535 research outputs found

    Functional molecular mass of rat hepatic lipase in liver, adrenal gland and ovary is different

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    Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is functionally active only as a dimer. It is also generally assumed that the highly homologous hepatic lipase functions as a dimer, but no clear evidence has been presented. A hepatic lipase-like activity, also indicated as L-type lipase, is present in adrenal and ovary tissues. This enzyme is thought to originate from the liver and to be identical to hepatic lipase. We determined the functional molecular mass of hepatic lipase in rat liver, adrenal gland and ovary by radiation inactivation, a method for determining the functional size of a protein without the need of prior purification. Samples were exposed to ionizing radiation at -135 degrees C. Hepatic lipase activity in liver homogenate showed a single exponential decay. The functional molecular mass was calculated to be 63 +/- 10 kDa. Hepatic lipase activity in adrenal homogenate was found to have a functional molecular mass of 117 +/- 16 kDa. The functional molecular masses of the lipases partially purified from rat liver perfusate, adrenal homogenate or ovarian homogenate showed the same pattern, a target mass for the liver enzyme of 56 +/- 6 kDa and a target mass of 117 +/- 14 kDa for the enzyme from adrenal gland or ovary. In Western blot analysis the mass of the structural units of hepatic lipase in liver was 57 kDa and in adrenal and ovary tissue 51 kDa. We conclude that the functional unit of hepatic lipase in the liver is a monomer. The enzyme in adrenal gland and ovary is different from the liver and the functional unit may be a dimer

    Induction of adrenal scavenger receptor BI and increased high density lipoprotein-cholesteryl ether uptake by in vivo inhibition of hepatic lipase

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    Hepatic lipase (HL) and scavenger receptor type B class I (SR-BI) have both been implicated in high density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesteryl ester uptake in cholesterol-utilizing tissues. Inactivation of HL by gene-directed targeting in mice results in up-regulation of SR-BI expression in adrenal gland (Wang, N., Weng, W., Breslow, J. L., and Tall, A. R. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 21001-21004). The net effect on HDL-cholesteryl ester uptake is not known. We determined the impact of acute in vivo inhibition of rat adrenal HL activity by antibodies on SR-BI expression and on human and rat HDL-[3H]cholesteryl ether (CEth) uptake in the adrenal gland. Rat HDL was isolated from rats in which HL activity had been inhibited for 1 h. The rats were studied under basal conditions (not ACTH-treated) and after previous treatment with ACTH for 6 days (ACTH-treated). Intravenous injection of anti-HL resulted in 70% lowering of adrenal HL activity in both conditions which were maintained for at least 8 h. In not ACTH-treated rats, inhibition of adrenal HL increased adrenal SR-BI mRNA (5.2-fold) and mass (1. 6-fold) within 4 h. HL inhibition resulted in 41% and 14% more adrenal accumulation of human HDL-[3H]CEth during 4 and 24 h, respectively. The adrenal uptake of rat HDL-[3H]CEth increased by 68%, 4 h after the antibody injection. ACTH treatment increased total adrenal HL activity from 3.7 +/- 0.5 milliunits to 34.0 +/- 17. 2 milliunits, as well as adrenal SR-BI mRNA from 2.9 +/- 0.7 arbitrary units (A.U.) to 86.8 +/- 41.1 A.U. and SR-BI mass from 7.7 +/- 1.8 A.U. to 63.16 +/- 46.7 A.U. The human HDL-[3H]CEth uptake by adrenals was also significantly increased from 0.58 +/- 0.11% of injected dose to 7.24 +/- 1.58% of injected dose. Inhibition of adrenal HL activity did not result in further induction of SR-BI expression and did not affect human HDL-[3H]CEth uptake. These findings indicate that SR-BI expression may be influenced by changes in HL activity. HL activity is not needed for the SR-BI-mediated HDL-cholester

    Spin Nomenclature for Semiconductors and Magnetic Metals

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    The different conventions used in the semiconductor and magnetic metals communities can cause confusion in the context of spin polarization and transport in simple heterostructures. In semiconductors, terminology is based on the orientation of the electron spin, while in magnetic metals it is based on the orientation of the moment. In the rapidly expanding field of spintronics, where both semiconductors and metallic metals are important, some commonly used terms ("spin-up," "majority spin") can have different meanings. Here, we clarify nomenclature relevant to spin transport and optical polarization by relating the common physical observables and "definitions" of spin polarization to the fundamental concept of conservation of angular momentum within a well-defined reference frame.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, 16 reference

