11 research outputs found

    Pikornavirusten käyttö geenivektoreina ja syöpäterapiassa sekä Coxsackievirus A7 -isolaattien sekvenssianalyysi

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    Kirjallisessa osassa tarkasteltiin pikornavirusten käyttöä geenivektoreina ja syöpäterapiassa. Pikornavirukset ovat positiivissäikeisiä RNA-viruksia, ja niiden genomi koostuu rakenteellisista kuoriproteiineista VP1-VP4 sekä ei-rakenteellisista proteiineista 2A-2C ja 3A-3D. Geenivektoritutkimukset ovat keskittyneet erilaisten inserttien kloonaamiseen virusten VP1-VP4-alueelle ja genomin 5'-päähän sekä näiden muutosten vaikutusten seuraamiseen virusten elinkierrossa solu- ja hiirimalleissa. Geenivektoreina on parhaiten toimineet coxsackievirukset B3, B4 ja A9 sekä mengo- ja poliovirus. Niitä on käytetty hiirissä mm. neuronien motorisen BDNF-reseptorin ilmentämiseen sekä hiiren interleukiini-10:n tuottamiseen selkäydinkanavan vaurioiden korjaamiseksi. Syöpäterapiatutkimuksissa on saatu lupaavia tuloksia coxsackieviruksilla A21, A13, A15 ja A18 sekä echo-, Seneca Valley 001- ja EMCV-viruksilla. Viruksilla on saatu mm. rintasyövän pääkasvain ja metastasoituneet etäpesäkkeet häviämään sekä eturauhassyövän kasvaimia pienenemään. Seneca Valley 001 -virus on osoittautunut tehokkaaksi syöpiä vastaan, joilla on neuroendokriinisiä ominaisuuksia. Viruksen käyttämistä faasi 2:n kliinisiin kokeisiin ollaan parhaillaan suunnittelemassa pienisoluisen keuhkosyövän ja lasten neuroendokriinisen syövän kohdalla. Kokeellisessa osassa optimoitiin RT-PCR-menetelmä coxsackievirus A7:n (CV-A7) genomin tuottamiseksi PCR-reaktiolla (FL-PCR). FL-PCR:n optimointi tehtiin vektoreilla, joihin oli kloonattu CV-A7-USSR- (USSR-pcDNA3) ja CV-A7-Parkerisolaattien (Parker-TA) genomit. Menetelmää käytettiin myöhemmin muiden CV-A7- virusisolaattien (275/58, ET1080 ja SVK) tutkimiseen. Näistä isolaateista eristettiin virus-RNA, joka käännettiin cDNA:ksi RT-entsyymillä. PCR:ssä käytetyt, CV-A7- spesifiset koettimet oli suunniteltu aiemmin sekvensoidun CV-A7-sekvenssin (GenBank AY421765) pohjalta. Infektiivisen kloonin tuottamiseksi USSR-pcDNA3- ja Parker-TA-vektoreista tuotettiin PCR:n avulla (T7-PCR) virusgenomin sisältävä DNAjakso, jonka 5'-päähän muodostui alukkeiden avulla T7RNA-polymeraasipromoottori ja 3'-päähän polyA-häntä. Työssä myös sekvensoitiin ja analysoitiin CV-A7-virusisolaatit Parker, USSR, 275/58, ET1080 ja SVK sekä kloonattiin täyspitkiä virusgenomeja cDNA-muodossa mutaatiokokeita varten. FL-PCR:n optimointi onnistui, ja neljä viidestä CV-A7-isolaatista sekvensoitiin. Virusgenomien pituus vaihteli 7403–7405 nt:n välillä. CV-A7-ET1080, -Parker ja - USSR osoittautuivat yli 99 % ja CV-A7-275/58 82,6 % nt samankaltaisiksi koko genomin pituudelta AY421765:en suhteen. Yksittäisten geenien ja proteiinien osalta CV-A7-275/58 oli 75,8–90,4 % nt ja 93,7–98,8 % aa samankaltainen muiden suhteen. Simplot-analyysissä 3B-geenialue oli heterogeenisin. CV-A7-SVK-isolaatti osoittautui echovirus kolmeksi. Infektiivistä kloonia ei saatu tuotettua T7-PCR-tuotteista.Siirretty Doriast

    Phosphorylation of Notch1 by Pim kinases promotes oncogenic signaling in breast and prostate cancer cells

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    Tumorigenesis is a multistep process involving co-operation between several deregulated oncoproteins. In this study, we unravel previously unrecognized interactions and crosstalk between Pim kinases and the Notch signaling pathway, with implications for both breast and prostate cancer. We identify Notch1 and Notch3, but not Notch2, as novel Pim substrates and demonstrate that for Notch1, the serine residue 2152 is phosphorylated by all three Pim family kinases. This target site is located in the second nuclear localization sequence (NLS) of the Notch1 intracellular domain (N1ICD), and is shown to be important for both nuclear localization and transcriptional activity of N1ICD. Phosphorylation-dependent stimulation of Notch1 signaling promotes migration of prostate cancer cells, balances glucose metabolism in breast cancer cells, and supports in vivo growth of both types of cancer cells on chick embryo chorioallantoic membranes. Furthermore, Pim-induced growth of orthotopic prostate xenografts in mice is associated with enhanced nuclear Notch1 activity. Finally, simultaneous inhibition of Pim and Notch abrogates the cellular responses more efficiently than individual treatments, opening up new vistas for combinatorial cancer therapy.</p

