8 research outputs found

    Recenzja: Katarzyna Krakowiak, Andrzej Kłosak (red.), Słuchawy. Projektowanie dla ucha. Fundacja Bęc Zmiana, Warszawa 2009

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    O trudności ekranizacji. Andrzej Wajda i „Jądro ciemności”

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    The purpose of the article is to characterize and analyze the possible shape of a film adaptation of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, which Andrzej Wajda never accomplished. Through using archival materials, notes, letters, scripts and screenplays the author of the article reconstructs the creative work of the director on the idea of the movie and the issues which eventually prevented a finalization of this project. The article refers not only to Wajda’s unrealized film, but also to Conrad themes present in the director’s creations.The difficulty of film adaptation. Andrzej Wajda and Heart of DarknessThe purpose of the article is to characterize and analyze the possible shape of a film adaptation of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, which Andrzej Wajda never accomplished. Through using archival materials, notes, letters, scripts and screenplays the author of the article reconstructs the creative work of the director on the idea of the movie and the issues which eventually prevented a finalization of this project. The article refers not only to Wajda’s unrealized film, but also to Conrad themes present in the director’s creations

    Patrząc nie-ludzkimi oczami: przypadek „Królika po berlińsku”

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    Artykuł analizuje film Bartosza Konopki Królik po berlińsku (2009), który autorka odczytuje jako splot historii ludzkiej i nie-ludzkiej. W tekście zostaje podjęta kwestia potencjału sztuki filmowej w tworzeniu nieantropocentrycznych sposobów widzenia świata. Rozważania przedstawione w artykule odnoszą się do transdyscyplinarnych studiów nad zwierzętami, a szczególnie do subdyscypliny historii, jaką jest historia zwierząt. Przedstawione w filmie wydarzenia związane z powstaniem i upadkiem Muru Berlińskiego, widziane oczami królików, pozwalają autorce na przeprowadzenie interpretacji obrazu z perspektywy posthumanistycznej, akcentującej znaczenie filmowych historii w poszukiwaniu nowych sposobów postrzegania świata, wolnych od ego- i antropocentryzmu

    Koniec „naszego” świata. Elvin Flamingo o końcu człowieka

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    The end of “our” world: Elvin Flamingo about end of humankindArticle, based on creativity of Polish visual art performer Elvin Flamingo, focuses on ways of building new ecological awareness and hierarchy of entities issue in Anthropocene era. The purpose of the text is to draw attention on threat to human species in Anthropocene era. Article concentrates on potential of equality assumptions of Anthropocene, which are being realized in symbiotic and community thinking. The end of “our” world: Elvin Flamingo about end of humankindArticle, based on creativity of Polish visual art performer Elvin Flamingo, focuses on ways of building new ecological awareness and hierarchy of entities issue in Anthropocene era. The purpose of the text is to draw attention on threat to human species in Anthropocene era. Article concentrates on potential of equality assumptions of Anthropocene, which are being realized in symbiotic and community thinking

    Aksjologiczne dylematy w epoce człowieka

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    The article is a critical outline of Ewa Bińczyk’s book “The Human Epoch. The rhetoric and stagnation of the Anthropocene”. Bińczyk’s book, the first such extensive study of the Anthropocene discourse in Poland, is analysed by the author of the text in terms of the axiological problems of the new era, especially of the change in the value system which determines the global environmental crisis. The article focuses on issues related to the search for a new methodology adapted to the time of an environmental crisis, on the potential of an interdisciplinary post-humanist discourse and on narratives contributing to the transformation of environmental awareness, not only on the part of representatives of scholarly circles but entire societies

    Sztuka słuchania. „Teatr w ciemnościach” Wrocławskiego Teatru Współczesnego

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    The article is an analysis of a non-visual theatre in the context of sensory perception. It explores and reflects on the altered reception of plays involving the limitation of the sense of sight. The paper considers auditory artistic expression and the issue of synesthetic artistic experience

    Film as an archive of the Anthropocene. 'The Hunters' by John Marshall

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    In her article the author analyses The Hunters (1957), a film directed by anthropologist and documentary filmmaker John Marshall, approaching it as an example of an archival object that extends the knowledge and experience of the Anthropocene. She discusses the potential of a documentary and anthropological film for informing about changes related to the ecological crisis. Using the story of the Bushmen from Marshall’s film, the author presents the previously omitted or marginalised ideas that shed new light on the crisis in the Ju/’hoansi community in the face of ongoing globalisation and development of Western civilisation. Inspired by the concept of ‘alternative natures’ proposed by Phil Macnaghten and John Urry, she identifies and interprets three types of nature that reflect the Western approach to the world in The Hunters, thus exposing the ethnographic myth of objective research. She argues that the Anthropocene is not only an epoch of progressing climate changes and pollution of ecosystems but also of profound interference with the lifestyles of distant cultures affected by the consequences of colonialism and the activities of anthropologists, ethnographers, and film crews

    A novel human artery model to assess the magnetic accumulation of SPIONs under flow conditions

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    Magnetic targeting utilises the properties of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) to accumulate particles in specified vasculature regions under an external magnetic field. As the behaviour of circulating particles varies depending on nanoparticle characteristics, magnetic field strength and flow dynamics, we established an improved ex vivo model in order to estimate the magnetic capture of SPIONs in physiological-like settings. We describe here a new, easy to handle ex vivo model of human umbilical artery. Using this model, the magnetic targeting of different types of SPIONs under various external magnetic field gradients and flow conditions was investigated by atomic emission spectroscopy and histology. Among tested particles, SPION-1 with lauric acid shell had the largest capacity to accumulate at the specific artery segment. SPION-2 (lauric acid/albumin-coated) were also successfully targeted, although the observed peak in the iron content under the tip of the magnet was smaller than for SPION-1. In contrast, we did not achieve magnetic accumulation of dextran-coated SPION-3. Taken together, the umbilical artery model constitutes a time- and cost-efficient, 3R-compliant tool to assess magnetic targeting of SPIONs under flow. Our results further imply the possibility of an efficient in vivo targeting of certain types of SPIONs to superficial arteries