12 research outputs found

    Role of social support for pregnant women in maternal and postpartum care

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    Pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum care is special time in woman’s life. Often those moment cause many different emotions, both positive and negative. Mothers-to-be are often scared of childbirth, with following strong fear for life and health of their baby. The very moment of delivery can be special experience, unfortunately not always pleasant. This is why there is special note given to the role of social support as factor enhancing the proces of adaptation to the new role. Adequate support can reduce fear of childbirth, reduce probability of postpartum depression and enhance proper mother – child interaction

    Stress and burnout syndrome in teachers – review of the literature

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    Teachers belong to professions particularly vulnerable to burnout. Due to level of teacher’s legal and social responsibility, and impact they have on students, this occupational group is under constant research interest about burnout and coping with stress. Many analyzes indicate connection between individual differences (coping style, emotional intelligence), working conditions, and level of burnout. This article provides review of this research

    Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - risk factors and prevention

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    SIDS - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is a sudden, unexpected death of an infant during sleep, which can not be justified by a medical history or post-mortem examination. This is undoubtedly one of the worst situations that young parents can encounter. Fear for child is enormous and often man tries to do everything to protect his offspring from danger, pain and illness. Unfortunately, SIDS concern healthy-growing infants, who are not suspected of any disease. The vast majority of cases occur in a baby cot, less often in the bed of parents, a pram or a car seat. It mainly concerns children up to 6 months old, but it also happens at a later age. The aim of this work is to discuss the risk factors and prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrom

    A bond with a child during pregnancy and the self-efficacy of mothers

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    The basic direction of monitoring and analyzing the process of procreation, getting pregnant, its course, possible complications and delivery is a medical, biological perspective. Psychology has entered medical areas practically with all its basic research directions. Many publications from the fringe of psychology and obstetrics draw attention to the magnitude of possible factors affecting the quality of the relationship of the mother and her newborn child. Preliminary conclusions were based on a pilot study - it included 43 pregnant women. The study was conducted among patients in hospitals, specialist counseling centers and gynecological surgeries, and clients of birthing class. The respondents filled out the following questionnaires: Author's sociometric-medical survey, Maternal Fetal Attachment Scale (Cranley); General Self-Efficacy Scale (Schwarzerer and Jerusalem). Statistical analysis (Pearson correlation coefficient) of selected variables showed statistically insignificant (p> 0.05) correlations from very weak to high. A high correlation occurs between the week of pregnancy and a sense of bond with the child (r = 0.792) and a week of pregnancy and a sense of self-generalized effectiveness (r = 0.847)

    Body dismorphic disorder

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    Dysmorphophobia (BDD), also called the obsession of perfection, is a disorder involving the extreme negative assessment of one's own appearance resulting from a slight defect that is exaggerated. Dysmorfophobia belongs to hypochondriac disorders. This disease affects 0.7-2.4% of the total population, but knowledge about it is still not common. Perceptual disorders most often affect the skin, hair, nose, body weight, stomach, breasts, eyes, thighs and teeth. Legs, body build, face and face size are less often. In addition to typical psychotherapy, well-chosen relaxation techniques and cognitive-behavioral therapy as well as pharmacotherapy are also applied

    Early rehabilitation after atnerior cruciate ligamente reconstruction - literature review

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    Rehabilitation of patients after reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament is the subject of many physiotherapeutic discussions. Of all sports injuries, about 70% are damage to the knee joint. Among these, in turn, the injuries of the anterior cruciate ligament occupy the leading position. Reconstruction is the best way to recreate a damaged ACL. The return of the patient to full physical fitness and daily activities are conditioned by surgery and improvement procedures. Early rehabilitation, the selection of appropriate rehabilitation methods, as well as individual characteristics of the patient affect the acceleration of the rehabilitation procedure and the results achieved at particular stages of physiotherap

    The role of probiotics in the process of improvement of patients after arterial repair operations

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    This paper aims to is to review the literature on the relationship between microbiota and the immune system in terms of the quality of life of patients after arterial repair operations. Angiology is a branch of medicine dealing with vascular diseases of the blood and lymphatic system. As a sub-discipline of surgery, together with techniques of surgical radiology, it has gained high recognition in the medical environment. Despite increasing progress in the process of arterial repair, postoperative complications in the form of swelling of the lower extremities of the operated side are still a problem. This problem concerns about 6% of patients. Another problem is the risk of vascular transplant infection. The high mortality rate estimated at 9% is worrying. Equally alarming is the percentage of limb amputations at the level of the shin or thigh. It should also be emphasized that the above complications may significantly indicate weakened immunity of patients, thus translating into the slower tissue regeneration process. Even the increasing degree of emotional disturbances as a result of weakened microflora

    Motor skills of preschooler

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    The human motoriness is the whole of behaviors, possibilities and needs movement differently manifested at every stage of life. The pre-school period is the so-called golden period of motoriness. At this stage of life, all movement skills that affect further development of the child are improved, both in the physical, mental, intelectual and social spheres. External interventions to improve and improve skills in small and large motor skills seem to be extremely important. We should hold on the occurrence of motor development disorders and the introduction of rehabilitation as soon as possible

    Laser removal of tattoo - a case report

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    Tattoo is one of the most frequently used techniques of permanent body decoration, it is a graphic sign obtained on the skin as a result of the introduction of dye into the skin tissue. It happens that the tattoo begins to disturb, life circumstances change, the tattoo reminds you of something you would like to forget. The development of tattoo removal methods is the expression of a search for a method to completely remove it without damaging the tissue. The methods used so far include: lasers, surgery, peels, dermabrasion (chemical and mechanical), cryosurgery, electrosurgery, light coagulation in the infrared range, salabrasia (use of sodium chloride), camouflage, etc., however, no method guarantees complete removal of the tattoo

    Nutrition of healthy infants

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    The daily energy requirement of infants depends on age, sex and body weight. Breastfeeding is the most appropriate way to feed babies in the first 6 months of their lives. According to WHO recommendations, one should aim for exclusive breast-feeding for the first 6 months of your child's life. After 6 months, the baby's diet should be extended, continuing breastfeeding. It is recommended to continue feeding with the mother's milk, according to the WHO, until the second year of life, and according to AAP up to 12 months, with the simultaneous introduction of supplementary foods. When, for various reasons, it is not possible to feed the infant with mother's milk, the products substituting for female milk are used. Infant formula is intended for children under 6 months of age and fully satisfies the nutritional needs of an infant. Complementary Feeding should be started between 17 and 26 weeks of age