1,183 research outputs found

    Establishment of \u3ci\u3eListeria monocytogenes\u3c/i\u3e in the Gastrointestinal Tract

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    Listeria monocytogenes is a Gram positive foodborne pathogen that can colonize the gastrointestinal tract of a number of hosts, including humans. These environments contain numerous stressors such as bile, low oxygen and acidic pH, which may impact the level of colonization and persistence of this organism within the GI tract. The ability of L. monocytogenes to establish infections and colonize the gastrointestinal tract is directly related to its ability to overcome these stressors, which is mediated by the efficient expression of several stress response mechanisms during its passage. This review will focus upon how and when this occurs and how this impacts the outcome of foodborne disease

    Oral candida infection among HIV patients at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre in northern, Tanzania

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    Background: Oral candidiasis has been a global health challenge especially in immunocompromised patients particularly with HIV infection. Though the incidence and prevalence of opportunistic infections have been reduced due to the use of anti-retroviral therapy (ART), oral candidiasis remains the most frequently HIV-associated oral lesion in Tanzania. This study aimed at determining the prevalence of oral candida infection in HIV positive patients and investigate the relationship between oral manifestations and the level of immunosuppression. Method: This study was carried out at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre in Moshi, Tanzania. The study included 314 HIV patients with complete clinical results records who were diagnosed with HIV and who were on ARV and attending the hospital for care and treatment. Results: Prevalence of oral candida was 42.0% (132/314). Age group 6-27 years accounted for half of the infections (49/98).Ā  A significantly higher prevalence of candida infectionĀ  (66.7%; 24/36) was obseved among patients with <200 cells/Āµl than in those with 200-500 cells/Āµl or >500 cells/Āµl (Chi-square Ļ‡2=14.9, p=0.001). The mean CD4+T-cell counts in HIV patients infected with oral candida was lower (523Ā±35) than patients without oral candida infection (645Ā±31 cells/Āµl), (ANOVA, p= 0.009). The mean CD4+ T-cell count among HIV patients on ART and those not on ART was not statistically different. Conclusion: The prevalence of oral candida infection was significantly higher in patients with CD4+ cell counts less than 200 cells/Āµl

    A web-based normative calculator for the uniform data set (UDS) neuropsychological test battery

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    Introduction: With the recent publication of new criteria for the diagnosis of preclinical Alzheimer's disease (AD), there is a need for neuropsychological tools that take premorbid functioning into account in order to detect subtle cognitive decline. Using demographic adjustments is one method for increasing the sensitivity of commonly used measures. We sought to provide a useful online z-score calculator that yields estimates of percentile ranges and adjusts individual performance based on sex, age and/or education for each of the neuropsychological tests of the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center Uniform Data Set (NACC, UDS). In addition, we aimed to provide an easily accessible method of creating norms for other clinical researchers for their own, unique data sets. Methods: Data from 3,268 clinically cognitively-normal older UDS subjects from a cohort reported by Weintraub and colleagues (2009) were included. For all neuropsychological tests, z-scores were estimated by subtracting the raw score from the predicted mean and then dividing this difference score by the root mean squared error term (RMSE) for a given linear regression model. Results: For each neuropsychological test, an estimated z-score was calculated for any raw score based on five different models that adjust for the demographic predictors of SEX, AGE and EDUCATION, either concurrently, individually or without covariates. The interactive online calculator allows the entry of a raw score and provides five corresponding estimated z-scores based on predictions from each corresponding linear regression model. The calculator produces percentile ranks and graphical output. Conclusions: An interactive, regression-based, normative score online calculator was created to serve as an additional resource for UDS clinical researchers, especially in guiding interpretation of individual performances that appear to fall in borderline realms and may be of particular utility for operationalizing subtle cognitive impairment present according to the newly proposed criteria for Stage 3 preclinical Alzheimer's disease

    Designs of two randomized, community-based trials to assess the impact of influenza immunization during pregnancy on respiratory illness among pregnant women and their infants and reproductive outcomes in rural Nepal