    Evaluation of the effect of previous endometriosis surgery on clinical and surgical outcomes of subsequent endometriosis surgery

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    Purpose Patients often undergo repeat surgery for endometriosis, due to recurrent or residual disease. Previous surgery is often considered a risk factor for worse surgical outcome. However, data are scarce concerning the influence of subsequent endometriosis surgery. Methods A retrospective study in a centre of expertise for endometriosis was conducted. All endometriosis subtypes and intra-operative steps were included. Detailed information regarding surgical history of patients was collected. Surgical time, intra-operative steps and major post-operative complications were obtained as outcome measures. Results 595 patients were included, of which 45.9% had previous endometriosis surgery. 7.9% had major post-operative complications and 4.4% intra-operative complications. The patient journey showed a median of 3 years between previous endometriosis surgeries. Each previous therapeutic laparotomic surgery resulted on average in 13 additional minutes (p = 0.013) of surgical time. Additionally, it resulted in more frequent performance of adhesiolysis (OR 2.96, p < 0.001) and in a higher risk for intra-operative complications (OR 1.81, p = 0.045), however no higher risk for major post-operative complications (OR 1.29, p = 0.418). Previous therapeutic laparoscopic endometriosis surgery, laparotomic and laparoscopic non-endometriosis surgery showed no association with surgical outcomes. Regardless of previous surgery, disc and segmental bowel resection showed a higher risk for major post-operative complications (OR 3.64, p = 0.017 respectively OR 3.50, p < 0.001). Conclusion Previous therapeutic laparotomic endometriosis surgery shows an association with longer surgical time, the need to perform adhesiolysis, and more intra-operative complications in the subsequent surgery for endometriosis. However, in a centre of expertise with experienced surgeons, no increased risk of major post- operative complications was observed.Cervix cance

    Hepatic lipase gene expression is transiently induced by gonadotropic hormones in rat ovaries

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    Hepatic lipase (HL) gene expression was studied in rat ovaries. A transcript lacking exons 1 and 2 could be detected by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in the ovaries of mature cyclic females and of immature rats treated with pregnant mare serum followed by human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to induce superovulation. By competitive RT-PCR the HL transcript was quantified. Low levels of HL mRNA were detected in ovaries of mature cyclic females and of immature rats. During superovulation HL mRNA was several fold higher than in mature cyclic rats and transiently increased to a maximum at 2 days after hCG treatment. Pulse-labelling of ovarian cells and ovarian slices with [35S]methionine followed by immunoprecipitation with polyclonal anti-HL IgGs showed de novo synthesis of a 47 kDa HL-related protein. Expression of the protein was transiently induced by gonadotropins with a peak at 2 days after hCG treatment. Induction of liver-type lipase activity occurred only after HL mRNA and synthesis of the HL-related protein had returned to pre-stimulatory levels. We conclude that in rat ovaries the HL gene is expressed into a variant mRNA and a 47 kDa protein. The expression of the HL gene in ovaries is inducible and precedes the expression of the mature, enzymatically active liver-type lipase

    A log analysis study of 10 years of ebook consumption in academic library collections

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    Even though libraries have been offering eBooks for more than a decade, very little is known about eBook access and consumption in academic library collections. This paper addresses this gap with a log analysis study of eBook access at the library of the University of Waikato. This in-depth analysis covers a period spanning 10 years of eBook use at this university. We draw conclusions about the use of eBooks at this institution and compare the results with other published studies of eBook usage at tertiary institutes

    The F-BAR protein pacsin2 inhibits asymmetric VE-cadherin internalization from tensile adherens junctions

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    Vascular homoeostasis, development and disease critically depend on the regulation of endothelial cell-cell junctions. Here we uncover a new role for the F-BAR protein pacsin2 in the control of VE-cadherin-based endothelial adhesion. Pacsin2 concentrates at focal adherens junctions (FAJs) that are experiencing unbalanced actomyosin-based pulling. FAJs move in response to differences in local cytoskeletal geometry and pacsin2 is recruited consistently to the trailing end of fast-moving FAJs via a mechanism that requires an intact F-BAR domain. Photoconversion, photobleaching, immunofluorescence and super-resolution microscopy reveal polarized dynamics, and organization of junctional proteins between the front of FAJs and their trailing ends. Interestingly, pacsin2 recruitment inhibits internalization of the VE-cadherin complex from FAJ trailing ends and is important for endothelial monolayer integrity. Together, these findings reveal a novel junction protective mechanism during polarized trafficking of VE-cadherin, which supports barrier maintenance within dynamic endothelial tissue
