949 research outputs found

    Publieksparticipatie beteugeld:<i>Boundary work</i> en publieksparticipatie in de professionele praktijken van Nederlandse televisiemakers

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    In het eerste decennium van de 21e eeuw hing met de komst van nieuwe media optimisme in de lucht over de mogelijkheden voor publieksparticipatie in de media. Onderzoekers met een utopische inslag zagen mogelijkheden voor publieken bij mediaproductie waardoor een meer democratische relatie tussen producent en mediaconsument zou kunnen ontstaan. Publieken krijgen echter geen toegang tot vooral massamediaproductie, zonder dat mediaorganisaties en mediaprofessionals hier ruimte voor maken. Hoewel publieksparticipatie een erosie van de traditionele scheidslijn tussen makers en publieken zou betekenen, was er beduidend minder aandacht voor wat publieksparticipatie betekent voor de mediaprofessional. In dit proefschrift is de positie van publieksparticipatie binnen Nederlandse broadcasttelevisie onder de loep genomen vanuit het perspectief van professionals in een tijdperk waarin het medialandschap snel digitaliseerde en Web 2.0 (sociale netwerksites) in opkomst was. Deze studie beoogt een bijdrage te leveren aan kennis over de werkwijzen, de beroepsopvattingen en de professionele identiteit van televisiemakers in de Nederlandse televisie-industrie wanneer publieksparticipatie onderdeel uitmaakt van het televisieproductieproces. Een belangrijk deel van het onderzoek speelt zich af binnen de kaders van crossmediale (non-spot) special interest formats. Dit proefschrift laat zien dat de afstand tussen makers en publieken telkens opnieuw gereproduceerd wordt. Het blijkt dat boundary work-praktijken van professionals in televisieproductie amateurs buitensluit. Wel hebben televisiemakers symbolische publieksparticipatie succesvol aan het productie-arsenaal toegevoegd. Institutionele mechanismen en productiepraktijken blijken stevig verankerd in de televisieproductiecultuur. Zolang aan creatieve en zakelijke aspiraties wordt voldaan, hebben televisiemakers geen reden om hun handelswijze en beroepsopvatting te herzien

    Towards Integrated Public Service Delivery Based On An Ontological Framework

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    Present-day governments are experiencing a shift towards supplying demand-driven and personalized electronic services. This often requires that government organizations collaborate with each other and their services and processes need to be integrated to act in a coherent manner. In this paper, we take the diversity of government agencies as a starting point and focus on the development of a shared ontology to enable interoperability among heterogeneous business process and services of public agencies. This framework contributes to understanding the key concepts and relations that form the basis for coordinating the activities necessary for integrated public service delivery. The ontology is aimed at capturing the main elements to enable communication among and integration of the activities of decentralized and autonomous agencies. The ontology has been interactively developed by studying organizational processes, by conducting interviews and literature study. The proposed ontology can provide a foundation for an architecture blueprint that can enable demand-driven integrated service delivery in practice without having to pose detailed requirements on organizations. As autonomy is fostered, this research can potentially enable the integration of private organizations

    A comparison of efficient permutation tests for unbalanced ANOVA in two by two designs--and their behavior under heteroscedasticity

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    We compare different permutation tests and some parametric counterparts that are applicable to unbalanced designs in two by two designs. First the different approaches are shortly summarized. Then we investigate the behavior of the tests in a simulation study. A special focus is on the behavior of the tests under heteroscedastic variances.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, Working Paper of the Department of Management And Enigineering of the University of Padov

    Stochastic magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in space dimensions d≄2d\ge 2

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    Interplay of kinematic and magnetic forcing in a model of a conducting fluid with randomly driven magnetohydrodynamic equations has been studied in space dimensions d≄2d\ge 2 by means of the renormalization group. A perturbative expansion scheme, parameters of which are the deviation of the spatial dimension from two and the deviation of the exponent of the powerlike correlation function of random forcing from its critical value, has been used in one-loop approximation. Additional divergences have been taken into account which arise at two dimensions and have been inconsistently treated in earlier investigations of the model. It is shown that in spite of the additional divergences the kinetic fixed point associated with the Kolmogorov scaling regime remains stable for all space dimensions d≄2d\ge 2 for rapidly enough falling off correlations of the magnetic forcing. A scaling regime driven by thermal fluctuations of the velocity field has been identified and analyzed. The absence of a scaling regime near two dimensions driven by the fluctuations of the magnetic field has been confirmed. A new renormalization scheme has been put forward and numerically investigated to interpolate between the Ï”\epsilon expansion and the double expansion.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Universally Coupled Massive Gravity, II: Densitized Tetrad and Cotetrad Theories

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    Einstein's equations in a tetrad formulation are derived from a linear theory in flat spacetime with an asymmetric potential using free field gauge invariance, local Lorentz invariance and universal coupling. The gravitational potential can be either covariant or contravariant and of almost any density weight. These results are adapted to produce universally coupled massive variants of Einstein's equations, yielding two one-parameter families of distinct theories with spin 2 and spin 0. The theories derived, upon fixing the local Lorentz gauge freedom, are seen to be a subset of those found by Ogievetsky and Polubarinov some time ago using a spin limitation principle. In view of the stability question for massive gravities, the proven non-necessity of positive energy for stability in applied mathematics in some contexts is recalled. Massive tetrad gravities permit the mass of the spin 0 to be heavier than that of the spin 2, as well as lighter than or equal to it, and so provide phenomenological flexibility that might be of astrophysical or cosmological use.Comment: 2 figures. Forthcoming in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Density-matrix formalism with three-body ground-state correlations

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    A density-matrix formalism which includes the effects of three-body ground- state correlations is applied to the standard Lipkin model. The reason to consider the complicated three-body correlations is that the truncation scheme of reduced density matrices up to the two-body level does not give satisfactory results to the standard Lipkin model. It is shown that inclusion of the three-body correlations drastically improves the properties of the ground states and excited states. It is pointed out that lack of mean-field effects in the standard Lipkin model enhances the relative importance of the three-body ground-state correlations. Formal aspects of the density-matrix formalism such as a relation to the variational principle and the stability condition of the ground state are also discussed. It is pointed out that the three-body ground-state correlations are necessary to satisfy the stability condition

    Complementarity of the Maldacena and Karch-Randall Pictures

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    We perform a one-loop test of the holographic interpretation of the Karch-Randall model, whereby a massive graviton appears on an AdS_4 brane in an AdS_5 bulk. Within the AdS/CFT framework, we examine the quantum corrections to the graviton propagator on the brane, and demonstrate that they induce a graviton mass in exact agreement with the Karch-Randall result. Interestingly enough, at one loop order, the spin 0, spin 1/2 and spin 1 loops contribute to the dynamically generated (mass)^2 in the same 1: 3: 12 ratio as enters the Weyl anomaly and the 1/r^3 corrections to the Newtonian gravitational potential.Comment: 20 pages, Revtex 3, Discussion on the absence of a scalar ghost clarified; Additional details on the computation give
