47 research outputs found

    The application of winning key metrics in a metallurgical firm

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    This article is focused on creating a system of metrics and its application in a metallurgical firm. Its aim is to highlight the dangers associated with the creation and application of an effective system of metrics. Its objective is also to demonstrate the process (initial steps) in the development of this system in the real family metallurgical firm. In the experimental part an example of causal links among key metrics in the chosen metallurgical firm is presented. Risks associated with the selection of appropriate metrics are presented for discussion

    The application of winning key metrics in a metallurgical firm

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    This article is focused on creating a system of metrics and its application in a metallurgical firm. Its aim is to highlight the dangers associated with the creation and application of an effective system of metrics. Its objective is also to demonstrate the process (initial steps) in the development of this system in the real family metallurgical firm. In the experimental part an example of causal links among key metrics in the chosen metallurgical firm is presented. Risks associated with the selection of appropriate metrics are presented for discussion

    Evaluation of benefits resulting from innovation of input raw materials dosing process in sintering

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    Production of blast furnace sinter is among the processes with the highest energy and material requirements. Fuel consumption is especially significant cost item here. The presence of grate sintered in charge, i.e. return sinter from 12 to 22 mm in size, can have fundamental impact on the technical and economic indicators of the sintering process. Grate sinter can be used as a foundation layer under the sintering mixture, to increase air permeability of charge and to improve the gas-dynamic conditions. The article analyzes the impact of grate sinter on the sintering process, based on an analysis of the acquired production indicators within the scope of the research in question

    Analysis of energy demandingness of metallurgical production

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    The article suggests the possibility of using methods of structural analysis to calculate the direct and complex consumption and, on the basis of this calculation, are can determine the energy demandingness of the individual metallurgical technologies

    Alkaline carbonates in blast furnace process

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    The production of iron in blast furnaces is a complex of physical, chemical and mechanical processes. The input raw materials contain not only metallic components, but also a number of negative elements. The most important negative elements include alkaline carbonates. They can significantly affect the course of the blast furnace process and thus the overall performance of the furnace. As a result of that, it is essential to accurately monitor the alkali content in the blast furnace raw materials. The article analyzes the alkali content in input and output raw materials and their impact on the blast furnace process

    Export, import, production and use of wire in the Czech Republic

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    The article deals with the statistics of drawn and rod wires in various areas. The first one is focused on the statistics of export and import of drawn and rod wires within the frame of the Czech Republic during the period of 1999 – 2012. The second area of the statistical factual research will deal with the production of drawn and rod wire. The last research area compares the ratio of use and the total production of wires in the Czech Republic. The research revealed interesting information such as the increasing trend of import of rod and drawn wire, or the ratio of production of rod and drawn wire

    The impact of production capacity utilization on metallurgical companies financing

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    The most important and the most problematic in-house sources of financing of metallurgical companies are profit and depreciations. In the event that the aggregate value of the economic result and depreciations goes over to negative values, then this kind of in-house financing ceases to increase Cash Flow of the company but, on the contrary, it will cause its reduction. It means that this type of financing is to some extent uncertain, particularly in times of crisis, when there are noticeable fluctuations in sales volumes, leading to a significant influence of the volume of production on the amount of profit. The article discusses the impact of production capacity utilization on metallurgical companies financing