33 research outputs found

    Hrvatska povijest na stranicama Politikina zabavnika

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    Rad govori o različitim temama iz hrvatske istorije o kojima je između 1952. i 1991. pisao Politikin zabavnik. Autor se bavi brojčanim pokazateljima i analizom sadržaja objavljenih priloga

    Prilozi o hrvatskoj kulturi na stranicama "Poitikinog zabavnika" u razdoblju socijalističke Jugoslavije

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    Autor u radu analizira priloge o hrvatskim kulturnim stvaraocima i kulturnim stečevinama koje je objavljivao prosvjetno-zabavni list za mlade Politikin zabavnik između 1952. i 1991. godine. Rad sadrži statistički pregled i analizu sadržaja objavljenih priloga

    National minorities in Yugoslavia 1918-1941

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    The aim of this article is the analysis of national minorities in the first Yugoslav state, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Focusing on its multicultural structure and shaping its political, social and religious diversity, the author takes into account the problems of various minority groups in Yugoslavia and the failure of its global minority politics as well

    Yugoslav-Hungarian Border 1948ā€“1953

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    U radu se razmatraju uzroci, protagonisti i posljedice prevrata 27. ožujka 1941. Riječ je o bitnom događaju srpske i jugoslavenske povijesti. Svrgavanje vlade Cvetković-Maček koja je pristupila Trojnom paktu ubrzo je doveo do napada sila Osovine na Kraljevinu Jugoslaviju i njezinog sloma. Autor zaključuje da je vojni prevrat imao tragične posljedice. Oni koji su ga pokrenuli pokazali su političku nezrelost. Podlegli su iracionalnom sagledavanju stvarnosti i srpskoj nacionalnoj mitologiji. Nasuprot tome, kompromisnom i realističnom politikom moglo se izbjeći uvlače nje Jugoslavije u rat i tragične posljedice koje je taj rat od 1941. do 1945. imao.The article discusses causes, participants and consequences of the coup carried out by Yugoslav army officers on March 27, 1941, shortly after Yugoslavia had joined the Tripartite Pact. The coup was a decisive event in Serb and Yugoslav history. Shortly after the coup Axis powers invaded Kingdom of Yugoslavia and it soon ceased to exist as a country. The author concludes that the coup had tragic consequences. Those who initiated it showed political immaturity. They did not act as pragmatic politicians. Instead their actions were under influence of heroic Serb national mythology. Realistic policies and readiness to make compromises could have kept Yugoslavia out of World War II and tragic consequences it had on all Yugoslav nations

    From Foe to Friend and back

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    The Serbs and the Albanians were neighbours presumably ever since the arrival of the Slavs on the Balkan Peninsula. However, for quite a long time the Albanians were the Serbsā€™ least important neighbours. It was only in the last 120-odd years that their importance for the Serbs, and accordingly for the Serbian historiography, started to increase gradually. It would be closer to the truth if we said that in the past five or so years the Albanians became the most important Serbian neighbours. U..

    Historiographical Text and Historical Context: Historiography on the Ethnic Germans in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia 1919ā€“2019

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    Rad zavisno od vremena i mjesta nastanka analizira historiografsku literaturu koja je nastala o Nijemcima (folksdojčerima) na teritoriju koji je obuhvaćala Jugoslavija posljednjih sto godina.The paper deals with the representation of the Ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) in the historiography of the territory once comprising Yugoslavia. The author divides his subject matter according to regions (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina) and periods (inter-war, communist, and post-communist). During the first period, the Volksdeutsche were not a prominent topic in historiography of the three leading Yugoslav peoples, not even in Slovenia, which had the longest history of ethnic strife between the Slovenes and the Germans. It was the Ethnic German authors who published the most works on the Volksdeutsche in this period. Most of them appeared in the 1930s, as many Danube Swabian settlements celebrated the 150th or 200th anniversaries of the arrival of the Germans. After WWII, in which the Ethnic Germans had sided with the invaders and were afterwards collectively punished by the new communist authorities, they acquired the image of the ā€œbad guysā€ of post-war historiography. During the first 15-odd years, works on them were scarce, although several official papers and memoranda enumerating their war crimes and treasonable activities before and during WWII were written soon after the end of the war. In the course of the 1960s, several important works appeared and set the trend for the 1970s and part of the 1980s. Most of them were published in Slovenia. These works also covered the longest time span. In other parts of Yugoslavia, works on the Volksdeutsche usually dealt with their colonization or with WWII. Works on WWII always insisted on German war crimes, persecution of Jews, and combat against the Partisans. Since the mid-1980s, the image of the Volksdeutsche has become more realistic and less biased. Slovene and Austrian historians organized a conference in 1984 (that engendered a collection of papers in 1986) on the Germans in Slovenia 1848ā€“1941, which made the new trends plain to see. In other parts of the country, several works on the Volksdeutsche Partisan company appeared. During the second half of the 1980s, as the communist political and economic system started to dilapidate, historiography posed new questions, discovered new topics, and opened new approaches. The revision and questioning of decades-long myths and established truths began. This trend boomed after the break-up of Yugoslavia and collapse of the communist system. Communist crimes at the end of WWII ā€“ and the atrocities against the Volksdeutsche ā€“ became one of the best-researched topics. Gradually, other German-related topics were taken up and ā€“ although old views still persisted here and there ā€“ the German minority became part of national histories once again. This production has been very lively in Slovenia and especially in Croatia, whereas the number of works in Serbia, and especially in Bosnia-Herzegovina, has lagged behind