25 research outputs found

    Performance budgeting: selected international experiences and some lessons for Slovenia

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    The paper’s main purpose is to briefly discuss the concept of performance budgeting and challenges encountered by different (OECD) countries when seeking to implement performance budgeting, which might offer some helpful guidelines for Slovenia. The paper also presents the methodological framework applied in defining goals in a society as well as the role and the interdependence of social indicators and performance indicators for specific units/programs in public administration. Theoretical bases of such procedures will be presented along with an empirical concept which is believed to be appropriate for Slovenia. The formulation of the concept stems from the definitions given in the Budget Manual for 2008-2009 where individual budget users are responsible for monitoring their performance and efficiency. On this basis, we developed a theoretical concept of connections between different levels of long-term goals, implementational goals as well as efficiency and effectiveness indicators at the level of sub-programs of selected budget users. A theoretical and methodological framework constructed in this way will hopefully serve as the basis for realizing the concept of Slovenian direct performance budgeting in the near future.performance budgeting, budget programming, indicators, methodological framework, OECD, Slovenia

    The effects of education and training on self-esteem of nurse leaders

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    Introduction: A successful leader must have high self-esteem. The main aims of this study were to identify changes in the self-esteem of nurse leaders in Slovenia from 2001 to 2011 and to determine homogeneous groups of leaders with similar personal characteristics.Methods: The study used a version of a personal characteristics questionnaire with 16 self-descriptive statements. Two surveys were conducted among nurse leaders in Slovenian public hospitals, one in 2001 and the other in 2011. Relationships between variables were analysed using chi-square tests for categorical variables and the one-way analysis of variance for quantifiable variables. Factor analysis was used to determine groups of leaders with similar personal characteristics.Results: A total of 327 nurse leaders participated in the survey in 2001 and 296 filled in questionnaires in 2011. The analysis showed that the level of self-assessment of personal characteristics among nurse leaders in Slovenian public hospitals was significantly higher in 2011 than in 2001, and that differences among individual leaders decreased in most areas. Based on the assessments of personal characteristics, four groups of nurse leaders were established: task-oriented, knowledge and creativity oriented, relationship oriented and extroverted nurse leaders. In the 2011 data, the groups of personal characteristics were much more clearly defined. These groups were established in accordance with leadership theory and research from other fields.Conclusions: The positive effects of better education and training are visible in nurse leaders in terms of both their higher self-esteem and in the establishment of more homogeneous groups of leaders

    Razlike v plačah in zaposlovanju med spoloma v dejavnostih javne uprave

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    Glavni namen analize v tem članku je bil ugotoviti, ali (in kako) se kažejo razlike pri obravnavanju moških in žensk v javni upravi oz. ali lahko ugotovimo manjšo diskriminacijo zaposlenih žensk v javni upravi kot v celotnem gospodarstvu. Analiza podatkov za Slovenijo je pokazala, da ženske z visoko izobrazbo, magisterijem ali doktoratom v javni upravi lažje dobijo zaposlitev, veliko težje pa dobijo ustrezno delovno mesto, na katerem je zahtevana ta stopnja strokovne usposobljenosti. Vendar se je stanje v zadnjih štirih letih pri mestih, "ki niso čisto na vrhu" (visoka usposobljenost, magisterij), že bistveno izbolj[alo. Na področju plač je diskriminacija žensk z visoko strokovno usposobljenostjo (vključno z doktoratom in magisterijem) v javni upravi veliko manjša, med ženskami s srednjo in višjo izobrazbo pa večja kot med vsemi zaposlenimi. Ženske z visoko izobrazbo so v javni upravi nedvomno manj diskriminirane kot tiste s srednjo in višjo

    Factors that influence cross-border cooperation between businesses in the Alps–Adriatic region

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    Cross-border cooperation is becoming an increasingly important factor in establishing a stimulating business environment. The aim of the article is to introduce factors that influence cross-border cooperation between businesses in the Alps–Adriatic region. A descriptive and analytical approach is used. On the basis of the results of empirical international research into cross-border cooperation in the Alps–Adriatic region between Carinthia, Friuli-Venezia Giulia (FVG) and Slovenia the article shows and analyses the barriers that businesses face in cross-border cooperation and the factors they consider to best stimulate cross-border cooperation. The results show that good personal relations, language skills and shared interests are the most important factors; the level of assistance and administrative/legislative barriers are the biggest barriers in cross-border cooperation. Different factors stimulating cross-border cooperation can be used to create a base for future strategies and training for business managers

    Public Finance Expenditure And Awarding Work To External Contractors - Case Of Slovenia

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    The research project “Awarding Work to External Contractors” studied the practice of implementing public contracts in a significant selection of Slovenian local government bodies. Public procurement has become a permanent accompaniment to the business of central and local government and other public law persons with the private sector, and now goes beyond Slovenia’s borders. The public procurement system aims at dynamism, with the possibility of a rapid response to the needs of those using public funds. The principles of public procurement and its legal basis mean the system is rigid and complex, by its nature

    Sprememba odnosov v zdravstvenem varstvu kot predpogoj za uspeh zdravstvene reforme

