21 research outputs found

    Alignment in Complex Education Systems : Achieving Balance and Coherence

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    The majority of OECD countries now implement one form or another of standards-based assessment and evaluation. The core logic of standards-based systems rests upon the alignment of three key elements: standards defining the knowledge and skills – or competences – students are expected to have attained at different stages of their education; curricula, which cover the objectives identified in standards; and student assessments and school evaluations which measure attainment of standards. If systems are misaligned, it is impossible to draw valid conclusions about the success of student learning or to develop effective strategies for school improvement. Yet, no system can achieve perfect alignment. This report proposes that rather than thinking of alignment literally, as a lining up of the various elements and actors across systems, it may be more appropriate to approach it as a matter of balance and coherence. The discussion touches on both the technical and social dimensions of alignment

    Integrating Formative and Summative Assessment : Progress Toward a Seamless System?

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    A long-held ambition for many educators and assessment experts has been to integrate summative and formative assessments so that data from external assessments used for system monitoring may also be used to shape teaching and learning in classrooms. In turn, classroom-based assessments may provide valuable data for decision makers at school and system levels. Currently there are important technical barriers to this kind of seamless integration. Nevertheless there are a number of promising developments in the field. Ongoing research and development aims at improving testing and measurement technologies, as well strengthening classroom-based formative assessment practices. Improved integration of formative and summative assessment will require investments in new testing technologies, teacher training and professional development, and further research and development


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    Do some forms of student (and school) assessment hinder the introduction of innovative educational practices and the development of innovation skills in education systems? This report focuses on the impact of high-stake summative assessment on innovation and argues that it is possible to reconcile high-stakes assessments and examinations through innovative approaches to testing. While necessary, assessment based on high-stake examinations often acts as an incentive to teach or study "to the test". It may thus limit risk-taking by teachers, students and parents, for instance. The problem may be amplified if a system of accountability and incentives uses the results of these examinations and tests to assess teachers and schools. What should be done to ensure that the systems used to assess education systems do not stifle the risk-taking inherent to innovation – and that they foster innovation skills in students? This study proposes three main ways of combining assessment and innovation: 1) developing a wide range of performance measurements for both students and schools; 2) rethinking the alignment of standards and assessment; 3) measuring the impact of assessments on teaching and learning. One way of influencing teaching and learning might be to modify high-stake testing. Systems will adapt to this, and both teaching and learning will focus on acquiring the right skills. Rather than testing the content of learning, standards could relate to cognitive skills such as problem-solving, communicating and reasoning – with test/examination developers adapting those skills to subjects such as mathematics, science or literary analysis. Similarly, more use might be made of innovative assessment methods based on information and communication technologies, inasmuch as these may feature simulation or interactivity, for instance, at a reasonable cost. Focusing the assessment on cognitive processes rather than content would leave more scope for teachers to put in place innovative teaching/learning strategies. This does, however, assume a high standard of professionalism in teachers and an adequate system of continuing training and knowledge management. As a single type of assessment cannot fully capture student learning, one effective strategy might also be to multiply the number of measurements and thus relieve the pressure on students and teachers to perform well in a single, high-visibility, high-stake test. At the same time, this larger number of measurements could provide the necessary input for systems based on accountability, diagnosis and assessment of the effectiveness of innovative practice. Finally, assessing the technical standard of tests and examinations is an integral part of their development, but it is less common to address the impact they have on teaching/learning or the validity of how their results are used. Since assessment is an integral part of the education process, it is just as important to assess tests and examinations as it is other educational practices in order to achieve improvements and innovation in educational assessment, but also in educational practice

