301 research outputs found


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    First of all, the authors of this paper examine the organisation, jurisdiction and regulations of the Border Police of the Republic of Serbia and afterwards give comparative review of similar services in countries formed after the breakup of Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia. From the given review, one may conclude that the organisation, jurisdiction and procedure in afore- mentioned countries are similar and in some parts even the same, thanks to the fact that all countries have adopted the Concept of Integrated Border Management and the procedure of controlling border crossing and maintain the security of state borders from Schengen Border Code. Accepting these terms represents one of the conditions for entering European Union. All countries have to uniform their activitites in securing and controlling border crossing. One proposition should be concerned- for all the similarities in the organisation, activities and regulation , mutual education and training for all the members of Border Police from ex YU countries could be organised.Аутори текста у раду приказују, организацију, надлежности и прописе које прате рад Граничне полиције Републике Србије, као и њен упоредни приказ са сличним службама свих држава насталих распадом бивше Социјалистичке Федеративне Републике Југославије, њиховим начинима рада и актима на основу којих они спроводе своју делатност. Из компаративног приказа граничних служби наведених држава може се констатовати да су организација, надлежности и процедуре које се примењују веома сличне, чак у неким деловима истоветне, јер су све државе прихватиле Концепт интегрисаног управљања границом, као и процедуре контроле прелажења и обезбеђења државне границе које су предвиђене Шенгенским кодексом о границама, а што је један од услова за њихов улазак у Европску унију. Због тога све државе морају да унифицирају своја поступања приликом обезбеђења и контроле прелажења државне границе. Такође, због свих наведених сличности у организацији, поступцима, прописима, треба се узети у разматрање могућност спровођења заједничке специјалистичке обуке свих припадника граничних полиција, бивших држава Социјалистичке Федеративне Републике Југославије

    The Role of Stewards at Sports Events in the Republic of Serbia

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    The traditional view that only the police are responsible for security at sports events has largely been abandoned in the sense that stewards have more important place. This is also recognized in the Serbian legislation, in the standards of the Law on Private Security (LPS), the Law on the Prevention of Violence and Misconduct at Sports Events (LPVMSE), the Law on Public Assembly, and the international regulations of sports federations. The Council of Europe Convention on an Integrated Safety, Security and Service Approach at Football Matches and Other Sports Events – No. 218. (CETS 218), together with the Recommendation REC (2015) 1, and its annexes, which supersedes all previous recommendations, resolutions and statements, has also contributed to defining the role of stewards. Recommendation has become an integral part of the Convention (CETS 218). Common to all the aforementioned regulations is that the stewarding operations can be handled by persons who have completed special training. Unlike international regulations that provide extensive training for stewards, the existing programs in Serbia envisage very few hours of training.The work of stewards would certainly be aided by the improvement of certain legal regulations governing this area. The Republic of Serbia is not yet a signatory to the Convention (CETS 218), and it is necessary for the authorities to accede to its signing and ratification in order for Serbia to adopt the newly established European standards in this field as soon as possible

    Controlling Justification and Lawfulness of Coercive Means in the Republic of Serbia Police

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    Сваки пут када полицијски службеници употребе средства принуде, контролише се начин њихове употребе. Уколико се утврди да је дошло до злоупотребе, мора се спровести поступак како би појединци одговорни за такве незаконите поступке били кажњени. Благовремено и принципијелно предузимање мера одговорности због незаконите употребе средстава принуде има изузетан значај не само за непосредни случај, већ и за углед полиције у јавности

    The Role of the Police in Disasters Caused by Pandemic Infectious Diseases

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    So far, the police have played and are playing a very important role in the fight against pandemics in the current situation. Recent events have indicated the need to pay as much attention to the role of the police in emergencies caused by pandemics (epidemics) of infectious diseases, because it is noticeable that, in the previous period, either in practice or in scientific circles, not enough attention was paid to this segment of police work. The author’s wish was to provide an answer to the question whether and in what way the police coped with the natural disaster caused by the pandemic of the infectious disease COVID-19. The answer would be that the police did not cope during the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper provides guidelines that would help police organizations cope with possible future natural disasters caused by a pandemic of infectious diseases in a better way

    Violence prevention on sporting events

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    Hooliganism that was occurring on sporting events in the Republic of Serbia during previous period showed us that repressive methods designed to control this phenomenon were not adequate so there was a need of using the society energy, beside the intensive public debates, to start the mechanism of creating the new policy for more efficient and effective solving of this problem. After the enactment of Law on prevention of violence and misbehavior on sporting events and manifestations in 2003, it was not prevented the escalation of violent behaviour at sporting events and manifestations. Experience of other countries showed us that new rules and stricter penal policy are not enough by itselves. Parallel to criminal intelligence activities and police work and adequate court reactions in accordance with the legislator intention, other social mechanisms should be involved. In this work it has been analyzed and described intelligence methods used by the police in order to collect information on hooligans as one of the preconditions for successful combating hooliganism. It was also given statistical data analysis on level of violence on sporting events in the Republic of Serbia during past two years and it was used the results given by police officers questionnaire who gave their opinion on current situation in this field. Considering that Law on prevention of violence and misbehavior on sporting events and manifestations has not completely solved the problem of supporter violence in our country, beside repressive measures, it is necessary to use proactive approach as much as possible and priority should be given to the preventive measures. This paper is focused to the mentioned preventive measures concerning work with supporters, not only by police forces, but other social factors as well. They should be applied to overcome current, not very nice situation, off course, not excluding fully repressive measures

