348 research outputs found

    Reality Hacking : ICT and Sustainable Development

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    Linda Tuhiwai Smith: Decolonizing Methodologies ā€“ Research and Indigenous Peoples

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    Glavna tema knjige je propitivanje značenja znanstvenog istraživanja s pozicije Drugog. U ovom slučaju Drugi su starosjedilački, kolonizirani narodi, a znanstvenoistraživanje koje se propituje je ono koje je definirala zapadna znanost


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    Prva je polovica 90-tih bila obilježena teorijskim utemeljenjem cyberfeminizma kao nove feminističke paradigme, koja se razvijala u dvije podvarijante: 1) meki cyberfeminizam predstavnice kojeg su zastupale tezu da su i nove tehnologije, poput većine ā€˜starihā€™ u osnovi muÅ”ka oruđa koja perpetuiraju stare odnose dominacije i isključivanja, te ih žene moraju preuzeti i radikalno dekonstruirati i 2) tvrdi cyberfeminizam koji pokuÅ”ava ukazati na fundamentalnu ženskost novih tehnologija, a vjerovanje da je tehnologija ā€˜muÅ”ka stvarā€™ proglaÅ”ava patrijarhalnim mitom. Druga polovica 90-tih bila je obilježena Å”irenjem pokreta iz virtualne u fizičku sferu, nastankom prvih cyberfeminističkih grupa i organiziranjem Cyberfeminističkih internacionala koje su okupile najznačajnije medijske teoretičarke, umjetnice i aktivistice iz cijelog svijeta. Sama činjenica aktivnog koriÅ”tenja novih tehnologija svjedoči da su žene djelatno prevladale rodnu obilježenost ICT-a kao esencijalno ā€˜muÅ”ke igračkeā€™, da su prevladale strah, te pokazale sposobnost da kreativno i prema vlastitim potrebama pune kiberprostor vlastitim sadržajima. Tijekom tog razdoblja unatoč ratu/ratovima u bivÅ”oj Jugoslaviji, i u Hrvatskoj nastaju dva projekta, elektronička konferencija Zamir/women i edukativni projekt Elektroničke vjeÅ”tice, koji po svojoj suÅ”tini predstavljaju prve primjere cyberfeminističkih praksi u regiji.The beginning of 1990s was marked by theoretical establishment of cyberfeminism as the new feminist paradigm, which developed into two versions: 1) soft cyberfeminism whose representatives argued that new technologies, as most ā€œoldā€ ones, are also in the hands of men, perpetrating the old relations of dominance and exclusion, and therefore women need to take them over and radically deconstruct; and 2) hard cyberfeminism which tries to point to fundamental femininity of new technologies, and declares that technology as ā€œa manā€™s thingā€ is a patriarchal myth. Second half of 1990s was marked by the spreading of the movement from virtual into physical sphere, appearance of first cyberfeminist groups and organization of Cyberfeminist Internationals that gather most significant media theorists, artists and activists from around the world. The very fact that women actively use new technologies is evidence that they have actively overcome the gender implications of ICTs as essentially ā€œmale toysā€, that they have overcome their fear, and exhibited ability to creatively, and according to their own needs, fill cyberspace with their own content. During this period, despite the war in former Yugoslavia, two projects appear in Croatia: electronic conference Zamir/women and educational project Electronic witches, both of which are the first examples of cyberfeminist practice in the region.Die erste HƤlfte der neunziger Jahre war durch ein neues feministisches Paradigma gekennzeichnet, nƤmlich durch die theoretische BegrĆ¼ndung des Cyberfeminismus, die sich in zwei Untervarianten entwickelt hat: 1. Sanfter Cyberfeminismus, dessen Verfechterinnen die These vertreten, dass auch neue Technologien, genauso wie die alten, im Grunde genommen mƤnnliche Waffen sind, die die alten VerhƤltnisse der Herrschaft und des Ausschlusses aufrechterhalten, und dass Frauen sie Ć¼bernehmen und radikal dekonstruieren mĆ¼ssen; 2. Harter Cyberfeminismus, der versucht auf die fundamentale Weiblichkeit von neuen Technologien hinzuweisen, und die Idee, dass Technologie ā€žMƤnnersacheā€œ ist, einen patriarchalen Mythos nennt. Die zweite HƤlfte der neunziger Jahre wurde durch die Ausbreitung der Bewegung aus der virtuellen in die physische SphƤre gekennzeichnet, sowie durch das Entstehen von ersten cyberfeministischen Gruppen und das Organisieren von cyberfeministischen Internationalen, die die bedeutendsten Medientheoretikerinnen, KĆ¼nstlerinnen und Aktivistinnen aus der ganzen Welt versammelt haben. Die bloƟe Tatsache der aktiven Nutzung von neuen Technologien zeugt davon, dass Frauen wirksam die geschlechtsspezifische Kennzeichnung der IKT als essentiell MƤnnerspielzeug Ć¼berwƤltigt haben, dass sie die Angst bewƤltigt und die FƤhigkeit gezeigt haben, kreativ und nach eigenen BedĆ¼rfnissen den Cyberraum mit eigenem Inhalt zu fĆ¼llen. WƤhrend dieser Periode entstanden in Kroatien trotz dem Krieg/den Kriegen im ehemaligen Jugoslawien zwei Projekte ā€“ die elektronische Konferenz Zamir/Women und das Bildungsprojekt Elektronische Hexen, die ihrem Wesen nach die ersten Beispiele der cyberfeministischen Praxen in der Region darstellen