    Alignment in Complex Education Systems: Achieving Balance and Coherence

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    The majority of OECD countries now implement one form or another of standards-based assessment and evaluation. The core logic of standards-based systems rests upon the alignment of three key elements: standards defining the knowledge and skills – or competences – students are expected to have attained at different stages of their education; curricula, which cover the objectives identified in standards; and student assessments and school evaluations which measure attainment of standards. If systems are misaligned, it is impossible to draw valid conclusions about the success of student learning or to develop effective strategies for school improvement. Yet, no system can achieve perfect alignment. This report proposes that rather than thinking of alignment literally, as a lining up of the various elements and actors across systems, it may be more appropriate to approach it as a matter of balance and coherence. The discussion touches on both the technical and social dimensions of alignment. La majorité des pays de l’OCDE met désormais en oeuvre un système d’évaluation fondé sur des normes, quelle que soit la forme de ce système. La logique de base des systèmes d’évaluation fondés sur des normes repose sur l’alignement de trois éléments clés : des normes définissant les connaissances et les compétences que les élèves sont censés avoir acquis à différents stades de leur éducation; des programmes qui couvrent les objectifs identifiés dans les normes ; et des évaluations des étudiants et des écoles, qui mesurent le niveau des normes. Si les éléments clés de ces systèmes sont mal alignés, il est impossible de tirer des conclusions valables sur la réussite de l’apprentissage des élèves ou de développer des stratégies efficaces pour l’amélioration des écoles. Cependant, aucun système ne peut parvenir à un alignement parfait. Ce rapport propose qu’au lieu de penser l’alignement de manière littérale, à savoir une succession de divers éléments et d’acteurs au travers des systèmes, il serait plus approprié de l’aborder en termes d’équilibre et de cohérence. La discussion porte sur les dimensions techniques et sociales de l’alignement.

    Integrating Formative and Summative Assessment: Progress Toward a Seamless System?

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    A long-held ambition for many educators and assessment experts has been to integrate summative and formative assessments so that data from external assessments used for system monitoring may also be used to shape teaching and learning in classrooms. In turn, classroom-based assessments may provide valuable data for decision makers at school and system levels. Currently there are important technical barriers to this kind of seamless integration. Nevertheless there are a number of promising developments in the field. Ongoing research and development aims at improving testing and measurement technologies, as well strengthening classroom-based formative assessment practices. Improved integration of formative and summative assessment will require investments in new testing technologies, teacher training and professional development, and further research and development. L’intégration des évaluations sommative et formative des élèves a toujours été une ambition des éducateurs et des experts afin d’assurer que les données utilisées pour le monitoring des systèmes d’éducation puissent également servir pour améliorer les processus d’apprentissage dans les salles de classe. En retour, l’évaluation des élèves en salle de classe peut fournir des données précieuses pour les décideurs aux niveaux de l’école et du système d’éducation. Actuellement, il y a des obstacles techniques importants à la réalisation de cette intégration des évaluations sommative et formative. Néanmoins, certains développements prometteurs dans ce domaine ont vu le jour. Les travaux de recherche et développement essayent aujourd’hui d’améliorer les techniques de tests et de mesure et de renforcer les pratiques d’évaluation formative en salle de classe. Une meilleure intégration des évaluations formative et sommative des élèves nécessitera des investissements dans de nouvelles technologies de tests, dans la formation des enseignants et dans la recherche et développement.

    Key competences for all : policy design and implementation in European school education : final report

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    En la pág. 2 del PDF: European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, Directorate B, Youth, Education and Erasmus+, Unit B.2, Schools and MultilingualismEl propósito general del informe es recopilar evidencias sobre reformas políticas efectivas para el desarrollo amplio de competencias en la educación escolar a través de seis objetivos: objetivo 1: comprender las características clave del diseño de políticas y la implementación de reformas para el desarrollo amplio de competencias y el logro de habilidades básicas en la educación escolar en toda la UE 27; objetivo 2: explorar las condiciones sistémicas y las reformas políticas para apoyar amplio desarrollo de competencias y logro de habilidades básicas en la educación escolar en la UE 27; objetivo 3: explorar en profundidad el diseño de políticas y las estrategias de implementación en cinco Estados miembros que están más avanzados en sus esfuerzos de reforma; objetivo 4: explorar cómo las reformas relacionadas en el currículo, los enfoques de aprendizaje y la evaluación y en el desarrollo profesional de los líderes escolares y docentes han apoyado las reformas para el desarrollo amplio de competencias y el logro de habilidades básicas en la educación escolar; objetivo 5: comprender cómo los países se han adaptado a los desafíos de la pandemia de COVID-19 y, en particular, las mejoras en las capacidades digitales; objetivo 6: a través de una exploración detallada de los objetivos uno a cinco, identificar "lecciones aprendidas" y proporcionar recomendaciones para los responsables de la formulación de políticas para el desarrollo de competencias amplias para todos los estudiantes.LU

    L'enseignement, l'apprentissage et l'évaluation des adultes : pour de meilleures compétences de base /

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    En tête du titre : Centre pour la recherche et l'innovation dans l'enseignement.Cette étude s'inscrit dans la série "Des innovations dans l'enseignement" -- P. 3."Des innovations dans l'enseignement".Publ. aussi en anglais sous le titre: Teaching, learning and assessment for adults : improving foundation skills.Bibliogr.Webographi