121 research outputs found

    Short-term measures for improvement of the road G2-106 from Škofljica to Livold

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    The bachelor thesis provides the necessary short-term measures for improvement of the road G2-106 from Škofljica to Livold. The thesis consists of three key chapters through which we realize the current situation of the existing road, all general measures and also concrete solutions for improvement of the main road. The first chapter is divided into three parts. The first part consists of description of the existing road, divided into sections Škofljica–Rašica, Rašica–Ţlebič, Ţlebič–Kočevje and Kočevje–Livold. The current situation of the main road for the section Škofljica–Rašica is analyzed in detail while the remaining sections are analyzed in general. In the second part we find statistic data about traffic accidents by sections. Despite the fact that there are no plans for the complete regulation of the existent road, several road sections are already planned for the reconstruction. In the third part we find the expected measures for regulation of the main road for which the project documentation is already being in progress. The second chapter contains the past traffic data and the forecast of the traffic movements for the future which is the basis for determining the traffic–technical elements of the main road. The third chapter is divided into two parts. In the first part we find general necessary short- term measures for improvement of the mentioned main road through measures, like how to regulate traffic outside and inside the villages, bicycle traffic, installation of the road signs and traffic equipments, road connections and intersections, bridging structures, composite constructions and geology and regulations of animal crossings over the main roads. In the second part of the last chapter we find concrete and practical solutions for improvement of individual critical points in the section Škofljica–Rašica. The solutions are also shown graphically

    Regionalno sodelovanje med univerzami, raziskovalnimi institucijami in industrijo

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    Due to the fact that Slovenia is a small country in every aspect, we should cooperate at all levels of society in order to succeed among the global competition – to turn our smallness into an advantage. Thanks to this smallness everybody knows almost everybody else, which gave us a basis for cooperation in the past. In more recently, various mechanisms have emerged in Slovenia for encouraging more formal ways of cooperation among entities of the society, such as centres of excellence, technology centres, clusters, technology networks and technology platforms. In Slovenia, the players in the area of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) have established a solid tradition of collaboration between companies and research and development (R and D) institutions, which is of great importance in the world where development is rapid and where it is of vital importance for R and D companies to produce new products and solutions as quickly as possible if they want to expand. Today, almost all the leading Slovenian companies in the area of ICT are members of the ICT Technology Network (ICT TN), where they can find a place for cooperation and for the successful development, production and sale of integrated and user-friendly solutions and products. In this paper we will present ICT TN and its organisation. Special attention will be given to presentation of the four projects that members of ICT TN work on. The Centre of Excellence for Information and Communication Technologies (CE ICT), the Next Generation Network (NGN) Interoperability testing laboratory SINTESIO and the Technology Platforms (TP) are especially interesting projects because it is not just the technological aspect but also the social aspect – in the form of networking and collaboration – which is important.Glede na to da je Slovenija v vseh pogledih majhna dežela, bi morali razviti sodelovanje na vseh družbenih ravneh, če hočemo uspeti v globalni konkurenci – le tako bi našo majhnost spremenili v konkurenčno prednost. Zaradi te majhnosti se skorajda vsi medsebojno poznamo, kar je bilo v preteklosti temelj za sodelovanje. Nedavno tega so se v Sloveniji pojavili različni mehanizmi za spodbujanje bolj formalnih načinov sodelovanja med družbenimi subjekti, kot so centri odličnosti, tehnološka središča, grozdi, tehnološke mreže in tehnološke platforme. V Sloveniji so akterji na področju informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij vzpostavili trdno tradicijo sodelovanja med podjetji in institucijami za raziskave in razvoj, kar je velikega pomena v svetu, kjer se odvija hiter razvoj in kjer je za razvojna in raziskovalna podjetja življenjskega pomena, da kar se da hitro izdelujejo nove izdelke in rešitve, če se hočejo širiti. Danes so skorajda vsa vodilna slovenska podjetja na področju informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij člani informacijske in komunikacijske tehnološke mreže, kjer lahko najdejo prostor za sodelovanje in uspešen razvoj, proizvodnjo in prodajo integriranih in kupcu prijaznih rešitev in izdelkov. V tem prispevku bomo predstavili informacijsko in komunikacijsko tehnološko mrežo in njeno organiziranost. Posebno pozornost smo namenili predstavitvi štirih projektov, na katerih delajo člani informacijske in komunikacijske tehnološke mreže. Središče za odličnost informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij, naslednja generacija mrež, skupna uporabnost testnega laboratorija SINTESIO in pa tehnološke platforme so še posebej zanimivi projekti, kajti pri njih ni pomemben le tehnološki vidik, pač pa tudi družbeni, ki se kaže v obliki mrežnih povezav in sodelovanja

    Introduction to the Artificial Neural Networks

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    Automatic teaching of a robotic remote laser 3D processing system based on an integrated laser-triangulation profilometry

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    Jedan od bitnih izazova u daljinskoj laserskoj 3D obradi (RL3DP) je postizanje visoke točnosti jer laser radi po rubovima predmeta koji obrađuje. Ovaj rad prikazuje novi RL3DP sustav s automatskom 3D nastavnom funkcionalnošću radi točnog i brzog određivanja prijenosa detektiranih rubova koje obrađuje robot sa 3D skenerom, fiber laserom i izvan aksijalno pozicioniranom kamerom. 3D skeniranje se bazira na laserskoj triangulaciji sa pilotskom laserskom trakom. Eksperimentalni rezultati pokazuju da sustav ima preciznost bolju od 70 μm i 120 μm u bočnom i vertikalnom smjeru u mjernom području od 100 × 100 mm. Vrijeme učenja je 30-puta kraće u odnosu na vizualni postupak. Stoga, takav sustav može značajno smanjiti troškove obrade sa modernim proizvodnim sistemima koji se moraju prilagođavati stalnim promjenama geometrije i funkcionalnosti proizvoda.One of the key challenges in robotic remote laser 3D processing (RL3DP) is to achieve high accuracy for the laser’s working trajectory relative to the features of the workpiece. This paper presents a novel RL3DP system with an automatic 3D teaching functionality for a precise and rapid determination of the working trajectory which comprises a robot manipulator, 3D scanning head, fibre laser and an off-axis positioned camera. The 3D measurement is based on laser triangulation with laser-stripe illumination using the laser’s pilot beam and scanning head. The experimental results show that the system has a precision better than 70 μm and 120 μm along lateral and vertical direction respectively inside the measuring range of 100 × 100 mm. The teaching time is 30-times shorter compared to a visual teaching procedure. Therefore, such a system can lead to large cost reductions for modern production lines that have constant changes to the products’ geometries and functionalities

    Cathepsin H in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck

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