27 research outputs found

    The importance of research and development for innovative activity: the overview of the top countries in Europe and worldwide

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    In the conditions of economic globalization and a dynamic business environment, companies need to continuously improve and innovate their business, in order to avoid complex and fierce competition and to achieve long-term and sustainable success. Due to the intensive effect of technical and technological progress, the survival and success of the company on the market depends on the introduction of innovative changes in the company and the undertaking of research and development activities. Research and development activities are a crucial factor in generating knowledge, creating patents and innovations, as well as in the increasing of profitability in the business of modern companies. Research and development (R&D) and innovations are considered to be a cornerstone of competitive advantage. The object of this paper is to point out the vital importance that R&D has for innovativeness, i.e. for performing innovative activities at the level of European countries and worldwide

    Acute abdomen in a patient with Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome

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    Background. Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome is a malformation of female genital tract (incidence 1 in 4000 female newborn children). It appears as a result of a disorder in the development of Millerian cannals. Etiology is unknown. Syndrome MRKH is the most frequent cause of primary amenorrhoea (90%). Patients with MRKH have a normal female phenotype, with normal pubic hairness and thelarche, and female karyotype (46XX) followed by primary amenorrhoea. Hormonal status corresponds to healthy women, where the appearance of ovarian tumors and tumors on rudiment parts of uterus is possible. Case report. We presented a case of acute abdomen in a patient with previously not diagnosed MRKH. The diagnosis was done during the operation. Small pelvis and an abdominal part were filled with torquated tumor lump, where ovaries, oviducts, uterus or something resembling rudiment of uterus were not recognized through careful examination. Furthemore, the patient had a short, dead-end vagina. Tumorectomy was done and hystopathological finding showed the presence of vascular leiomyoma. Conclusion. The diagnosis of complex syndromes, such as MRKH, can, despite modern diagnostics, be absent for non-medical and psycho-social reasons. We can expect ovarian and uterine pathology on hypoplastic structures in these patients, as well as in healthy women. Vascular leiomyoma in the patients with MRKH was not found in the available literature

    Assessment of gait in patients with fibromyalgia during motor and cognitive dual task walking: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: The aim of the study was to assess gait pattern of patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia (FM) while performing demanding motor and/or cognitive dual tasks while walking. Further, idea was to explore possible correlations of dual task gait pattern alterations to patientsā€™ functional status and presence or absence of clinical symptoms associated with FM. Methods: Twenty-four female FM patients and 24 healthy female subjects performed a basic walking task, a dual motor, a dual mental (cognitive) and a combined, dual motor and cognitive task simultaneously. Quantitative spatial (stride length) and temporal (cycle time, swing time and double support time) gait parameters were measured using GAITRite walkway system and their variability was assessed. Patients underwent clinical examination including assessment of functional status, pain and fatigue level, psychiatric and cognitive manifestations. Results: The motor, cognitive and combined dual tasks affect gait performance in FM patients. Difference in tasks between FM and healthy subjects was found as double support time prolongation. Comparison of tasks showing that cycle time in FM was longer than controls and stride length was shorter in patients for all conditions, while no changes were found in any of the gait parameters variability. Further, mental/cognitive dual tasks had a larger effect than motor tasks. Correlations were also found between depression and functional status of the patients and the gait parameters. Conclusions: Gait is affected in FM patients while dual task walking. No changes in stride-to-stride variability point that patients preserve stability in complex walking situations. Analysis of gait may provide additional information for the FM identification based on presence of clinical features and cognitive status. Correlation of dual task gait alterations with occurrence of clinical symptoms and influence of cognitive changes on gait pattern could additionally define FM subgroups

    Simultano inženjerstvo utemeljeno na virtualnoj proizvodnji

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    U radu je razmatran koncept konkurentnog inženjeringa koji podrazumijeva simultane aktivnosti u integriranom razvoju proizvoda i procesa, kroz primjenu inovativnih tehnologija virtualnog inženjeringa, posebno u dijelu simulacije proizvodnje, tzv. virtualne proizvodnje. Cilj je da se minimiziraju projektne izmjene u kasnijim fazama projektiranja, a time i vrijeme i troÅ”kovi projektiranja proizvoda i pripadajućih procesa. Primjena FE/FV simulacija može eliminirati skupe fizičke prototipove i eksperimente. Vrijeme razvoja se drastično smanjuje, viÅ”e projektnih alternativa se može provjeriti, Å”to rezultira povećanjem kvalitete. Primjena koncepta ilustrirana je brojnim primjerima numeričkih simulacija proizvodnih procesa koriŔćenjem SIMUFACT.forming softvera: oblikovanje debljih limova, kovanje, "net-shape" obrada, toplo istiskivanje profila, itd

    Uticaj godiŔnjih promena temperature i svetlosti (PAR) na indukciju fluorescencije Chla in situ kod Stellaria media (L.) i Plantago maior (L.)

