7 research outputs found

    Distribution of dengue fever cases in Tanzania from 2017 to 2019.

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    The map shows 26 Tanzania mainland administrative regions. The five color-coded regions show dengue fever cases distribution between 2017–2019. Map created with QGIS 3.24.1 All shape files are openly available sources (https://www.nbs.go.tz/index.php/en/census-surveys/gis/385-2012-phc-shapefiles-level-one-and-two). The shapefiles were made based on the 2012 population and housing census, but in this study, the shapefile has been modified to capture all the regions and district information.</p

    Genotyping of DENV-1 circulating in Tanzania in 2019.

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    Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree reconstructed with the 341 sequences generated by this study and 69 additional sequences from GenBank to provide genotype reference and geographic-temporal context. The tree was rooted at midpoint. Genotype I was only detected from one sample in 2019, while genotype V was found widely circulated in the 2019 epidemic. The Tanzanian sequences (OM920075—OM920415) in red. Genotypes are presented with colored highlighted branches; Genotypes IV, III, V, II, and I are highlighted in pink, blue, green, gold, and purple, respectively. Contextual sequences are labeled with GenBank accession number, country of origin, and year of isolation.</p

    Genotyping of DENV-3 circulating in Tanzania 2017–2018.

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    Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree reconstructed with the 32 DENV-3 sequence generated by this study and 40 additional sequences from GenBank to provide genotype reference and geographic-temporal context. The tree was rooted at midpoint. pink, blue, green, gold and purple represents genotypes V, II, III, I, and IV, respectively. Tanzanian sequences (OM920035—OM920066) are in red. Contextual sequences are labeled with GenBank accession number, country of origin, and year of isolation.</p