28 research outputs found

    sj-docx-1-pss-10.1177_09567976221100264 – Supplemental material for Cognitive Change Before Old Age (11 to 70) Predicts Cognitive Change During Old Age (70 to 82)

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    Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-pss-10.1177_09567976221100264 for Cognitive Change Before Old Age (11 to 70) Predicts Cognitive Change During Old Age (70 to 82) by Federica P. Conte, Judith A. Okely, Olivia K. Hamilton, Janie Corley, Danielle Page, Paul Redmond, Adele M. Taylor, Tom C. Russ, Ian J. Deary and Simon R. Cox in Psychological Science</p

    Path diagram of the unconditional LGCM for general cognitive ability in one group.

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    <p>Variances, residual covariances and estimates excluded for clarity. The timepoint of each item is indicated here by the factor the item loads on. I = intercept. S = slope. g_W1 = Wave 1 general cognitive ability. g_W2 = Wave 2 general cognitive ability. g_W3 = Wave 3 general cognitive ability. BD = Block Design. DS = Digit Symbol Coding. LN = Letter-Number Sequencing. MR = Matrix Reasoning. SS = Symbol Search.</p

    Structural model paths for the various hypothesis-testing models.

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    <p>Covariates, variable variances and the covariance between the intercept and slope omitted for clarity. Lower case letters are the path names referred to in text. DS = depressive symptoms. N = neuroticism. AL = allostatic load. I = cognitive ability intercept. S = cognitive ability slope.</p

    Number (%) of subjects with incidental findings (IF), WMH according to visual rating by Fazekas score and atrophy against a visual population normal for age template. Fazekas total score = sum of deep and periventricular WMH scores.

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    <p>Bold indicates WMH scores consistent with moderate to severe WMH and atrophy at or above the upper limit of normal for age. The scale indicates a) the summed deep (0–3) and periventricular (0–3) Fazekas scores = total WMH score of 0–6, and b) the atrophy scores where 1 = <25<sup>th</sup> centile, 2 = 25–50<sup>th</sup> centile, 3 = 50–75<sup>th</sup> centile, 4 = 75–95<sup>th</sup> centile, 5 = just above 95<sup>th</sup> centile and 6 = considerably above the 95<sup>th</sup> centile for age.</p