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    Background: Among the most important causes of illness and death in both pregnant women and their newborn infants are respiratory infections including influenza. Pregnant women in North America have a 4 to 5 fold excess rate of hospitalization compared to non-pregnant women. Rates of infant hospitalization associated with influenza are much higher than in their mothers. Fully half of children hospitalized for influenza in the US are in the age group 0ā€“5 months, a group where no vaccine is licensed. Data on influenza are much fewer in low income countries where the risks of serious morbidity and mortality are much higher. A recent trial in Bangladesh suggested that influenza immunization in pregnant women could have important protective effects against influenza in both mothers and their infants. These trials were designed to provide additional evidence about the effect of influenza vaccination in pregnancy in settings where influenza may circulate for up to ten months/year. Methods/Design: We conducted a consecutive pair of community-based, placebo-controlled, randomized trials of influenza vaccination of pregnant women in a rural district in southern Nepal. Two trials were conducted to insure, as much as possible, the match of circulating strains with those included in the vaccine. Eligible women included all who were or became pregnant over a one year period. Each trial included a one year cohort of pregnant women who were individually randomized to the influenza vaccine available at the time of their enrollment or placebo. Exclusions included a history of allergy to vaccine components, prior influenza vaccine receipt, and for the second trial, participation in the first trial. Morbidity was assessed on a weekly basis for women throughout pregnancy and through 180 days post-partum. Infants were followed weekly through 180 days. Primary outcomes included: 1) incidence of influenza like illness in women, 2) incidence of laboratory confirmed influenza illness in infants, and 3) birthweight among newborn infants. Discussion: We have presented the design and methods of two randomized trials of influenza immunization of pregnant women

    Listeria Occurrence In Poultry Flocks: Detection and Potential Implications

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    Foodborne pathogens such as Salmonella, Campylobacter, Escherichia coli, and Listeria are a major concern within the food industry due to their pathogenic potential to cause infection. Of these, Listeria monocytogenes, possesses a high mortality rate (approximately 20%) and is considered one of the most dangerous foodborne pathogens. Although the usual reservoirs for Listeria transmission have been extensively studied, little is known about the relationship between Listeria and live poultry production. Sporadic and isolated cases of listeriosis have been attributed to poultry production and Listeria spp. have been isolated from all stages of poultry production and processing. Farm studies suggest that live birds may be an important vector and contributor to contamination of the processing environment and transmission of Listeria to consumers. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to highlight the occurrence, incidence, and potential systemic interactions of Listeria spp. with poultry

    Infant vaccination timing: Beyond traditional coverage metrics for maximizing impact of vaccine programs, an example from southern Nepal.

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    Background Immunization programs currently measure coverage by assessing the proportion of children 12ā€“24 months who have been immunized but this does not address the important question of when the scheduled vaccines were administered. Data capturing the timing of vaccination in first 6 months, when severe disease is most likely to occur, are limited. Objective To estimate the time to Bacillus Calmetteā€“GuĆ©rin (BCG) (recommended at birth), diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis-H, influenza b-hepatitis B (DTP-Hib-HepB), and oral polio vaccine (OPV) (recommended at 6, 10, and 14 weeks) vaccinations and risk factors for vaccination delay in infants \u3c6 months of age in a district in southern Nepal where traditional coverage metrics are high. Design/methods Infants enrolled in a randomized controlled trial of maternal influenza vaccination were visited weekly at home from birth through age 6 months to ascertain if any vaccinations had been given in the prior week. Infant, maternal, and household characteristics were recorded. BCG, DTP-Hib-HepB, and OPV vaccination coverage at 4 and 6 months was estimated. Time to vaccination was estimated through Kaplanā€“Meier curves; Cox-proportional hazards models were used to examine risk factors for delay for the first vaccine. Results The median age of BCG, first OPV and DTP-Hib-HepB receipt was 22, 21, and 18 weeks, respectively. Almost half of infants received no BCG by age 6 months. Only 8% and 7% of infants had received three doses of OPV and DTP-Hib-HepB, respectively, by age 6 months. Conclusion A significant delay in receipt of infant vaccines was found in a prospective, population-based, cohort in southern Nepal despite traditional coverage metrics being high. Immunization programs should consider measuring time to receipt relative to the official schedule in order to maximize benefits for disease control and child health

    Nutritional Status of Infants at Six Months of Age Following Maternal Influenza Immunization: A Randomized Placebo-controlled Trial in Rural Nepal.

