139 research outputs found

    Resilience among police officers:A critical systematic review of used concepts, measures, and predictive values of resilience

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    Resilience, hardiness, and psychological capital are considered to be important capacities for police officers to cope with and adapt to challenging stressful and potentially traumatic situations. Despite their growing popularity, a systematic review assessing used concepts and instruments for these capacities and synthesizing the results of studies on the predictive values of resilience, hardiness, and psychological capital among police officers is absent. The aim of the present study is to fill this gap of scientific knowledge, and for this purpose, a systematic literature search was conducted using PsycInfo, Pubmed, and Web of Science. We identified 17 cross-sectional and 5 longitudinal studies. Results showed that resilience, hardiness, and psychological capital were studied mostly in relation to physical and mental health variables. No study focused on officers’ professional functioning. In both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, associations with health variables were very weak to moderate, while cross-sectional studies mostly yielded stronger associations than longitudinal associations. In sum, we found no empirical support for the growing popularity

    Phase transitions above the yrast line in 154Dy

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    Spectra of the E2 quasicontinuum γ rays feeding different spin regions of the 154Dy yrast line have been extracted. These are compared with corresponding theoretical spectra obtained by numerical simulations based on temperature-dependent Hartree-Fock theory, with thermal shape fluctuations. In this manner, different regions of the spin-energy plane can be examined. The results support the predictions of a smeared-out phase transition at high spin above the yrast line

    Superdeformed band in 155Dy: Where does the "island" of superdeformation end?

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    A superdeformed band of 15 transitions has been found in the 155Dy nucleus. The measurement was performed with a backed target and the large deformation was inferred from the measured Doppler shifts. The new band displays an intensity pattern much different from typical superdeformed bands in this mass region. The dynamic moment of inertia is essentially identical to that of band 1 in 153Dy and is somewhat larger than those of the yrast superdeformed bands in 152, 154Dy, suggesting that the associated configuration has an additional N = 7, j15/2 intruder orbital occupied with respect to the 154Dy core

    Population of positive-parity states in Sc53 through one-proton knockout

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    The one-proton knockout reaction Be9(Ti54,Sc53+γ)X at 72 MeV/nucleon has been measured. The location of the first 3/2- state at 2110(3) keV was confirmed, and new γ-ray transitions were observed at 1111(2), 1273(2), 1539(4), and 2495(5) keV. Large spectroscopic strength to excited states in Sc53 was found and attributed to the knockout of sd-shell protons

    Spin ∼ 60 ℏ in 156Dy: Competition between collective and terminating structures at very high-spin

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    The highest-spin discrete states (I ∼ 60 ℏ and Ex ∼ 30 MeV) in normal deformed nuclei have been observed in the rare-earth isotope 156Dy using the 124Sn(36S,4n) reaction in conjunction with the GAMMASPHERE spectrometer. The positive parity yrast sequence appears to evolve smoothly from a prolate (collective) towards an oblate (non-collective) shape, in contrast to the sudden shape change observed in the isotone 158Er. Terminating states are identified in the negative parity sequences at Iπ = 52- and 53- and specific multi-particle-hole configurations are assigned by comparison with cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky calculations. An order of magnitude increase in the interaction strength between close lying high-spin weakly collective structures is determined compared with that found in the lower-spin strongly collective domain. These results give valuable insight into the interplay between collective and terminating structures, and their competition for yrast status in the 40 - 60 ℏ spin range

    Competition between terminating and collective structures above spin 40ℏ in 154Dy

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    High-spin states in 154Dy were studied with the Gammasphere spectrometer using the 36S(122Sn,4n) reaction. Band terminating states were identified in the spin range I= (36-48)ℏ, and were found to compete with collective rotational cascades up to the highest observed spins. Several "sidebands" feeding the terminating structures were identified as well. A band dominated by M1 transitions was observed to terminate at Iπ = 42-. The data are interpreted within the framework of configuration-dependent cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky calculations without pairing

    First observation of excited structures in neutron-deficient 179Hg: Evidence for multiple shape coexistence

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    Excited structures in the neutron-deficient nucleus 179Hg have been established for the first time using the Gammasphere spectrometer in conjunction with the fragment mass analyzer. Competing states originating from three different minima associated with nearly spherical, oblate, and prolate deformations were found. This result can be contrasted with the situation in heavier odd-mass Hg isotopes where only two minima (oblate and prolate) have been seen. The implications of these three shapes at low spin and excitation energy are discussed in the general context of shape coexistence in this mass region

    High-spin proton alignments and coexisting coupling schemes in Hf168

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    High-spin states in Hf168 were populated in the Zr96(Ge76,4n) reaction and the decay γ rays measured with the Gammasphere spectrometer array. Previously known bands were extended to significantly higher spins and seven new bands were established. The results were interpreted within the framework of the cranked shell model with the help of comparisons with neighboring nuclei. The observation of full alignment in band crossings at a rotational frequency ω~0.55 MeV revealed that these crossings are associated with proton alignments involving h11/2 and h9/2 orbitals. The characteristics of one strongly coupled high-K band indicate that the deformation-aligned configuration is built on the same six quasiparticles that constitute the high-spin structure of a rotationally aligned band. This leads to the coexistence of two coupling schemes, deformation and rotation alignment, in six-quasiparticle structures involving the same orbitals

    First evidence for triaxial superdeformation in 168Hf

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    Three superdeformed (SD) bands have been found in 168Hf. Lifetime measurements revealed a large quadrupole moment, Qt ∼ 11.4 eb, for the strongest band (TSD1). Theoretical calculations using the Ultimate Cranker code predict high-spin SD minima (ε2 ∼ 0.43) with stable triaxial deformations of γ ∼ +20° and γ ∼ -15°. The measured Qt value suggests that band TSD1 corresponds, most likely, to a deformation with a positive γvalue. This constitutes the first evidence for triaxial superdeformation in an even proton system