20 research outputs found

    LDA+DMFT Approach to Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy of Strong Magnets

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    The new challenges posed by the need of finding strong rare-earth free magnets demand methods that can predict magnetization and magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy (MAE). We argue that correlated electron effects, which are normally underestimated in band structure calculations, play a crucial role in the development of the orbital component of the magnetic moments. Because magnetic anisotropy arises from this orbital component, the ability to include correlation effects has profound consequences on our predictive power of the MAE of strong magnets. Here we show that incorporating the local effects of electronic correlations with dynamical mean-field theory provides reliable estimates of the orbital moment, the mass enhancement and the MAE of YCo5.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, published versio

    Coexisting Kondo hybridization and itinerant f-electron ferromagnetism in UGe2

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    Kondo hybridization in partially filled f-electron systems conveys significant amount of electronic states sharply near the Fermi energy leading to various instabilities from superconductivity to exotic electronic orders. UGe2 is a 5f heavy fermion system, where the Kondo hybridization is interrupted by the formation of two ferromagnetic phases below a 2nd order transition Tc ~ 52 K and a crossover transition Tx ~ 32 K. These two ferromagnetic phases are concomitantly related to a spin-triplet superconductivity that only emerges and persists inside the magnetically ordered phase at high pressure. The origin of the two ferromagnetic phases and how they form within a Kondo-lattice remain ambiguous. Using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy, we probe the spatial electronic states in the UGe2 as a function of temperature. We find a Kondo resonance and sharp 5f-electron states near the chemical potential that form at high temperatures above Tc in accordance with our density functional theory (DFT) + Gutzwiller calculations. As temperature is lowered below Tc, the resonance narrows and eventually splits below Tx dumping itinerant f-electron spectral weight right at the Fermi energy. Our findings suggest a Stoner mechanism forming the highly polarized ferromagnetic phase below Tx that itself sets the stage for the emergence of unconventional superconductivity at high pressure

    Crystal Symmetry of Stripe Ordered La1.88Sr0.12CuO4

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    We present a combined x-ray and neutron diffraction study of the stripe ordered superconductor \lscox{0.12}. The average crystal structure is consistent with the orthorhombic BmabBmab space group as commonly reported in the literature. This structure however is not symmetry compatible with a second order phase transition into the stripe order phase, and, as we report here numerous Bragg peaks forbidden in the BmabBmab space group are observed. We have studied and analysed these BmabBmab-forbidden Bragg reflections. Fitting of the diffraction intensities yields monoclinic lattice distortions that are symmetry consistent with charge stripe order.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 5 Table

    Single-domain stripe order in a high-temperature superconductor

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    The coupling of spin, charge and lattice degrees of freedom results in the emergence of novel states of matter across many classes of strongly correlated electron materials. A model example is unconventional superconductivity, which is widely believed to arise from the coupling of electrons via spin excitations. In cuprate high-temperature superconductors, the interplay of charge and spin degrees of freedom is also reflected in a zoo of charge and spin-density wave orders that are intertwined with superconductivity. A key question is whether the different types of density waves merely coexist or are indeed directly coupled. Here we profit from a neutron scattering technique with superior beam-focusing that allows us to probe the subtle spin-density wave order in the prototypical high-temperature superconductor La1.88{}_{1.88}Sr0.12{}_{0.12}CuO4{}_{4} under applied uniaxial pressure to demonstrate that the two density waves respond to the external tuning parameter in the same manner. Our result shows that suitable models for high-temperature superconductivity must equally account for charge and spin degrees of freedom via uniaxial charge-spin stripe fluctuations

    Revealing the Orbital Composition of Heavy Fermion Quasiparticles in CeRu2Si2

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    We present a resonant angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) study of the electronic band structure and heavy fermion quasiparticles in CeRu2Si2. Using light polarization analysis, considerations of the crystal field environment and hybridization between conduction and f electronic states, we identify the d-electronic orbital character of conduction bands crossing the Fermi level. Resonant ARPES spectra suggest that the localized Ce f states hybridize with eg and t2g states around the zone center. In this fashion, we reveal the orbital structure of the heavy fermion quasiparticles in CeRu2Si2 and discuss its implications for metamagnetism and superconductivity in the related compound CeCu2Si2

    In situ uniaxial pressure cell for x-ray and neutron scattering experiments

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    We present an in situ uniaxial pressure device optimized for small angle x-ray and neutron scattering experiments at low-temperatures and high magnetic fields. A stepper motor generates force, which is transmitted to the sample via a rod with an integrated transducer that continuously monitors the force. The device has been designed to generate forces up to 200 N in both compressive and tensile configurations, and a feedback control allows operating the system in a continuous-pressure mode as the temperature is changed. The uniaxial pressure device can be used for various instruments and multiple cryostats through simple and exchangeable adapters. It is compatible with multiple sample holders, which can be easily changed depending on the sample properties and the desired experiment and allow rapid sample changes