimulation.Methods: Thirty normal subjects between 20 and 37 years old and equal gender distribution were recruited, 15 for ocular VEMP and 15 for cervical VEMP. Four stimulation conditions were compared: B250 on the mastoid (FM); Minishaker and B250 on the forehead (FZ); and AC stimulation using an insert earphone.Results: It was found that B250 at FM required a statistically significant lower hearing level than with AC stimulation, in average 41 dB and 35 dB lower for ocular VEMP and cervical VEMP, respectively, but gave longer n10 (1.1 ms) and n23 (1.6 ms). No statistical difference was found between B250 at FM and Minishaker at FZ.Conclusion: VEMP stimulated with B250 at FM gave similar response as the Minishaker at FZ and for a much lower hearing level than AC stimulation using insert earphones

    Long-term follow-up and review of the Bone Conduction Implant

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    Active transcutaneous bone conduction devices are a type of bone conduction device developed to keep the skin intact and provide direct bone conduction stimulation. The Bone Conduction Implant (BCI) is such a device and has been implanted in 16 patients. The objective of this paper is to give a broad overview of the BCI development to the final results of 13 patients at 5-year follow-up. Follow-up of these patients included audiological performance investigations, questionnaires, as well as safety evaluation and objective functionality testing of the device. Among those audiological measure-ments were sound field warble tone thresholds, speech recognition threshold (SRT), speech recognition score (SRS) and signal to noise ratio threshold (SNR-threshold).The accumulated implant time for all 16 patients was 113 years in February 2022. During this time, no serious adverse events have occurred. The functional improvement for the 13 patients reported in this paper was on average 29.5 dB (average over 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 kHz), while the corresponding effective gain was-12.4 dB. The SRT improvement was 24.5 dB and the SRS improvement was 38.1%, while the aided SNR-threshold was on average -6.4 dB.It was found that the BCI can give effective and safe hearing rehabilitation for patients with conduc-tive and mild-to-moderate mixed hearing loss

    Single breath N2-test and exhaled nitric oxide in men

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    SummaryThe N2 slope is an index of inhomogeneous distribution of ventilation and has been suggested to be suited for early testing of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in smokers. The aim of the present study was to examine the association between the fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) and the N2 slope in a random population of smoking and non-smoking men. Altogether 57 subjects were included in the study, 24 never-smokers, seven ex-smokers and 26 current smokers. Subjects were examined twice, in 1995 when they regarded themselves as healthy, and in a follow-up in 2001. Spirometry, N2 slope and high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) were performed in 1995 while the follow-up examination included also measurement of FENO.The FENO value was significantly lower and the N2 slope higher in current smokers. In smokers but not in never- or ex-smokers FENO was correlated to the difference in N2 slope between 1995 and 2001 (rs=0.49, P=0.01). We analysed the data by multiple linear regression adjusted for smoking, mild respiratory symptoms and inhaled steroids. There were significant associations between FENO and the N2 slope both in 1995 and in 2001. The strongest association was found to exist with the change in N2 slope during these years.Sixteen of the subjects could be classified as having COPD, six with mild and ten with moderate COPD. There was a trend for an increase in N2 slope with increased severity of COPD; among subjects with no COPD the N2 slope in 2001 was 2.3% N2/L, and those with mild and moderate COPD had 2.5% N2/L and 3.9% N2/L, respectively (P=0.0004). No such trend was seen for FENO (17.8, 15.5 and 20.3 parts per billion (ppb), respectively, P=0.8).The results show that FENO is associated with the N2 slope, indicating that FENO reflects inflammatory changes in the peripheral airways of both non-smoking and smoking subjects

    Three-Year Follow-Up with the Bone Conduction Implant

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    Background: The bone conduction implant (BCI) is an active transcutaneous bone conduction device where the transducer has direct contact to the bone, and the skin is intact. Sixteen patients have been implanted with the BCI with a planned follow-up of 5 years. This study reports on hearing, quality of life, and objective measures up to 36 months of follow-up in 10 patients. Method: Repeated measures were performed at fitting and after 1, 3, 6, 12, and 36 months including sound field warble tone thresholds, speech recognition thresholds in quiet, speech recognition score in noise, and speech-to-noise thresholds for 50% correct words with adaptive noise. Three quality of life questionnaires were used to capture the benefit from the intervention, appreciation from different listening situations, and the ability to interact with other people when using the BCI. The results were compared to the unaided situation and a Ponto Pro Power on a soft band. The implant functionality was measured by nasal sound pressure, and the retention force from the audio processor against the skin was measured using a specially designed audio processor and a force gauge. Results: Audiometry and quality of life questionnaires using the BCI or the Ponto Pro Power on a soft band were significantly improved compared to the unaided situation and the results were statistically supported. There was generally no significant difference between the two devices. The nasal sound pressure remained stable over the study period and the force on the skin from the audio processor was 0.71 \ub1 0.22 N (mean \ub1 1 SD). Conclusion: The BCI improves the hearing ability for tones and speech perception in quiet and in noise for the indicated patients. The results are stable over a 3-year period, and the patients subjectively report a beneficial experience from using the BCI. The transducer performance and contact to the bone is unchanged over time, and the skin area under the audio processor remains without complications during the 3-year follow-up