    Oblikovanje obrasca za odgovornost: znanost i teorija održivog razvoja

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    The article explores the complex relation between theory, research and real institutional policy with regard to environmental issues. The basic assumption is that the myriad of empirical scientific research has to be related to a fruitful theory which could continually challenge official definitions of sustainability and sustainable development as the main conceptual shortcomings of the present social order in its attempts to solve the problems it creates. It implies that a potential ā€œecologicalā€ society could be achieved only through radical social change ā€“ a theme that has to stay as a reminder in the multitude of environmentally sound research and institutional programs.Članak istražuje kompleksan odnos između teorije, istraživanja i stvarne institucionalne prakse na planu okoliÅ”a. Osnovna pretpostavka ukazuje da brojna empirijska znanstvena istraživanja treba dovesti u vezu s plodnim teorijskim generalizacijama koje bi omogućile kontinuirano propitivanje službenih definicija održivosti i održivog razvoja kao glavnih konceptualnih ograničenja postojećeg druÅ”tvenog poretka u nastojanjima da rijeÅ”i probleme koje sam proizvodi. To znači da bi se moguće ā€œekoloÅ”ko druÅ”tvoā€ moglo dosegnuti jedino radikalnom druÅ”tvenom promjenom ā€“ i ta tema treba stajati kao podsjetnik u mnoÅ”tvu ekoloÅ”ki senzibiliziranih istraživanja i institucionalnih programa

    Oblikovanje obrasca za odgovornost: znanost i teorija održivog razvoja

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    The article explores the complex relation between theory, research and real institutional policy with regard to environmental issues. The basic assumption is that the myriad of empirical scientific research has to be related to a fruitful theory which could continually challenge official definitions of sustainability and sustainable development as the main conceptual shortcomings of the present social order in its attempts to solve the problems it creates. It implies that a potential ā€œecologicalā€ society could be achieved only through radical social change ā€“ a theme that has to stay as a reminder in the multitude of environmentally sound research and institutional programs.Članak istražuje kompleksan odnos između teorije, istraživanja i stvarne institucionalne prakse na planu okoliÅ”a. Osnovna pretpostavka ukazuje da brojna empirijska znanstvena istraživanja treba dovesti u vezu s plodnim teorijskim generalizacijama koje bi omogućile kontinuirano propitivanje službenih definicija održivosti i održivog razvoja kao glavnih konceptualnih ograničenja postojećeg druÅ”tvenog poretka u nastojanjima da rijeÅ”i probleme koje sam proizvodi. To znači da bi se moguće ā€œekoloÅ”ko druÅ”tvoā€ moglo dosegnuti jedino radikalnom druÅ”tvenom promjenom ā€“ i ta tema treba stajati kao podsjetnik u mnoÅ”tvu ekoloÅ”ki senzibiliziranih istraživanja i institucionalnih programa