    Primer Extension Mutagenesis Powered by Selective Rolling Circle Amplification

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    Primer extension mutagenesis is a popular tool to create libraries for in vitro evolution experiments. Here we describe a further improvement of the method described by T.A. Kunkel using uracil-containing single-stranded DNA as the template for the primer extension by additional uracil-DNA glycosylase treatment and rolling circle amplification (RCA) steps. It is shown that removal of uracil bases from the template leads to selective amplification of the nascently synthesized circular DNA strand carrying the desired mutations by phi29 DNA polymerase. Selective RCA (sRCA) of the DNA heteroduplex formed in Kunkel's mutagenesis increases the mutagenesis efficiency from 50% close to 100% and the number of transformants 300-fold without notable diversity bias. We also observed that both the mutated and the wild-type DNA were present in at least one third of the cells transformed directly with Kunkel's heteroduplex. In contrast, the cells transformed with sRCA product contained only mutated DNA. In sRCA, the complex cell-based selection for the mutant strand is replaced with the more controllable enzyme-based selection and less DNA is needed for library creation. Construction of a gene library of ten billion members is demonstrated with the described method with 240 nanograms of DNA as starting material

    Therapeutic Use of Native and Recombinant Enteroviruses

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    Research on human enteroviruses has resulted in the identification of more than 100 enterovirus types, which use more than 10 protein receptors and/or attachment factors required in cell binding and initiation of the replication cycle. Many of these “viral” receptors are overexpressed in cancer cells. Receptor binding and the ability to replicate in specific target cells define the tropism and pathogenesis of enterovirus types, because cellular infection often results in cytolytic response, i.e., disruption of the cells. Viral tropism and cytolytic properties thus make native enteroviruses prime candidates for oncolytic virotherapy. Copy DNA cloning and modification of enterovirus genomes have resulted in the generation of enterovirus vectors with properties that are useful in therapy or in vaccine trials where foreign antigenic epitopes are expressed from or on the surface of the vector virus. The small genome size and compact particle structure, however, set limits to enterovirus genome modifications. This review focuses on the therapeutic use of native and recombinant enteroviruses and the methods that have been applied to modify enterovirus genomes for therapy

    Target of mutagenesis.

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    <p>In the CDR-H1 loop mutagenesis and VH-gene incorporation scFv gene was fused to gene 9-protein (g9p) of the filamentous phage. In the CDR-H3 loop mutagenesis scFv was fused in-frame to β-lactamase (TEM-1). EB104 was the mutagenesis primer in the CDR-H1 and EB120 in CDR-H3 mutagenesis, respectively. The primer pairs WO375-B1 and A1-pAK400rev were used in the analysis of transformants of the CDR-H3 mutagenesis. (ScFv) Single-chain variable fragment, (VL) immunoglobulin variable light domain gene, (VH) immunoglobulin variable heavy domain gene, (PelB) signal sequence for periplasmic excretion and (Lac P/O) Lac promoter.</p

    Diversity based on sequencing in CDR-H1 loop mutagenesis and VH-gene incorporation experiments.

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    <p>K: Kunkel, U: UDG and R: RCA.</p>a<p>AatII digestion was used to eliminate unmutated template clones. Before AatII digestion 7/10 were template clones according to restriction enzyme analysis.</p

    Selective rolling circle amplification (RCA) flowchart.

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    <p>The heteroduplex, ccc-ds(U)DNA formed in Kunkel mutagenesis (A), is treated with UDG (B) and subsequently amplified with RCA (C) using random hexamers as primers. The resulting DNA concatemer is cut to plasmid-sized units (D) and re-circularized by self-ligation (E) for host transformation.</p

    Colony PCR screen of clones created with primer extension mutagenesis of CDR-H3 loop.

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    <p>Analysis I: colonies from cm-plates (all grow) amplified with WO375 & B1 (all amplified) and digested with SacII. Analysis II: colonies from cm & amp-plates (mutants grow) amplified with A1 & pAK400rev (wild type specific). K: Kunkel, U: UDG, R: RCA, cm: chloramphenicol and amp: ampicillin.</p

    The effect of UDG treatment on Kunkel and selective rolling circle amplification (RCA) mutagenesis.

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    <p>CDR-H3 region was altered by Kunkel mutagenesis and further treated with +/− UDG and amplified with RCA. The mutant yield was studied by plating transformed samples. Successful CDR-H3 primer incorporation in scFv-β-lactamase gene resulted in ampicillin resistant clones (pie chart, black sector). The template clones were sensitive to ampicillin (pie chart, white sector). In theory, 22% of the mutated clones with 7× NNN codons are not ampicillin resistant due to primer-born STOP-codons (pie chart, grey sector).</p

    Digestion of 1 µg mutated phagemid DNA library pools with HindIII and SacII.

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    <p>(A) Kunkel −UDG, (B) Kunkel + UDG, (C) Kunkel −UDG +RCA, (D) Kunkel +UDG +RCA with exoresistant random primers, (E) Kunkel +UDG +RCA with normal random primers, (−) SacII resistant control, (+) SacII sensitive control, (L) 1 kb Fermentas DNA Ladder.</p