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    Chla fluorescence, as a mode of estimation of photosynthesis, is especially sensitive to changes in temperature and light intensity (PAR). This enables us to study the influence of those ecophysiological parameters on photosynthesis in native plants. In this article, we examined the effect of annual changes in temperature and PAR on the parameters of Chla fluorescence in Stellaria media (L.), a plant species more frequent in colder periods of the year, and Plantago maior (L.), which is more frequent in warmer periods. Lower PAR and temperature slowed down the electron transport in PS2, but lower temperatures reduced the quantum efficacy of PS2 and improved processes in the antennae system and the size of plastoquinone pool of PS2 in Stellaria media (L.). Lower temperatures reduced quantum efficacy and slowed down the electron transport in PS2 in Plantago maior (L.). The facts that PAR (as well as temperature) affects photosynthesis, and that lower temperatures activate processes in the antennae system and those on the acceptor side of PS2 as a 'counterbalance' to the inhibition of quantum efficacy and electron transport in PS2, caused by low temperatures, point at possible explanations of low-temperature resistance of photosynthesis in Stellaria media (L.). On the other hand, low temperatures caused inhibition of quantum efficacy and electron transport in the PS2 of Plantago maior (L.), which caused low-temperature photoinhibition and stepped quenching of all physiological processes in the species. This might be the reason for the different levels of acclimation to low temperatures and different life strategies of the two species living in close vicinity.Fluorescencija Chla, kao pokazatelj fotosinteze, posebno je osetljiva na promene temperature i intenziteta svetlosti (PAR). To omogućava praćenje uticaja ovih ekofizioloÅ”kih parametara na fotosintezu nativnih biljaka. U ovom radu dat je pregled uticaja godiÅ”njih promena temperature i PAR na parametre fluorescencije Chla kod Stellaria media (L.), biljne vrste zastupljenije u hladnijem delu godine i Plantago maior (L.), biljne vrste zastupljenije u toplijem delu godine. Manje vrednosti PAR i temperature usporavaju transport elektrona u PS2, sniženje temperature umanjuje kvantnu efikasnost u PS2 i pozitivno deluje na antenske procese i veličinu pula plastohinona u PS2 kod Stellaria media (L.). Sniženje temperature umanjuje kvantni prinos i usporava transport elektrona u PS2 kod Plantago maior (L.). Činjenica da i PAR (pored temperature) deluje na fotosintezu, kao i da sniženje temperature aktivira antenske i procese na akceptorskoj strani PS2, kao "protivtežu" inhibiciji kvantne efikasnosti i transporta elektrona u PS2, uzrokovanoj niskim temperaturama, ukazuje na moguće uzroke niskotemperaturne otpornosti fotosinteze kod Stellaria media (L.). Nasuprot tome, kod Plantago maior (L.) niska temperatura uzrokuje inhibiciju kvantne efikasnosti i transporta elektrona u PS2, Å”to dovodi do niskotemperaturne fotoinhibicije i postepenog gaÅ”enja svih fizioloÅ”kih procesa kod te vrste. To bi moglo biti objaÅ”njenje različite prilagođenosti na niske temperature i različitih životnih strategija ovih vrsta, koje žive u bliskom susedstvu

    Uticaj godiŔnjih promena temperature i svetlosti (PAR) na indukciju fluorescencije Chla in situ kod Plantago lanceolata L.

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    Chla fluorescence, as a mode of estimation of photosynthesis, especially are sensitive to changes of temperature and intensity of light (PAR). This enable to follow influence of this ecophysiological parameters of native plants photosynthesis. In this article we investigated influence of annual changes of temperature and PAR on parameters of induction of Chla fluorescence in Plantago lanceolata (L.), plant species more represented in warmer part of year. Lowering of temperature reduces quantum efficacy and electron transport in PS2 and induced low-temperature photoinhibition of photosynthesis. But, this is because of stronger photoprotective processes and changes of redox state of plastoquinone pool in PS2. Because that this processes we viewed as a acclimation to low temperatures. But with prolonged low-temperature exposure all physiological processes quenched and all aboveground parts delayed in that species. If we compare some different acclimation to low temperatures Plantago lanceolata and Plantago maior, species which settled in very neighbouring sites, the conclusion of that discussion is question: 'Is it different acclimative responses of this species in condition of low temperatures, reason for posible competitive advantage one of them?' This is object of future investigation.Fluorescencija Chla, kao pokazatelj fotosinteze, posebno je osetljiva na promene temperature i intenziteta svetlosti (PAR). To omogućava praćenje uticaja ovih ekofizioloÅ”kih parametara na fotosintezu nativnih biljaka. U ovom radu dat je pregled uticaja godiÅ”njih promena temperature i PAR na parametre fluorescencije Chla kod Plantago lanceolata (L.), biljne vrste zastupljene u toplijem delu godine. Sniženje temperature umanjuje kvantni prinos i usporava transport elektrona u PS2, Å”to dovodi do niskotemperaturne fotoinhibicije. Međutim, to se odvija jačanjem fotoprotektivnih procesa i promenom redoks stanja pula plastohinona u PS2, pa pomenute procese možemo posmatrati kao aklimaciju na nisku temperaturu. Ipak, vremenom dolazi do gaÅ”enja fizioloÅ”kih procesa i izumiranja nadzemnih organa ove vrste tokom zime. Ovi nalazi diskutuju se odnosno životne strategije druge simpatričke vrste roda Plantago