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    Background Maternal influenza vaccination has increased birth weight in two randomized trials in South Asia but the impact on infant growth is unknown. Methods A randomized placebo-controlled trial of year round maternal influenza immunization was conducted in two annual cohorts in Sarlahi District, southern plains of Nepal, from April 2011 through April 2014. Infants born to women enrolled in the trial had weight, length, and head circumference measured at birth and 6 months of age. The study was powered for the 3 primary trial outcomes but not for stunting and wasting at 6 months of age. Results 3693 women received placebo or influenza vaccine between 17 and 34 weeks gestation, resulting in 3646 live births. About 72% of infants who survived had weight and length measurements between 150 and 210 days of age. Prevalence of stunting (\u3cāˆ’2 Z scores length-for-age) was 14.8% in the placebo and 13.6% in the vaccine groups, respectively. Stunting \u3c āˆ’3 Z scores was 3.2% versus 2.0% in placebo versus vaccine groups (RR: 0.64 (95% CI: 0.39, 1.04)). Wasting (\u3c āˆ’2 Z scores weight for length) was 10.3% versus 11.0% for placebo versus vaccine groups. Severe wasting (\u3c āˆ’3 Z scores weight for length) was 3.8% for placebo versus 2.6% for vaccine (RR: 0.69 (95% CI: 0.44, 1.07)). The impact of flu vaccine on wasting was greater in cohort 2 than in cohort 1, (RR: 0.66 (0.44, 0.99) for any wasting), and RR: 0.45 (0.19, 1.09) for severe wasting. This corresponded to a larger impact on birth weight and a better vaccine match with circulating viruses in cohort 2. Conclusions Although maternal immunization reduced low birth weight by 15%, only wasting at 6 months in the 2nd cohort was statistically significantly difference. However, the study was underpowered to detect reductions of public health importance. Trial Registration: Clinicaltrials.gov (NCT01034254)

    Impact of Maternal Vaccination Timing and Influenza Virus Circulation on Birth Outcomes in Rural Nepal.

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    Objective To describe the effect of maternal vaccination on birth outcomes in rural Nepal, modified by timing of vaccination in pregnancy and influenza virus activity. Methods A secondary analysis was conducted using data from two annual cohorts of a randomized controlled trial. A total of 3693 pregnant women from Sarlahi District were enrolled between April 25, 2011, and September 9, 2013. All participants were aged 15ā€“40 years and received a trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine or placebo. The outcome measures included birth weight, pregnancy length, low birth weight (\u3c2500 g), preterm birth, and smallā€forā€gestationalā€age birth. Results Data were available on birth weight for 2741 births and on pregnancy length for 3623 births. Maternal vaccination increased mean birthweight by 42 g (95% confidence interval [CI] 8ā€“76). The magnitude of this increase varied by season but was greatest among pregnancies with high influenza virus circulation during the third trimester. Birth weight increased by 111 g (95% CI āˆ’51 to 273) when 75%ā€“100% of a pregnancy\u27s third trimester had high influenza virus circulation versus 38 g (95% CI āˆ’6 to 81) when 0%ā€“25% of a pregnancy\u27s third trimester had high influenza virus circulation. However, these results were nonsignificant. Conclusion Seasonal maternal influenza vaccination in rural Nepal increased birth weight; the magnitude appeared larger during periods of high influenza virus circulation. ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01034254
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