    ā€œAtlantidaā€ kao Pekićev antropoloÅ”ki epos

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    The paper deals with the main characteristics and procedures of Borislav Pekićā€™s model of narration, which is defined as metaphysical and meta-fictional. Decrypting Pekićā€™s codes asks for continuous research focused not only on the whole achievement that we find in narrative levels, but also looking towards a dynamic and changing structure that exists as a specific semantic absorptive function. Polysemy appears to be an indispensable characteristic of his palimpsest of mythological, historical, psychological and anthropological system of thought, ideas and knowledge, analytically refueling knowable and intuitive sense, the point of separation of circular and linear design sense and the text, and projected through the metaphor of the global history of the human species. A deconstructive treatment of the referential world opens a field for ontological destabilizations of the collective memory, activating the contextual underpinning as well. Search for the essence of humanity and the human mission within the universe resulting in seeing a myth as the essence of human history.The paper deals with the main characteristics and procedures of Borislav Pekićā€™s model of narration, which is defined as metaphysical and meta-fictional. Decrypting Pekićā€™s codes asks for continuous research focused not only on the whole achievement that we find in narrative levels, but also looking towards a dynamic and changing structure that exists as a specific semantic absorptive function. Polysemy appears to be an indispensable characteristic of his palimpsest of mythological, historical, psychological and anthropological system of thought, ideas and knowledge, analytically refueling knowable and intuitive sense, the point of separation of circular and linear design sense and the text, and projected through the metaphor of the global history of the human species. A deconstructive treatment of the referential world opens a field for ontological destabilizations of the collective memory, activating the contextual underpinning as well. Search for the essence of humanity and the human mission within the universe resulting in seeing a myth as the essence of human history

    Aesthetics and Poetics in Andrićā€™s Signs by the Roadside

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    Mnogostrukost i mnogovrsnost glediÅ”ta i miÅ”ljenja ā€“ od psihologije i sociologije umjetnosti, preko povijesti umjetnosti pa do filozofske estetike ā€“ ono je Å”to određuje karakter suvremene estetike, ali i Andrićeve fragmentarne proze. Andrić nije pripadao ni jednom filozofskom sistemu i nije inzistirao na oblikovanju u skladu s bilo kojom estetičkom teorijom. Oblikovao je samosvojnu poetsku estetiku koja se može podudarati s filozofsko-estetičkim stavovima i shvaćanjima, ponegdje se s njima razilaziti ili čak anticipirati premise pojedinih estetičkih teorija. Njegov estetski način slikanja i osmiÅ”ljavanja svijeta utemeljen je u sistem binarno-oprečnih odnosa, kao i u dvostruko postavljenim relacijama sa znakovima koji ga određuju.Multidimensionality and plurality of views and opinions, from psychology and sociology of art, over art history, to philosophical aesthetics, is what characterizes contemporary aesthetics, as well as Andrićā€™s fragmented prose. Andrić did not identify with any philosophical system, and he did not insist on creating in accordance with any aesthetical theory. Andrić developed a unique personal poetical aesthetics that might correspond to some philosopho-aesthetical dispositions and understandings, that might diverge from other, and even anticipate the premises of certain aesthetical theories. His aesthetical way of painting and articulating the world was grounded in the binary-oppositional system of relations, as well as in bi-set relations of signs that defined the system

    Prostorska semantika Prekletega dvoriŔča

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    Ograjenost prostora in njegova demonična materializacija proti vsečasovnosti poduhovljenja in očlovečenja se močno reflektirata tako na okvirjih kot v semantičnih slojih srediŔčne zgodbe. Hkrati se sugerira prost in nekončan prostor pripovedi, s čimer se odpravlja časovna določenost povedanega in se projektira njegova relativna in raztegljiva vključenost v zgodbo
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