    Uticaj fitohormona kinetina na razvoj fitotoksičnog procesa uzrokovanog fosfonatnim herbicidom sulfosatom

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    Effects of the herbicide sulphosate on growth, accumulation and distribution of dry weight and photosynthesis were investigated in maize plants grown in field conditions and previosly subjected to influence of kinetine, because of potentially protective role of this phytohormone. This phytohormone not protected maize plants from phytotoxic action of herbicide sulphosate, because of inhibition of growth, accumulation and distribution of dry weight and also photosynthesis, irrespective of kind of pretreatment of plants (with or without kinetine). Also we concluded that Fv/Fm and RFd parameters of Chla fluorescence is good nondestructive indicators of plant physiological status, both in control and sulphosate-treated maize plants.U radu se razmatra dejstvo herbicida sulfosata na rastenje, akumulaciju i preraspodelu suve mase, kao i fotosintezu biljaka kukuruza raslih u poljskim uslovima i izloženih predtretmanu fitohormonom kinetinom, radi provere eventualnog protektivnog (prema herbicidu sulfosatu) dejstva pomenutog fitohormona. Nađeno je da fitohormon kinetin ne obezbeđuje biljkama kukuruza zaÅ”titu od dejstva herbicida sulfosata, zato Å”to dolazi do inhibicije rastenja, akumulacije i preraspodele suve mase, kao i fotosinteze biljaka kukuruza, nezavisno od toga da li su biljke prethodno tretirane ili ne fitohormonom kinetinom. Takođe je nađeno da su Fv/Fm i RFd parametri fluorescencije Chla dobri nedestruktivni pokazatelji fizioloÅ”kog stanja biljaka, kod kontrolnih i kod sulfosatom tretiranih biljaka kukuruza

    Različiti aspekti inhibicije rastenja i fotosinteze kukuruza (Zea mays L.) fosfonatnim herbicidom sulfosatom, 4 - dejstvo na biljke rasle u kontrolisanim uslovima

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    Effect of the herbicide sulphosate on the growth, accumulation and distribution of dry weight, photosynthesis and water regime in maize plants grown in controlled environment was investigated. The herbicide sulphosate was found to significantly lowered dry matter acumulation and slow down growth of maize plants. Dry weight accumulation, which ultimately determines growth, was found to correlate highly significantly with dry matter allocation to root and leaves, but this dependence was not unique. Under influence of sulphosate dry matter allocated from leaves to stem. That the phenomena result from a specific carbohydrate metabolism in stem of maize plants (not contain starch). The herbicide sulphosate significantly affect the status and functioning of the root and water regime of maize plants (lowered values of parameters Vr and RWC). Changes in photosynthesis and photosynthetic structures (degradation of photosynthetic pigments) under the effect of sulphosate precede changes in the water regime of leaves of maize plants. This effects must be seen as photoinhibition of photosynthesis with photooxydation of photosynthetic pigments (particularly Chla) under sulphosate-provoked stress. 'Light curves' of different parameters of Chla fluorescence (qP, Fv,/Fm,, Ī¦ PS2) lowered under increased actinic light. ETR para-meter of photosynthesis had sigmoid dependence of PAR, like to kinetic of photosyntetic fixation of CO2. Parameters of Chla fluorescence and photosynthesis can be used to monitor and assess the volume of functional senescence of photosynthesis in maize leaves both in the control plants and those exposed to sulphosate-caused stress.U radu se razmatra dejstvo herbicida sulfosata na rastenje, akumulaciju i preraspodelu suve mase, fotosintezu i vodni režim biljaka kukuruza, raslih u kontrolisanim uslovima. Herbicid sulfosat značajno umanjuje akumulaciju suve mase, usporava rastenje biljaka kukuruza i utiče na preraspodelu suve mase u biljci. Poslednji efekat verovatno je u vezi sa specifičnoŔću metabolizma ugljenih hidrata u stablu kukuruza. Akumulacija suve mase i rastenje kukuruza zavise od preraspodele suve mase u koren i listove, Å”to bi bio jedan od uzroka fitotoksičnog dejstva sulfosata. Pored toga, sulfosat inhibira funkcije korena i vodni režim listova kukuruza. Ipak, najraniji efekat sulfosata jeste fotoinhibicija fotosinteze, za kojom sledi degradacija fotosintetskih pigmenata i struktura. Metoda fluorescencije Chla može se koristiti za in situ praćenje funkcionalnog starenja listova u stanju stresa, kao npr. pri dejstvu herbicida sulfosata