    Rotröta påverkar uthålligheten hos vallbaljväxter

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    Rödklöver, som är basen i närproducerat protein, har sviktande uthållighet orsakad av rotröta som utvecklas i roten och orsakas av flera patogena svampar som finns i jorden. Angreppens påverkan på vallens botaniska sammansättning, produktionsnivå och kvalitet jämfördes i två fältförsök under tre vallår. Fröblandningar med olika baljväxter jämfördes i två- och treskördesystem. Baljväxterna som undersöktes var rödklöver SW Fanny (med och utan cikoria) och SW Vivi, vitklöver, käringtand och blålusern. Rödklöver gav störst totalavkastning över tre vallår. Baljväxthalten var högst i rödklöver de första två åren, trots stora angrepp av rotröta i vall II. Vallår III minskade rödklöverhalten signifikant och blev jämförbar med andelen vitklöver. Vivi skördad två gånger gav större avkastning än Fanny+ cikoria med tre skördar. I övrigt fanns inga signifikanta avkastningsskillnader mellan fröblandningar eller skördesystem i slutet av försöksperioden. Angreppen av rotröta var signifikant större i rödklöver än i övriga baljväxter. Blålusern hade större angrepp av rotröta än käringtand och vitklöver som låg på en låg nivå. Foderkostnaden blev minst med rödklöver respektive vitklöver i treskördesystem. Uthålligheten i baljväxtvallar totalt sett kan sannolikt ökas genom att alternera artvalet i baljväxtdominerade växtföljder med vitklöver, käringtand och blålusern som lämpliga alternativ till rödklöver

    The bone conduction implant - a review and 1-year follow-up

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    Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate its safety and effectiveness of the bone conduction implant (BCI) having an implanted transducer and to review similar bone conduction devices. Design: This is a consecutive prospective case series study where the patients were evaluated after 1, 3, 6 and 12 months. Outcome measures were focussed on intraoperative and postoperative safety, the effectiveness of the device in terms of audiological performance and patient\u27s experience. Study sample: Sixteen patients with average age of 40.2 (range 18-74) years have been included. Thirteen patients were operated in Gothenburg and three in Stockholm. Results: It was found that the procedure for installing the BCI is safe and the transmission condition was stable over the follow-up time. No serious adverse events or severe adverse device effects occurred. The hearing sensitivity, speech in noise and the self-assessment as compared with the unaided condition improved significantly with the BCI. These patients also performed similar or better than with a conventional bone conduction reference device on a softband. Conclusions: In summary, it was found that the BCI can provide a safe and effective hearing rehabilitation alternative for patients with mild-to-moderate conductive or mixed hearing impairments

    A novel method for objective in-situ measurement of audibility in bone conduction hearing devices–a pilot study using a skin drive BCD

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    Objective: Objective measurement of audibility (verification) using bone conduction devices (BCDs) has long remained an elusive problem for BCDs. For air conduction hearing aids there are well-defined and often used objective methods, and the aim of this study is to develop an objective method for BCDs. Design: In a novel setup for audibility measurements of bone-anchored hearing aid (BAHA) attached via a soft band, we used a skin microphone (SM) on the forehead measuring in-situ sound field thresholds, maximum power output (MPO) and international speech test signal (ISTS) responses. Study sample: Five normal-hearing persons. Result: Using the electrical output of SM it was possible to objectively measure the audibility of a skin drive BCD, presented as an eSPL-o-gram showing thresholds, MPO and ISTS response. Normalised eSPL-o-gram was verified against corresponding FL-o-grams (corresponding force levels from skull simulator and artificial mastoid (AM)). Conclusion: The proposed method with the SM can be used for objective measurements of the audibility of any BCDs based on thresholds, MPO and speech response allowing for direct comparisons of hearing and BCD output on the same graph using an eSPL-o-gram. After normalisation to hearing thresholds, the audibility can be assessed without the need for complicated calibration procedures