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    Uspeh vsake reforme je odvisen od ljudi, ki naj bi jo izvajali. Zdravstveno reformo Ministrstva RS za zdravje naj bi izvajalo preko 38.000 zaposlenih v sistemu zdravstvenega varstva, ki jim zdravstvena reforma posveča razmeroma malo prostora. Prednostno obravnava le zdravnike, ki so tudi glavni avtorji reforme in ki predstavljajo samo 15 % vseh zaposlenih. V članku so predstavljeni razvoj dominantne vloge profesije zdravnikov med zaposlenimi v zdravstvenem varstvu in oblike, v katerih se pojavlja v sodobnih družbah. Dominantna vloga in moč zdravnikov oz. zdravniških organizacij onemogočata vzpostavitev biopsihosocialnega modela zdravja, v katerem naj bi prešel del odgovornosti in pravic pri postopkih zdravljenja tudi na druge poklicne skupine v zdravstvenem varstvu. Z boljšim izkoriščanjem razpoložljivih človeških potencialov bi se povečala uspešnost in učinkovitost celotnega sistema, pacienti bi bili v večji meri deležni celostne obravnave. V okviru zdravstvene reforme je s predlaganim ustanavljanjem več poklicnih zdravstvenih timov narejen prvi korak k vzpostavitvi biopsihosocialnega modela zdravja; vendar le na deklarativni ravni in – pri sedanjih odnosih – brez možnosti za uspeh. Treba bi bilo usmeriti več sredstev in dejavnosti na področja povečevanja samozavesti in možnosti izobraževanja nezdravniških poklicnih skupin, ki bi v takšnih timih nastopale, ter tudi dopolnilnega izobraževanja zdravnikov na področju organizacije in menedžmenta

    Performance budgeting: selected international experiences and some lessons for Slovenia

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    The paper’s main purpose is to briefly discuss the concept of performance budgeting and challenges encountered by different (OECD) countries when seeking to implement performance budgeting, which might offer some helpful guidelines for Slovenia. The paper also presents the methodological framework applied in defining goals in a society as well as the role and the interdependence of social indicators and performance indicators for specific units/programs in public administration. Theoretical bases of such procedures will be presented along with an empirical concept which is believed to be appropriate for Slovenia. The formulation of the concept stems from the definitions given in the Budget Manual for 2008-2009 where individual budget users are responsible for monitoring their performance and efficiency. On this basis, we developed a theoretical concept of connections between different levels of long-term goals, implementational goals as well as efficiency and effectiveness indicators at the level of sub-programs of selected budget users. A theoretical and methodological framework constructed in this way will hopefully serve as the basis for realizing the concept of Slovenian direct performance budgeting in the near future

    Ocena vodstvenih kompetenc na področju etike za vodje v zdravstveni negi

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    Longitudinal Analysis of Job Satisfaction in the Slovenian Police Service

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    The paper examines the results of a job satisfaction survey of employees of the Police Service in Slovenia, whereby the data from surveys conducted in 2002, 2009 and 2012 are compared and analysed. In the framework of the targeted research project entitled ‘The establishment of a system for efficiency, effectiveness and quality measurement in the Slovenian Police Service’, that was financed by the Ministry of the Interior, a survey on the job satisfaction and trust of police service employees was conducted in March 2012. On the basis of earlier job satisfaction surveys (in 2002 and 2009) and their analysis, the 2012 survey was conducted after having been appropriately arranged and supplemented. All employees of the Slovenian Police Service were invited, including those from the General Police Directorate (GPD). In order to assure an adequate comparison over time, the employees from the General Police Directorate were excluded from the final sample. The analysis focuses on the impact of demographic characteristics on perceived job satisfaction on different levels of hierarchy. Using a secondary analysis of the database from 2002 and 2009, the data were acquired and then compared with the results of our survey. In a 10-year period the biggest drop in perceived satisfaction involved the possibility of performing work autonomously, the promotion system, the relationships among the staff. Compared to 2002, in 2012 Police employees were more satisfied with working hours, leadership style in the organizational unit and joblocation. The 2012 analysis showed that most employees would like to see changes in reward system and in working conditions (premises/equipment)

    The impact of CAF enablers on job satisfaction: the case of the Slovenian law enforcement agency

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    In recent decades, public sector organizations in Slovenia and across the European Union have been placing ever more emphasis on the quality and excellence of their operations. For this purpose, they use different management tools and/or excellence models such as the EFQM model (European Foundation for Quality Management), CAF (Common Assessment Framework), BSC (Balanced Scorecard) etc.. An important aspect of excellence in any organization involves the employees, i.e. human resources management. In spring 2012 a study was conducted within the Slovenian Law Enforcement Agency. The main purpose of the paper is to investigate the correlation between the results of a self-assessment of the CAF enablers and job satisfaction of employees, having in mind that the evaluation regarding both the CAF enablers and job satisfaction was made by the employees within the same questionnaire. A multiple regression model was applied to test the intensity of the influence of the CAF enablers on total job satisfaction and on three sets of facets of job satisfaction, designed with factor analysis. The correlation between the employees’ evaluation of their total satisfaction and individual facets of their satisfaction and the evaluation of specific CAF enablers can provide management with a useful starting point for improving management and execution processes in the Slovenian Law Enforcement Agency