    Računalno potpomognuto projektiranje procesa višefaznog dubokog vučenja

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    It is well-known from practice that only some cups whose height is smaller than diameter can be successfully drawn in one step. Many steps require more tools and larger total manufacturing costs. The main objective of this study was to minimize the number of deep-drawing steps. The paper presents the application of software DDCP developed for designing the multi-step deep-drawing processes in manufacturing of cylindrical cups. The analysis of the computing results obtained by this software shows that the number of drawing steps is decisively affected by relative height of the given part, while the impact of relative radius is smaller. In the paper a diagram for determining the number of deep-drawing steps is given, which is very suitable for engineers in practice. Also, various very useful approaches for reducing the number of deep-drawing steps are recommended.z prakse je poznato da se samo neke posude s visinom manjom od promjera mogu uspješno izvlačiti u jednoj operaciji. Više operacija podrazumijeva i više alata i veće ukupne troškove proizvodnje. Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je smanjiti broj koraka dubokog vučenja. Prikazana je primjena softvera DDCP koji je razvijen za izradu cilindričnih komada procesom dubokog vučenja u više operacija. Analiza računalnih rezultata ovog softvera pokazuje da na broj koraka vučenja presudno utječe relativna visina komada, dok je utjecaj relativnog radijusa manji. U radu je prikazan dijagram za određivanje broja koraka dubokog vučenja, koji je vrlo pogodan za inženjere u praksi. Također, preporučeni su razni vrlo korisni pristupi za smanjenje broja koraka dubokog vučenja

    Kinetic study of the crystallization process of the α-Fe phase in the amorphous Fe81B13Si4C2 alloy

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    The kinetic study of the crystallization process of the α-Fe phase from the amorphous Fe81B13Si4C2 alloy was investigated by DSC and XRD techniques. The kinetic parameters (lnA, Ea) of the investigated process were determined using the Kissinger and isoconversional (model-free) methods. It was established that the α-Fe crystallization process can be described by the JMA (Johnson-Mehl-Avrami) kinetic equation. In accordance with the XRD analysis and the calculated crystallization parameters (n = 4; m = 3), it was concluded that the crystallization stages of the considered process can be described by the bulk nucleation and the three-dimensional (3D) growth of nuclei.  </p

    Perceptions of private security : a case study of students from Serbia and North Macedonia

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    In the last two decades of the 21st century, the significant development of the private security industry has taken place in Serbia and North Macedonia. However, the private security industry in these two countries did not reach professional standards as in other states of the former Yugoslavia. The aim of this paper was to determine students’ perception of private security and its employees. The survey data were collected using an anonymous survey of 354 students (296 from Serbia and 58 from North Macedonia). In both countries the attitudes are heterogeneous, but a relatively small number of respondents have expressed a high level of perception of private security. The research has shown that gender, as one of demographic characteristics, has its role in shaping young pexople’s views on the private security, that is, the female population has more positive views about private security officers, their integrity, and the nature of the private security job. The findings offer policy-makers and private security companies the opportunity to deploy new strategies to upgrade public attitudes towards private security, especially aimed at the male population

    The Role of Sports Federations in Opposing Violence at Sports Events

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    U naučnoj literaturi, kao i u medijima, često se razmatra uloga subjekata suprotstavljanja nasilju na sportskim priredbama, pre svega policije, sudova, tužilaštva, pripadnika privatnog obezbeđenja, dok se u malom obimu razmatra uloga sportskih saveza i organizacija, kao i sportskih klubova. Osim krivičnih i prekršajnih sankcija koje se mogu izreći izvršiocima huliganskih ispada, fudbalskim klubovima se mogu izreći i disciplinske sankcije zbog slabe organizacije sportskih takmičenja i huliganskog ponašanja svojih navijača. Takve disciplinske sankcije predviđene u propisima sportskih saveza i organizacija. Za potrebe istraživanja izvršena je analiza 388 izveštaja delegata sa odigranih utakmica FK „Crvena Zvezda“, od sezone 2010/2011 do 2018/2019, kao i 94 rešenja o kažnjavanju FK „Crvena Zvezda“ od strane disciplinskih organa FSS i UEFA. Rezultati ukazuju da disciplinske sankcije koje izriče UEFA imaju izuzetan efekat, odnosno u praksi su dale bolje rezultate u vidu smanjenja nasilja na sportskim priredbama. Nasuprot merama UEFA, usled izricanja neadekvatnih kazni izrečenih od strane disciplinskih organa FSS, nije sprečeno nasilje navijača na sportskim priredbama, na kojima se održavaju utakmice u nadležnosti FSS

    Proactive approach of police in combat against football hooliganism

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    Hooliganism of certain fans at football matches has been decadesold problem faced by many countries of the world. Our country is not an exception. Moreover, this kind of threat to security in our country shows the tendency of escalation. It is evident from our experience that solely repressive model for solving the football hooliganism does not provide satisfactory results. Analyzing the security methods of major football competitions held in many Western European countries, it can be concluded that the proactive police operations in confronting hooliganism at football matches are much more efficient and provide more acceptable results. The paper analyzes the experience of the police organizations of Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal and Germany acquired during the security of the European and the World Championship from the aspect of proactive police activity and generalization of experience on the ways of information collecting, processing and distribution on football hooliganism. In addition to this, the paper deals with the international police cooperation in order to share the intelligence databases on hooligans, primarily in the European Union; and it likewise provides guidelines on to which way our country’s efforts should be directed in combat against hooliganism at football matches